using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; namespace Perforce.P4 { public partial class P4ClientError { public static int MsgSupp_NoTransVar = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 1, ErrorSeverity.E_WARN, ErrorGeneric.EV_ILLEGAL, 2); //"No Translation for parameter '%arg%' value '%value%'!" public static int MsgSupp_InvalidDate = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 2, ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED, ErrorGeneric.EV_USAGE, 1); //"Invalid date '%date%'." public static int MsgSupp_InvalidCharset = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 244, ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED, ErrorGeneric.EV_USAGE, 1); //"Invalid charset '%charset%'." public static int MsgSupp_TooMany = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 3, ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL, ErrorGeneric.EV_FAULT, 0); //"Too many options on command!" public static int MsgSupp_Invalid = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 4, ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED, ErrorGeneric.EV_USAGE, 1); //"Invalid option: -%option%." public static int MsgSupp_NeedsArg = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 5, ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED, ErrorGeneric.EV_USAGE, 1); //"Option: -%option% needs argument." public static int MsgSupp_NeedsNonNegArg = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 33, ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED, ErrorGeneric.EV_USAGE, 1); //"Option: -%option% needs a non-negative integer argument." public static int MsgSupp_Needs2Arg = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 23, ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED, ErrorGeneric.EV_USAGE, 1); //"Option: -%option% needs a flag and an argument." public static int MsgSupp_ExtraArg = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 6, ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED, ErrorGeneric.EV_USAGE, 0); //"Unexpected arguments." public static int MsgSupp_WrongArg = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 7, ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED, ErrorGeneric.EV_USAGE, 0); //"Missing/wrong number of arguments." public static int MsgSupp_Usage = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 8, ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED, ErrorGeneric.EV_USAGE, 1); //"Usage: %text%" public static int MsgSupp_OptionData = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 31, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 3); // public static int MsgSupp_NoParm = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 9, ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL, ErrorGeneric.EV_FAULT, 1); //"Required parameter '%arg%' not set!" public static int MsgSupp_NoUnixReg = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 10, ErrorSeverity.E_WARN, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"Can't set registry on UNIX." public static int MsgSupp_NoSuchVariable = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 34, ErrorSeverity.E_WARN, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 1); //"Unrecognized variable name %varName%. Comment lines should contain '#' in column 1." public static int MsgSupp_HidesVar = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 11, ErrorSeverity.E_WARN, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 1); //"Warning: environment variable hides registry definition of %name%." public static int MsgSupp_NoP4Config = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 12, ErrorSeverity.E_WARN, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"Can't save in config if P4CONFIG not set." public static int MsgSupp_VariableData = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 32, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 3); // public static int MsgSupp_PartialChar = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 13, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_ILLEGAL, 0); //"Partial character in translation" public static int MsgSupp_NoTrans = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 14, ErrorSeverity.E_WARN, ErrorGeneric.EV_ILLEGAL, 2); //"Translation of file content failed near line %arg%[ file %name%]" public static int MsgSupp_ConvertFailed = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 36, ErrorSeverity.E_WARN, ErrorGeneric.EV_ILLEGAL, 3); //"Translation of %path% from %charset1% to %charset2% failed -- correct before proceeding." public static int MsgSupp_BadMangleParams = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 22, ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL, ErrorGeneric.EV_FAULT, 0); //"Bad parameters passed to mangler!" public static int MsgSupp_BadOS = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 15, ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL, ErrorGeneric.EV_FAULT, 1); //"Don't know how to translate paths for OS '%arg%'!" public static int MsgSupp_Deflate = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 16, ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL, ErrorGeneric.EV_FAULT, 0); //"Deflate failed!" public static int MsgSupp_DeflateEnd = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 17, ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL, ErrorGeneric.EV_FAULT, 0); //"DeflateEnd failed!" public static int MsgSupp_DeflateInit = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 18, ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL, ErrorGeneric.EV_FAULT, 0); //"DeflateInit failed!" public static int MsgSupp_Inflate = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 19, ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL, ErrorGeneric.EV_FAULT, 0); //"Inflate failed!" public static int MsgSupp_InflateInit = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 20, ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL, ErrorGeneric.EV_FAULT, 0); //"InflateInit failed!" public static int MsgSupp_MagicHeader = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 21, ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL, ErrorGeneric.EV_FAULT, 0); //"Gzip magic header wrong!" public static int MsgSupp_RegexError = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 30, ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED, ErrorGeneric.EV_USAGE, 1); //"Regular expression error: %text%" public static int MsgSupp_NotImplemented = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 30, ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL, ErrorGeneric.EV_FAULT, 1); //"Functionality not implemented on %os%" public static int MsgSupp_OptionChange = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 37, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--change (-c): specifies the changelist to use for the command." public static int MsgSupp_OptionPort = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 38, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--port (-p): specifies the network address of the server." public static int MsgSupp_OptionUser = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 39, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--user (-u): specifies the user name." public static int MsgSupp_OptionClient = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 40, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--client (-c): specifies the client workspace name." public static int MsgSupp_OptionPreview = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 41, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--preview (-n): specifies that the command should display a preview of the results, but not execute them." public static int MsgSupp_OptionDelete = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 42, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--delete (-d): specifies that the object should be deleted." public static int MsgSupp_OptionForce = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 43, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--force (-f): overrides the normal safety checks." public static int MsgSupp_OptionInput = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 44, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--input (-i): specifies that the data should be read from standard input." public static int MsgSupp_OptionOutput = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 45, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--output (-o): specifies that the data should be written to standard output." public static int MsgSupp_OptionMax = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 46, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--max (-m): specifies the maximum number of objects." public static int MsgSupp_OptionQuiet = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 47, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--quiet (-q): suppresses normal information output." public static int MsgSupp_OptionShort = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 48, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--short (-s): displays a brief version of the results." public static int MsgSupp_OptionLong = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 49, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--long (-l): displays a complete version of the results." public static int MsgSupp_OptionAll = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 50, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--all (-a): specifies that the command should include all objects." public static int MsgSupp_OptionFiletype = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 51, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--filetype (-t): specifies the filetype to be used." public static int MsgSupp_OptionStream = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 52, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--stream (-S): specifies the stream to be used." public static int MsgSupp_OptionParent = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 53, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--parent (-P): specifies the stream to be used as the parent." public static int MsgSupp_OptionClientName = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 54, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--client (-C): specifies the client workspace name." public static int MsgSupp_OptionHost = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 55, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--host (-H): specifies the host name, overriding the value from the network configuration." public static int MsgSupp_OptionPassword = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 56, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--password (-P): specifies the password to be used." public static int MsgSupp_OptionCharset = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 57, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--charset (-C): specifies the client's character set." public static int MsgSupp_OptionCmdCharset = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 58, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--cmd-charset (-Q): specifies the client's command character set." public static int MsgSupp_OptionVariable = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 59, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--variable (-v): specifies the value of a configurable variable." public static int MsgSupp_OptionHelp = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 60, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--help (-h): provides help." public static int MsgSupp_OptionVersion = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 61, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--version (-V): displays version information." public static int MsgSupp_OptionBatchsize = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 62, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--batchsize (-b): specifies the number of objects in a single batch." public static int MsgSupp_OptionMessageType = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 63, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--message-type (-s): includes message type information in the output." public static int MsgSupp_OptionXargs = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 64, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--xargs (-x): reads input arguments from the specified file." public static int MsgSupp_OptionExclusive = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 65, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--exclusive (-x): indicates that the command should process files of type +l." public static int MsgSupp_OptionProgress = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 66, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--progress (-I): indicates that the command should display progress information." public static int MsgSupp_OptionDowngrade = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 67, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--downgrade (-d): indicates that the operation should be downgraded." public static int MsgSupp_OptionDirectory = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 68, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--directory (-d): specifies the directory to be used as the current directory." public static int MsgSupp_OptionRetries = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 69, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--retries (-r): specifies the number of times the command may be retried." public static int MsgSupp_OptionNoIgnore = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 70, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--no-ignore (-I): specifies that the command should ignore the P4IGNORE settings." public static int MsgSupp_OptionCentralUsers = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 71, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--central-only (-c): include user information from the central server only." public static int MsgSupp_OptionReplicaUsers = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 72, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--replica-only (-r): include user information from the replica server only." public static int MsgSupp_OptionFullBranch = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 73, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--full-branch (-F): include the full generated branch spec in the output." public static int MsgSupp_OptionSpecFixStatus = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 74, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--status (-s): include the fix status for each job in the spec." public static int MsgSupp_OptionChangeType = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 75, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--type (-t): specify the type of this change (public or restricted)." public static int MsgSupp_OptionChangeUpdate = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 76, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--update (-u): allows the owner of a submitted change to update it." public static int MsgSupp_OptionOriginal = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 77, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--original (-O): specifies the original change number of a renumbered change." public static int MsgSupp_OptionChangeUser = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 78, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--new-user (-U): specifies the new user of an empty pending change." public static int MsgSupp_OptionTemplate = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 79, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--template (-t): specifies the template for a client or label." public static int MsgSupp_OptionSwitch = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 80, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--switch (-s): specifies to switch this client to a different stream." public static int MsgSupp_OptionTemporary = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 81, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--temporary (-x): specifies to create a temporary client." public static int MsgSupp_OptionOwner = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 82, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--owner (-a): enables an owner of the group to update it." public static int MsgSupp_OptionAdministrator = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 83, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--administrator (-A): enables an administrator to create a new group." public static int MsgSupp_OptionGlobal = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 84, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--global (-g): enables modifying a global label from an Edge Server." public static int MsgSupp_OptionStreamType = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 85, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--type (-t): specifies the type of stream" public static int MsgSupp_OptionVirtualStream = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 86, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--virtual (-v): specifies this is a virtual stream." public static int MsgSupp_OptionBrief = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 87, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--brief (-L): displays truncated changelist description." public static int MsgSupp_OptionInherited = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 88, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--inherited (-i): includes changes integrated into the files." public static int MsgSupp_OptionShowTime = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 89, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--show-time (-t): includes the time in the output." public static int MsgSupp_OptionChangeStatus = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 90, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--status (-s): specifies the change status." public static int MsgSupp_OptionLimitClient = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 91, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--client (-C): limit the results to this client workspace." public static int MsgSupp_OptionLabelName = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 92, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--label (-l): specifies the name of the label." public static int MsgSupp_OptionRunOnMaster = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 93, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--global (-M): create this list on the master server." public static int MsgSupp_OptionArchive = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 94, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--archive (-A): enables access to the archive depot" public static int MsgSupp_OptionBlocksize = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 95, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--blocksize (-b): specifies the blocksize to be used for calculations." public static int MsgSupp_OptionHuman1024 = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 96, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--human (-h): displays output using human-friendly abbreviations." public static int MsgSupp_OptionHuman1000 = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 97, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--human-1000 (-H): displays human-friendly output using units of 1000." public static int MsgSupp_OptionSummary = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 98, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--summary (-s): displays summary information." public static int MsgSupp_OptionShelved = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 99, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--shelved (-S): specifies to access shelved files." public static int MsgSupp_OptionUnload = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 100, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--unload (-U): enables access to unloaded objects." public static int MsgSupp_OptionOmitLazy = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 101, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--omit-lazy (-z): omits lazy copies from the results." public static int MsgSupp_OptionLeaveKeywords = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 102, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--leave-keywords (-k): specifies that RCS keywords are not to be expanded in the output." public static int MsgSupp_OptionOutputFile = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 103, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--file (-o): specifies the name of the output file." public static int MsgSupp_OptionExists = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 104, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--exists (-e): includes only files which are not deleted." public static int MsgSupp_OptionContent = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 105, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--content (-h): display file content history instead of file name history." public static int MsgSupp_OptionOmitPromoted = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 106, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--omit-promoted (-p): disables following content of promoted task streams." public static int MsgSupp_OptionOmitMoved = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 107, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--omit-moved (-1): disables following renames resulting from 'p4 move'." public static int MsgSupp_OptionKeepClient = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 108, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--keep-client (-k): leaves the client's copy of the files untouched." public static int MsgSupp_OptionFileCharset = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 109, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--file-charset (-Q): specifies a character set override for this file." public static int MsgSupp_OptionVirtual = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 110, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--virtual (-v): performs the action on the server without updating client data." public static int