# Release 1.0.4 * Down grade invoker-maven-plugin to 1.9 until 3.0 is GAed * ChangeLog command truncated the description * -Dp4verbose must be able to override the value set at ~/.m2/p4maven-settings.xml # Release 1.0.3 * Upgrade p4java-2014 * Info and Changelog commands must honor user date pattern, and use the same default pattern * Move p4maven-settings.xml to ~/.m2 # Release 1.0.2 * Add missing Info command needed by buildnumber-maven-plugin * Move server message to debug log, and allow -DP4VERBOSE=true to log to console/stdout * -DP4VERBOSE=true or -Dp4verbose=true will dump server log to the console. * -DP4CLIENT=xxxx disables client discovery and uses the provided value instead. This is only needed if you have large number of clients belong to a build account and no host setting configured. -Dp4client is also acceptable * Remove the need deploy Maven site. Important documentations are now at top level parent project using Markdown format. * Work with buildnumber-maven-plugin 1.4+ * Promote p4maven-settings' strickClientDiscovery to system property * Honor P4USER environment variable. # Release 1.0.1 * Java 6, Maven 3.1 # Release 1.0.0 * Initial release