RunAsUser - slow.conf configuration item


The RunAsUser slow.conf configuration item defines the user that slowmilt will run as, if it is executed by root.

When slowmilt first starts to run, it looks at its effective and real user identities to see if either is root. If so, it next checks to see if this RunAsUser item was defined. If RunAsUser was not defined, the slowmilt exits with the following error:

If RunAsUser is defined (the default is undefined), slowmilt next checks to see if it was defined with an integer uid, or with a text name. An integer uid is used as-is. A text name is looked up in the password file to find the uid for that name. If the name cannot be found, the following error is printed, and slowmilt exits: Otherwise a good uid was specified or found, so slowmilt sets its effective and real uids to that value.

Remember, RunAsUser only has an effect if slowmilt was run by root.