# Job: unique job number. # Status: status of a job, tracking its movement. # Type: describes type of job. # Severity: identifies criticality or severity of a job # Subsystem: # OwnedBy: Who's fixing the bug. (manual entry) # ReportedBy: Who reported the bug. (automatic entry) # ModifiedBy: Who updated. (automatic entry) # Description: Textual description. First 31 chars are significant, # History: List of changes made to the Job over time # DuplicateOf: Job of which this is a duplicate # DuplicateJobs: Jobs which duplicate this job # ClosedOwner: The user to own then job when it is closed # Fixes: Changelists which fix this job # ClosedBy: User who marked this bug closed either directly or indirectly # #### LIMIT LINES TO 80 COLUMNS ------------------------------------------ #### Job: job000001 Status: closed ReportedBy: three Description: This is the new label Type: SIR Subsystem: p4 Severity: B OwnedBy: three ModifiedBy: two History: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss, user one: ClosedBy deleted, was one List1Changelist changed List1DepotPath changed List1FilePath changed List1JobID changed List1UserID changed List1Word changed ListNChangelist changed ListNDepotPath changed ListNFilePath changed ListNJobID changed ListNUserID changed ListNWord changed Set1Changelist changed by: Deleting: 3 Set1DepotPath changed by: Adding: //spec/... Set1FilePath changed by: Adding: //spec/job/job000002.p4s, //spec/job/job000003.p4s Set1JobID changed by: Adding: job000002 Set1UserID changed by: Adding: three Deleting: two Set1Word changed by: Adding: zeta Deleting: beta SetNChangelist changed by: Deleting: 3 SetNDepotPath changed by: Adding: //spec/... SetNFilePath changed by: Adding: //spec/job/job000002.p4s, //spec/job/job000003.p4s SetNJobID changed by: Adding: job000002 SetNUserID changed by: Adding: three Deleting: two SetNWord changed by: Adding: zeta Deleting: beta ClosedOwner: three Changelist: 1 UserID: one JobID: job000001 DepotPath: //depot/... FilePath: //spec/job/job000002.p4s Set1Changelist: 1 2 Set1UserID: one three Set1JobID: job000002 job000003 job000001 Set1DepotPath: //depot/... //spec/... Set1FilePath: //spec/job/job000002.p4s //spec/job/job000003.p4s //spec/job/job000001.p4s Set1Word: alpha gama zeta SetNChangelist: 1 2 SetNUserID: one three SetNJobID: job000002 job000003 job000001 SetNDepotPath: //depot/... //spec/... SetNFilePath: //spec/job/job000002.p4s //spec/job/job000003.p4s //spec/job/job000001.p4s SetNWord: alpha gama zeta List1Changelist: 1 2 2 2 2 List1UserID: one three one List1JobID: job000002 job000003 job000001 List1DepotPath: //depot/... //depot/... //spec/... List1FilePath: //spec/job/job000002.p4s //spec/job/job000003.p4s //spec/job/job000001.p4s List1Word: alpha alpha gama zeta ListNChangelist: 1 2 2 2 2 ListNUserID: one three one ListNJobID: job000002 job000003 job000001 ListNDepotPath: //depot/... //depot/... //spec/... ListNFilePath: //spec/job/job000002.p4s //spec/job/job000003.p4s //spec/job/job000001.p4s ListNWord: alpha alpha gama zeta