function p4tempauth #grants and revokes temporary local access to a user object. Mostly useful for reverting files and performing local operations on disabled or broken user accounts. {param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$username,$authgroup,$justification,[switch]$silent,[switch]$grant,[switch]$revoke) $servercheck = p4get-server if ($servercheck.pingsuccess.equals($true)) { $p4user = p4get-user $username #find the user we're asking to grant rights for if (!$justification) { $justification = "none" } if ($p4user) #if the user was found { if (!$authgroup) #if authgroup was not specified, find the default. { $authgroup = p4get-authgroups #grab the auth groups for this depot if ($authgroup.count) { $authgroup = $authgroup[0].name #the first auth group in the array is always the parent authgroup } else { $authgroup = $ } } $groupobject = p4get-group $authgroup #get the details of the authgroup (memberships, owners, subgroups etc) if ($grant) { $groupobject.users += $p4user.user #push the requested user onto the group array. } if ($revoke) { $groupobject.users = @($groupobject.users | where-object {$_ -ne $p4user.User}) #remove the requested user from the array } $file = p4add-groupspec -group $ -users $groupobject.users -owners $groupobject.owners -subgroups $groupobject.subgroups -maxlocktime $groupobject.maxlocktime -timeout $groupboject.timeout -maxresults $groupobject.maxresults -maxscanrows $groupobject.maxscanrows# generate a groupspec $result = $file | p4 group -i #feed groupspec into perforce to update group. if (!$silent) { return new-object psobject -property @{"username" = $p4user.user;"grant" = $grant;"revoke" = $revoke;"authgroup" = $authgroup;"justification" = $justification} } } else { write-error "No user named $username found" } } }