MsgSupp_OptionGenerate = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 111, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--generate (-g): generate a new unique value." public static int MsgSupp_OptionUsage = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 112, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--usage (-u): display the current usage levels." public static int MsgSupp_OptionTags = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 113, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--tags (-T): specify which tags to include in the results." public static int MsgSupp_OptionFilter = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 114, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--filter (-F): specify filters which limit the results." public static int MsgSupp_OptionJob = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 115, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--job (-j): specifies the job name." public static int MsgSupp_OptionExpression = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 116, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--expression (-e): specifies the expression to filter the results." public static int MsgSupp_OptionNoCaseExpr = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 117, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--no-case-expression (-E): specifies the case-insensitive expression to filter the results." public static int MsgSupp_OptionIncrement = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 118, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--increment (-i): specifies that the value is to be incremented by 1." public static int MsgSupp_OptionDiffFlags = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 119, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--diff-flags (-d): specifies flags for diff behavior." public static int MsgSupp_OptionFixStatus = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 120, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--fix-status (-s): specifies the status for this fix." public static int MsgSupp_OptionShelf = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 121, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--shelf (-s): specifies the shelved changelist number to use." public static int MsgSupp_OptionReplace = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 122, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--replace (-r): specifies to replace all shelved files in the changelist." public static int MsgSupp_OptionShelveOpts = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 123, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--shelve-options (-a): specifies options for handling unchanged files." public static int MsgSupp_OptionBranch = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 124, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--branch (-b): specifies the branch name to use." public static int MsgSupp_OptionSubmitShelf = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 125, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--shelf (-e): specifies the shelved changelist to submit." public static int MsgSupp_OptionSubmitOpts = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 126, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--submit-options (-f): specifies options for handling unchanged files." public static int MsgSupp_OptionReopen = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 127, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--reopen (-r): specifies that the files should be reopened after submit." public static int MsgSupp_OptionDescription = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 128, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--description (-d): specifies the description of the change." public static int MsgSupp_OptionTamper = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 129, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--tamper-check (-t): specifies that file digests should be used to detect tampering." public static int MsgSupp_OptionCompress = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 130, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--compress (-z): specifies that the output should be compressed." public static int MsgSupp_OptionDate = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 131, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--date (-d): specifies to unload all objects older than that date." public static int MsgSupp_OptionStreamName = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 132, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--stream (-s): specifies the stream name." public static int MsgSupp_OptionReverse = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 133, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--reverse (-r): specifies to reverse the direction of the branch view." public static int MsgSupp_OptionWipe = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 134, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--erase (-w): removes the object from the client machine." public static int MsgSupp_OptionUnchanged = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 135, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--unchanged (-a): specifies that only unchanged files are affected." public static int MsgSupp_OptionDepot = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 136, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--depot (-D): specifies the depot name." public static int MsgSupp_OptionKeepHead = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 137, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--keep-head (-h): specifies the head revision is not to be processed." public static int MsgSupp_OptionPurge = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 138, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--purge (-p): specifies that the revisions are to be purged." public static int MsgSupp_OptionForceText = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 139, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--force-text (-t): specifies that text revisions are to be processed." public static int MsgSupp_OptionBinaryAsText = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 140, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--binary-as-text (-t): specifies that binary files are to be processed." public static int MsgSupp_OptionBypassFlow = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 141, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--bypass-flow (-F): forces the command to process against a stream's expected flow." public static int MsgSupp_OptionShowChange = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 142, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--show-change (-c): show changelist numbers rather than revision numbers." public static int MsgSupp_OptionFollowBranch = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 143, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--follow-branch (-i): include the revisions of the source file up to the branch point." public static int MsgSupp_OptionFollowInteg = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 144, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--follow-integ (-I): include all integrations into the file." public static int MsgSupp_OptionSourceFile = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 145, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--source-file (-s): treat