# number of ingest processes at depot depth level ingestworkers=3 # base directory for all ingestion ingestroot=/tmp/test/ingest # directory of in-process ingestions ingesting=/tmp/test/ingesting # directory for completed ingestion logs ingested=/tmp/test/ingested # base directory for logs logroot=/tmp/test/ingestlogs # path to python converter auditconverter=auditconverter2.py # use audit converter 0=no 1=yes useauditconverter=1 # directory for ingest configurations ingestconf=conf # template configuration file for ingestion ingesttemplate=/opt/interset/analytics/conf/interset.conf # maximum depot depth for a project p4projectdepth=3 # global configuration settings for ingestion jobs #scmType=github_enterprise|perforce|repository scmtype=perforce repoformat=_,_,_,TIMESTAMP,_,_,USER,_,_,CLIENT_IP,_,_,_,ACTION,PROJECT,_ # tenant Identifier tenantid=0