###################################################################### # Copyright (c)2011, David L. Armstrong. # # P4OO.__init__.py # # See COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE section in pod text below for usage # and distribution rights. # ###################################################################### #NAME / DESCRIPTION ''' Perforce Object-Oriented Abstraction P4OO provides a domain object modeled representation of Perforce. It is designed to be easy to use, and to provide a natural OO interface to Perforce. Here's an example of retrieving the latest change on a particular label: p4labelObj = P4OOLabel( id="P4-OO-0.00_01" ) p4ChangeObj = p4l1.getLastChange() p4LastChangeId = p4ChangeObj.id In this example, you'll see some patterns that are used throughout the P4OO framework. Methods will generally return other P4OO objects, when the answers involve other Perforce entities. These returned objects will reuse the same P4Python handle for subsequent queries. The "id" attribute is used consistently throughout P4OO to identify unique P4OO Spec objects, and is set to the name of the spec used within Perforce. When constructing a P4OO Spec object, only "id" is required. Once the object is constructed, you can use the object to query Perforce for the other object attributes, such as the creator/owner of a label: p4labelObj = P4OOLabel( id="P4-OO-0.00_01" ) p4LabelOwner = p4LabelObj._getSpecAttr("Owner") ''' ###################################################################### # P4Python Class Initialization #from _Connection import _Connection #from _P4Python import _P4Python ###################################################################### # Standard authorship and copyright for documentation # # AUTHOR # # David L. Armstrong # # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE # # Copyright (c)2011, David L. Armstrong. # # This module is distributed under the terms of the Artistic License # 2.0. For more details, see the full text of the license in the file # LICENSE. # # SUPPORT AND WARRANTY # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but it is provided "as is" and without any expressed # or implied warranties. #