$Id: //guest/ashish_melanta/perforce/utils/pvcstop4/non-pcli/CHANGELOG.txt#1 $ 2005/03/29 - Be specific about versions of P4Perl to use to avoid future problems. - Refer to newer (PCLI) version of scripts. 1998/1/21 - fixed mkdepot.pl to handle multiple labels on same revision 1998/3/5 - fixed convert.pl to recognize files ending in V as well as v (Doh!) - added support for lowercasing filenames and paths - improved error logging and error checking - added a verification script (verify.pl) - removed support for servers prior to 97.3 in order to - eliminate the p4 get in mkdepot.pl (this speeds things up and avoids a possible future incompatibility) - remove code to support not using p4 change -f 1998/3/11 - added support for "level 2" branching, removed code to run "p4 branches" - added support for lowercasing branch names - added check for non-null Perforce depot - changed to use user's setting of P4CLIENT and P4USER (or USER or USERNAME) if they are set 1998/3/13 - fixed up level 2 branching support to avoid Perl undefined variable warning message 1998/3/19 - added ability to log complete output of all commands run by the converter - fixed bug in improve.pl which allowed same filename to appear more than once in a changelist (this would cause the conversion to fail) 1998/3/24 - added support for lowercasing user names - added ability to specify file type by "filename extension" 1998/6/5 - added support for ignoring branches (useful if PVCS branches aren't labelled and aren't terribly meaningful anyway) - added support for not including a branch name in depot filenames (not recommended but it might be useful for some) 1998/8/14 - fixed date format problem with 98.2 (p4 change -f would fail on dates of the form yyyy/mm/dd h:mm:ss - i.e. times before 10am) - other small updates 1998/8/21 - disallow numeric labels - fix verification script to use p4 fstat rather than p4 where, and to do the appropriate song and dance to verify keyword expanded files 1999/12/15 - fix to handle setting client root when it contains spaces 2001/5/23 - added check for basic permissions - added support for specifying archive file ending 2001/12/20 - fixed issue on Windows 2000 where in some cases changes would be lost during the improve phase. 2002/11/01 - RHGC Merged in some extra features from the VSStoP4 scripts - import into already active repository - specify depot and path to import into - slight improvement in error handling