Discover honeypot addresses
To discover actual addresses for detection, examine your
syslog output for addresses that were rejected as
unknown. One way to do this might look like the following,
where the actual command is on huge line:
% cd /var/log
% grep "User unknown" syslog* | sed -e 's/.*<//' -e 's/>.*//' -e 's/\.\.\..*//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
Here, your mail log file might be called maillog
or something
else (see your /etc/syslog.conf file if in doubt). Partial output
of this command might look like this:
11 janaina.broca@your.domain
12 gj@your.domain
12 gkjhjkhjk@your.domain
13 helen@your.domain
14 asd@your.domain
15 BC1@your.domain
19 CGBNCDHB@your.domain
30 a@your.domain
34 da@your.domain
47 y8jhbg@your.domain
51 cgbncdhb@your.domain
Since these hit your site, you should put the ones you find in
your slow.honey and /etc/mail/aliases files.