fromFile as the source and both sides of the branch view as the target." public static int MsgSupp_OptionOutputFlags = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 146, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--output-flags (-O): specifies codes controlling the command output." public static int MsgSupp_OptionShowFlags = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 147, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--show-flags (-s): lists the files that satisfy the condition." public static int MsgSupp_OptionResolveFlags = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 148, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--resolve-flags (-A): controls which types of resolves are performed." public static int MsgSupp_OptionAcceptFlags = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 149, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--accept-flags (-a): specifies the level of automatic resolves accepted." public static int MsgSupp_OptionIntegFlags = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 150, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--integ-flags (-R): specifies how integrate should schedule resolves." public static int MsgSupp_OptionDeleteFlags = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 151, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--delete-flags (-D): specifies how integration should handle deleted files." public static int MsgSupp_OptionRestrictFlags = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 152, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--restrict-flags (-R): limits the output to specific files." public static int MsgSupp_OptionSortFlags = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 153, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--sort-flags (-S): changes the order of output." public static int MsgSupp_OptionForceFlag = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 175, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--force-flag (-F): optional force behavior when deleting clients." public static int MsgSupp_OptionUseList = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 154, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--use-list (-L): collects multiple file arguments into an in-memory list." public static int MsgSupp_OptionPublish = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 155, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--publish (-p): populates the client workspace but does not update the server." public static int MsgSupp_OptionSafe = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 156, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--safe (-s): performs a safety check before sending the file." public static int MsgSupp_OptionIsGroup = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 157, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--group (-g): indicates that the argument is a group name." public static int MsgSupp_OptionIsUser = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 158, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--user (-u): indicates that the argument is a user name." public static int MsgSupp_OptionIsOwner = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 159, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--owner (-o): indicates that the argument is an owner." public static int MsgSupp_OptionVerbose = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 160, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--verbose (-v): includes additional information in the output." public static int MsgSupp_OptionLineNumber = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 161, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--line-number (-n): print line number with output lines." public static int MsgSupp_OptionInvertMatch = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 162, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--invert-match (-v): select non-matching lines." public static int MsgSupp_OptionFilesWithMatches = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 163, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--files-with-matches (-l): only print files containing matches." public static int MsgSupp_OptionFilesWithoutMatch = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 164, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--files-without-match (-L): only print files containing no match." public static int MsgSupp_OptionNoMessages = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 165, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--no-messages (-s): specifies no line-too-long messages." public static int MsgSupp_OptionFixedStrings = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 166, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--fixed-strings (-F): specifies a fixed string." public static int MsgSupp_OptionBasicRegexp = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 167, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--basic-regexp (-G): specifies a basic regular expression." public static int MsgSupp_OptionExtendedRegexp = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 168, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--extended-regexp (-E): specifies an extended regular expression." public static int MsgSupp_OptionPerlRegexp = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 169, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--perl-regexp (-P): specifies a Perl regular expression" public static int MsgSupp_OptionRegexp = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 170, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--regexp (-e): specifies the regular expression" public static int MsgSupp_OptionAfterContext = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 171, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--after-context (-A): specifies the number of lines after the match." public static int MsgSupp_OptionBeforeContext = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 172, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--before-context (-B): specifies the number of lines before the match." public static int MsgSupp_OptionContext = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 173, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--context (-C): specifies the number of lines of context." public static int MsgSupp_OptionIgnoreCase = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 174, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--ignore-case (-i): causes the pattern-matching to be case-insensitive." public static int MsgSupp_OptionJournalPrefix = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 176, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--journal-prefix (-J): specifies the journal file name prefix." public static int MsgSupp_OptionRepeat = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 177, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--repeat (-i): specifies the repeat interval in seconds." public static int MsgSupp_OptionBackoff = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 178, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--backoff (-b): specifies the error backoff period in seconds." public static int MsgSupp_OptionArchiveData = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 179, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--archive-data (-u): specifies to retrieve file content." public static int MsgSupp_OptionStatus = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 180, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--status (-l): specifies that status information should be displayed" public static int MsgSupp_OptionJournalPosition = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 181, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--journal-position (-j): specifies to display journal position status." public static int MsgSupp_OptionPullServerid = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 182, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--serverid (-P): specifies to use filtering specifications of this server." public static int MsgSupp_OptionExcludeTables = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 183, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--exclude-tables (-T): specifies tables to exclude." public static int MsgSupp_OptionFile = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 184, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--file (-f): specifies the file." public static int MsgSupp_OptionRevision = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 185, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--revision (-r): specifies the revision." public static int MsgSupp_OptionNoRejournal = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 186, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--no-rejournal: specifies that the pull command should not re-journal records which are replicated from the target server." public static int MsgSupp_OptionAppend = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 187, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--append (-a): specifies that information is to be appended." public static int MsgSupp_OptionSequence = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 188, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--sequence (-c): specifies the sequence value." public static int MsgSupp_OptionCounter = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 189, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--counter (-t): specifies the counter name." public static int MsgSupp_OptionHostName = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 190, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--host (-h): specifies the host name to use." public static int MsgSupp_OptionPrint = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 191, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--print (-p): specifies that the result is to be displayed." public static int MsgSupp_OptionStartPosition = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 192, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--start (-s): specifies the starting position." public static int MsgSupp_OptionEncoded = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 193, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--encoded (-e): specifies that the value is to be encoded." public static int MsgSupp_OptionLogName = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 194, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--log (-l): specifies the name of the log." public static int MsgSupp_OptionLoginStatus = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 195, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--status (-s): displays the current status." public static int MsgSupp_OptionCompressCkp = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 196, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--compress-ckp (-Z): compress the checkpoint, but not the journal." public static int MsgSupp_OptionSpecType = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 197, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--spec (-s): specifies the type of spec to be processed." public static int MsgSupp_OptionMaxAccess = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 198, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--max-access (-m): displays a single word summary of the maximum access level." public static int MsgSupp_OptionGroupName = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 199, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--group (-g): specifies the group name." public static int MsgSupp_OptionShowFiles = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 200, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--show-files (-f): specifies to display the individual files." public static int MsgSupp_OptionName = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 201, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--name (-n): specifies the object name." public static int MsgSupp_OptionValue = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 202, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--value (-v): specifies the object value." public static int MsgSupp_OptionPropagating = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 203, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--propagating (-p): specifies the attribute is propagating." public static int MsgSupp_OptionOpenAdd = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 204, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--add (-a): specifies files should be opened for add." public static int MsgSupp_OptionOpenEdit = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 205, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--edit (-e): specifies files should be opened for edit." public static int MsgSupp_OptionOpenDelete = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 206, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--delete (-d): specifies files should be opened for delete." public static int MsgSupp_OptionUseModTime = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 207, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--modtime (-m): specifies the file modification time should be checked." public static int MsgSupp_OptionLocal = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 208, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--local (-l): specifies local syntax for filenames." public static int MsgSupp_OptionOutputBase = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 209, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--output-base (-o): specifies to display the revision used as the base." public static int MsgSupp_OptionSystem = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 210, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--system (-s): specifies the value should apply to all users on the system." public static int MsgSupp_OptionService = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 211, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--service (-S): specifies the value applies to the named service." public static int MsgSupp_OptionHistogram = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 212, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--histogram (-h): specifies to display a histogram." public static int MsgSupp_OptionTableNotUnlocked = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 213, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--table-not-unlocked (-U): runs only the table-not-unlocked check." public static int MsgSupp_OptionTableName = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 214, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--table (-t): specifies the table." public static int MsgSupp_OptionAllClients = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 215, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--all-clients (-C): specifies to process all client