Job: job000005 Status: open ReportedBy: three Description: This is the new label Type: SIR Subsystem: p4 Severity: B OwnedBy: three ModifiedBy: one History: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss user one created job ClosedOwner: three Changelist: 1 UserID: one JobID: job000001 DepotPath: //depot/... FilePath: //spec/job/job000002.p4s XSet1Changelist: 1 2 3 XSet1UserID: one two XSet1JobID: job000001 job000003 XSet1DepotPath: //depot/... XSet1FilePath: //spec/job/job000001.p4s XSet1Word: alpha beta gama XSetNChangelist: 1 2 3 XSetNUserID: one two XSetNJobID: job000001 job000003 XSetNDepotPath: //depot/... XSetNFilePath: //spec/job/job000001.p4s XSetNWord: alpha beta gama XList1Changelist: 1 1 2 3 2 XList1UserID: one two two one XList1JobID: job000001 job000003 job000001 XList1DepotPath: //depot/... //depot/... XList1FilePath: //spec/job/job000001.p4s //spec/job/job000001.p4s //spec/job/job000001.p4s XList1Word: alpha beta alpha gama XListNChangelist: 1 1 2 3 2 XListNUserID: one two two one XListNJobID: job000001 job000003 job000001 XListNDepotPath: //depot/... //depot/... XListNFilePath: //spec/job/job000001.p4s //spec/job/job000001.p4s //spec/job/job000001.p4s XListNWord: alpha beta alpha gama Job: job000005 Status: duplicate ReportedBy: three Description: This is the new label Type: SIR Subsystem: p4 Severity: B OwnedBy: two ModifiedBy: one History: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss, user one: CallNumbers moved to base job, was: abc def ghi DuplicateOf added as job000004 OwnedBy changed from three to two Status changed from open to duplicate XList1Changelist moved to base job XList1DepotPath moved to base job XList1FilePath moved to base job XList1JobID moved to base job XList1UserID moved to base job XList1Word moved to base job XListNChangelist moved to base job XListNDepotPath moved to base job XListNFilePath moved to base job XListNJobID moved to base job XListNUserID moved to base job XListNWord moved to base job XSet1Changelist moved to base job, was 1 4 5 6 XSet1DepotPath moved to base job, was //spec/... //depot/... XSet1FilePath moved to base job, was //spec/job/job000001.p4s //spec/job/job000002.p4s //spec/job/job000003.p4s XSet1JobID moved to base job, was job000002 job000003 job000004 XSet1UserID moved to base job, was four two one XSet1Word moved to base job, was zepher beta alpha gama XSetNChangelist moved to base job, was: 1 4 5 6 XSetNDepotPath moved to base job, was: //spec/... //depot/... XSetNFilePath moved to base job, was: //spec/job/job000001.p4s //spec/job/job000002.p4s //spec/job/job000003.p4s XSetNJobID moved to base job, was: job000002 job000003 job000004 XSetNUserID moved to base job, was: four two one XSetNWord moved to base job, was: zepher beta alpha gama yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss, user one: CallNumbers added by: Adding: abc, def, ghi XList1Changelist changed XList1DepotPath changed XList1FilePath changed XList1JobID changed XList1UserID changed XList1Word changed XListNChangelist changed XListNDepotPath changed XListNFilePath changed XListNJobID changed XListNUserID changed XListNWord changed XSet1Changelist changed by: Adding: 4, 5, 6 Deleting: 2, 3 XSet1DepotPath changed by: Adding: //spec/... XSet1FilePath changed by: Adding: //spec/job/job000002.p4s, //spec/job/job000003.p4s XSet1JobID changed by: Adding: job000002, job000004 Deleting: job000001 XSet1UserID changed by: Adding: four XSet1Word changed by: Adding: zepher XSetNChangelist changed by: Adding: 4, 5, 6 Deleting: 2, 3 XSetNDepotPath changed by: Adding: //spec/... XSetNFilePath changed by: Adding: //spec/job/job000002.p4s, //spec/job/job000003.p4s XSetNJobID changed by: Adding: job000002, job000004 Deleting: job000001 XSetNUserID changed by: Adding: four XSetNWord changed by: Adding: zepher yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss user one created job DuplicateOf: job000004 ClosedOwner: three Changelist: 1 UserID: one JobID: job000001 DepotPath: //depot/... FilePath: //spec/job/job000002.p4s XSetNChangelist: XSetNUserID: XSetNJobID: XSetNDepotPath: XSetNFilePath: XSetNWord: XListNChangelist: XListNUserID: XListNJobID: XListNDepotPath: XListNFilePath: XListNWord: CallNumbers: