// // Copyright 1997 Nicholas J. Irias. All rights reserved. // // // Cmd_History.h // #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include "P4Command.h" #include "P4Lists.h" class CCmd_History : public CP4Command { // Construction public: CCmd_History(CGuiClient *client=NULL); ~CCmd_History(); DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CCmd_History) BOOL Run(LPCTSTR fileSpec); CP4FileStats *GetFileStats() { ASSERT( m_pFileStats != NULL ); return m_pFileStats; } void SetCallingWnd(HWND hwnd) { m_CallingWnd = hwnd; } HWND GetCallingWnd() { return m_CallingWnd; } void SetIsAFile(BOOL b) { m_IsAFile = b; } BOOL IsAFile() { return m_IsAFile; } void SetInitialRev(int initialRev, CString initialName) { m_InitialRev = initialRev; m_InitialName = initialName; } int GetInitialRev() const { return m_InitialRev; } LPCTSTR GetInitialName() const { return m_InitialName; } LPCTSTR GetFileName() const { return m_FileName; } CHistory *GetHistory() { return &m_History; } void OverrideFetchCompleteHist(int flag) { m_OverrideDashI = TRUE; m_DashIoverride = flag; } void OverrideFetchHistCount(int count) { m_OverrideDashM = TRUE; m_DashMoverride = count; } void SetEnableShowIntegs(BOOL b) { m_EnableShowIntegs = b; } BOOL GetEnableShowIntegs() { return m_EnableShowIntegs; } void SetWriteToTempFile(BOOL b) { m_WriteToTempFile = b; } LPCTSTR GetTempName() const { return m_TempName; } FileSys *GetTempFile() { return m_pOutputFile; } void SetKeyToHold(int k) { m_KeyToHold = k; } int GetKeyToHold() { return m_KeyToHold; } // Attributes protected: CHistory m_History; BOOL m_IsAFile; CString m_FileName; int m_FileNbr; CString m_TextOut; CString m_BranchInfo; CP4FileStats *m_pFileStats; HWND m_CallingWnd; int m_InitialRev; CString m_InitialName; // Commandline flag overrides: // these override the registry values on a one time basis // Set the m_OverrideDashX flag to TRUE to indicate to overide -x // Set m_DashXoverride to the value to use for the -x flag BOOL m_OverrideDashI; int m_DashIoverride; // 0 -> plain; 1 -> -i; 2 -> -h BOOL m_OverrideDashM; int m_DashMoverride; // note 0 -> fetch all // Whether to show the include integs checkbox or not BOOL m_EnableShowIntegs; // Data for when the output is to be written to a temp file BOOL m_WriteToTempFile; CString m_TempName; FileSys *m_pOutputFile; int m_KeyToHold; // CP4Command overrides virtual void PreProcess(BOOL &done); virtual void OnOutputInfo(char level, LPCTSTR data, LPCTSTR msg); virtual void PostProcess(); virtual BOOL HandledCmdSpecificError(LPCTSTR errBuf, LPCTSTR errMsg); };