workspaces." public static int MsgSupp_OptionCheckSize = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 216, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--size (-s): specifies that file size should be checked." public static int MsgSupp_OptionTransfer = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 217, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--transfer (-t): specifies damaged or missing files should be retransferred." public static int MsgSupp_OptionUpdate = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 218, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--update (-u): specifies to process only files that have no saved digest." public static int MsgSupp_OptionVerify = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 219, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--verify (-v): specifies to recompute digests for all files." public static int MsgSupp_OptionNoArchive = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 220, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--no-archive (-X): specifies to skip files with the +X filetype." public static int MsgSupp_OptionServerid = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 221, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--serverid (-s): specifies the serverid." public static int MsgSupp_OptionUnified = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 222, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--unified (-u): specifies to display the diff in unified format." public static int MsgSupp_OptionPreviewNC = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 223, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--preview-noncontent (-N): previews the operation, including non-content." public static int MsgSupp_OptionEstimates = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 224, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--estimates (-N): specifies to display estimates about the work required." public static int MsgSupp_OptionLocked = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 225, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--locked (-L): specifies that locked objects are to be included." public static int MsgSupp_OptionUnloadAll = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 226, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--unload-all (-a): specifies that multiple objects are to be unloaded." public static int MsgSupp_OptionKeepHave = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 227, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--keep-have (-h): specifies to leave target files at the currently synced revision." public static int MsgSupp_OptionYes = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 228, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--yes (-y): causes prompts to be automatically accepted." public static int MsgSupp_OptionNo = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 229, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--no (-n): causes prompts to be automatically refused." public static int MsgSupp_OptionInputValue = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 230, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--value (-i): specifies the value." public static int MsgSupp_OptionReplacement = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 231, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--replacement (-r): specifies that a replacement is affected." public static int MsgSupp_OptionFrom = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 232, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--from: specifies the old value." public static int MsgSupp_OptionTo = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 233, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--to: specifies the new value." public static int MsgSupp_OptionRebuild = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 234, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--rebuild (-R): rebuild the database." public static int MsgSupp_OptionEqual = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 235, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--equal (-e): specifies the exact changelist." public static int MsgSupp_OptionAttrPattern = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 236, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--attribute-pattern (-A): displays only attributes that match the pattern." public static int MsgSupp_OptionDiffListFlag = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 237, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--diff-list-flag (-s): lists files that satisfy the flag value." public static int MsgSupp_OptionArguments = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 238, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--arguments (-a): displays the arguments." public static int MsgSupp_OptionEnvironment = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 239, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--environment (-e): displays the environment." public static int MsgSupp_OptionTaskStatus = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 240, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--status (-s): displays only commands that match the status." public static int MsgSupp_OptionAllUsers = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 241, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--all-users (-A): specifies the command applies to all users." public static int MsgSupp_OptionParallel = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 242, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); // public static int MsgSupp_OptionPromote = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 243, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--promote (-p): specifies to promote the shelf to the Commit Server." public static int MsgSupp_OptionInputFile = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 245, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--input-file: specifies the name of the input file." public static int MsgSupp_OptionPidFile = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 246, ErrorSeverity.E_INFO, ErrorGeneric.EV_NONE, 0); //"--pid-file: specifies the name of the PID file." public static int MsgSupp_ZCLoadLibFailed = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 24, ErrorSeverity.E_WARN, ErrorGeneric.EV_ADMIN, 0); //"Perforce failed to load zeroconf dynamic libraries." public static int MsgSupp_ZCInvalidName = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 25, ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED, ErrorGeneric.EV_USAGE, 1); //"Invalid name '%name%'." public static int MsgSupp_ZCRequireName = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 26, ErrorSeverity.E_FAILED, ErrorGeneric.EV_USAGE, 0); //"Perforce requires IDname '-In' to register with zeroconf." public static int MsgSupp_ZCNameConflict = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 27, ErrorSeverity.E_FATAL, ErrorGeneric.EV_ADMIN, 3); //"*** WARNING duplicate of '%name%' at '%host%:%port%' ***" public static int MsgSupp_ZCRegistryFailed = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 28, ErrorSeverity.E_WARN, ErrorGeneric.EV_ADMIN, 1); //"Perforce could not register with zeroconf: error is %err%" public static int MsgSupp_ZCBrowseFailed = ErrorOf(ErrorSubsystem.ES_SUPP, 29, ErrorSeverity.E_WARN, ErrorGeneric.EV_ADMIN, 2); //"Perforce could not browse zeroconf/%implementation%: error is %err%" } }