!!Script // show the revision history of this file. // runs p4 filelog -l -i // // (c) 2000 Software System Group, TU Harburg // Axel Wienberg, ax.wienberg@tu-harburg.de // // based on CSRCS binding by joe robertson, jmrobert@ro.com // var perfdir = File.getApplicationPath() + "\\Tools\\Perforce"; function DoCommand() { output = getOutput() var editor = getActiveEditor(); var thisfile = editor.getFile(); // common function moved to utilities var util = getScriptObject(perfdir + "\\utilities.script"); var p4exe = util.getP4ExePath(); if (p4exe == null){ output.writeLine("P4 executable not found."); } else { //set command line var program = p4exe + " filelog -l -i "; var commandLine = program + "\"" + thisfile.path + "\""; //run it var tool = newTool(); tool.showCommandWindow = false; tool.async = true; tool.run(commandLine); } } !!/Script