RESTful Interface for Perforce Systems rest4p defines a framework for interacting with Perforce and Perforce products using a REST-based interface. Results are returned as pretty-formated JSON objects. Dependencies: - Ruby 1.9 or higher - Sinatra - P4Ruby Install: - Install all of the dependencies - In the directory containing the source run: ruby -I . rest4p.rb Using by default: http://localhost:4567 Using: 1) Create a session object GET /_session This will return a basic form which will POST the create request Session information is stored in a session-only cookie called PUP. No Information is saved on the rest4p server machine. DELETE /_session will remove the cookie. 2) Use session to run commands. Currently the following are implemented: a) Singular and plural form commands for reading e.g., p4 change GET /p4/changes GET /p4/change/name b) Risky editing of forms e.g., p4 client foobar POST /p4edit/client/foobar body being JSON encoded form Provides a GET /p4edit/FORM/NAME form to generate a POST Arguments can be passed using URL '?arg1=value&arg2' syntax. Note: -i, -o, and -d argments are ignored. 3) GET /env will return a blob of information Internals: p4if.rb: Defines the interface used to access Perforce rest4p.rb: Defines the sinatra DSL for this RESTful interface views/session.erb: Defines the simple session form Create two p4d services: one unicode, one not.