#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 # -*-perl-*- ################################################################# # # "P4CGI" perl module # ################################################################# package P4CGI ; use lib '/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl' ; use CGI ; use CGI::Carp ; use strict ; ### ### ### my $VERSION ; ### ### Module variables ### my $P4 ; my $CGI ; local *P4 ; my $currentChangeLevel ; my $TMPDIR ; my $pageEndPrinted ; my $pageStartPrinted ; my %administrators ; # For cookies my $cookie ; my $cookie_p4port ; my $extern_cookie ; # Parameter for p4call() -p flag, page header, and USER_P4PORT() my $userP4PORT ; # Parameter for RESTRICTED() (see config file) my @restricted ; sub init () { ## death handler $SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub { # Thank You Ron Shalhoup for the idea my($error) = shift; &P4CGI::bail("Signal caught: $error") ; exit 0; }; # Set version $VERSION="0.99f" ; # Initiate CGI module (if we run as a cgi script!) $0 =~ /.cgi$/ and do { $CGI = new CGI ; } ; # Verify configuration file my $configFile="CONFIG" ; # Get any restricted files (see $configFile) open( CONFIG, $configFile ) ; while( ) { chomp ; next unless /^#!\S+/ ; $_ =~ s/^#!// ; push ( @restricted, $_ ) ; } close CONFIG ; # Set the default environment eval `cat $configFile` ; # Bail on error if($@) { $@ =~ s/\n/\n
/g ; &P4CGI::bail("Error reading configuration file: $configFile", "

") ; } ; ### Allow each user to point to a different repository # # Store the information in a HTTP cookie, because eval'ing the # config file everytime thru overwrites the environment's $P4PORT. # # Default P4 port and user's IP addr my $default_p4port = $ENV{P4PORT} ; my $ipaddr = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} ; # Associate a user's IP addr with a P4PORT, use the default unless # otherwise specified from top-level page (see index.cgi) my $addr_port ; my $newHost = P4CGI::cgi()->param("HOST") ; my $newPort = P4CGI::cgi()->param("PORT") ; if( defined $newHost ) { $addr_port = $newHost . ":" . $newPort ; } # Get IPaddr/host:port pairs from cookies my %p4ports ; my ($key,$val,$addr,$port) ; my @cookies = split( /; /, $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} ) ; foreach( @cookies ) { ($key, $val) = split( /=/, $_ ) ; if( $key eq "USERS_P4PORT" ) { ($addr,$port) = split( /-/, $val ) ; $p4ports{$addr} = $port ; } } ; # See if they have a cookie... if( defined $p4ports{$ipaddr} ) { # ...if they do, and it's stale, give them a new one... if( defined $newHost ) { $cookie_p4port = $ipaddr . '-' . $addr_port ; # ...and set their P4PORT $userP4PORT = $addr_port ; } # ...else let it ride, and set their P4PORT to it else { $userP4PORT= $p4ports{$ipaddr} ; } ; } #...else, give them one and set their P4PORT else { $addr_port = $default_p4port ; $cookie_p4port = $ipaddr . '-' . $addr_port ; $userP4PORT = $addr_port ; } ; # ### End cookiestuff # Check that we have contact with p4 server & get the current chg no. $currentChangeLevel=4711 ; my $d ; p4call( \$d,"changes -m 1" ) ; $d =~ /Change (\d+)/ or &P4CGI::bail("No contact with P4 server") ; $currentChangeLevel=$1 ; } ; ################################################################# ### Documentation start =head1 NAME P4CGI - Support for CGI's that interface p4. Written specifically for P4DB =cut ; sub DEFAULT_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES() { "" ; } ; sub CURRENT_CHANGE_LEVEL() { $currentChangeLevel ; } ; sub RESTRICTED() { @restricted ; } ; sub USER_P4PORT() { "$userP4PORT" ; } ; ################################################################### ### Constants for depot browser ### =head1 CONSTANTS The constants are defined as perl subroutines. =head2 Url's =over 4 =item P4CGI::MAIN_URL() Main entry point. =item P4CGI::CBB_URL() URL to Changes by Branch. =item P4CGI::CBU_URL() URL to Changes by User. =item P4CGI::CHB_URL() URL to Change browser. =item P4CGI::CHV_URL() URL to change viewer. =item P4CGI::CLV_URL() URL to client viewer. =item P4CGI::DTB_URL() URL to depot tree browser. =item P4CGI::FV_URL() URL to file viewer. =item P4CGI::SFV_URL() URL to special file viewer. =item P4CGI::SFV_HTML_URL() URL to special file viewer for HTML =item P4CGI::FLV_URL() URL to file log viewer. =item P4CGI::FDV_URL() URL to file diff viewer. =item P4CGI::LDV_URL() URL to label diff viewer. =item P4CGI::SFF_URL() URL to search for file. =item P4CGI::LAB_URL() URL to list all branches. =item P4CGI::LAL_URL() URL to list all labels. =item P4CGI::LAU_URL() URL to list all users. =item P4CGI::LOF_URL() URL to list all opened files. =item P4CGI::LU_URL() URL to view a user. =item P4CGI::LV_URL() URL to view a labels. =back =cut ; sub MAIN_URL() { "index.cgi" ; } ; sub CBB_URL() { "cbb.cgi" ; } ; sub CBU_URL() { "cbu.cgi" ; } ; sub CHB_URL() { "chb.cgi" ; } ; sub CHV_URL() { "chv.cgi" ; } ; sub CLV_URL() { "clv.cgi" ; } ; sub DNLD_URL() { "dnld.cgi" ; } ; sub DTB_URL() { "dtb.cgi" ; } ; sub FDV_URL() { "fdv.cgi" ; } ; sub FLV_URL() { "flv.cgi" ; } ; sub FV_URL() { "fv.cgi" ; } ; sub LAB_URL() { "lab.cgi" ; } ; sub LAL_URL() { "lal.cgi" ; } ; sub LAU_URL() { "lau.cgi" ; } ; sub LDV_URL() { "ldv.cgi" ; } ; sub LOF_URL() { "lof.cgi" ; } ; sub LU_URL() { "lu.cgi" ; } ; sub LV_URL() { "lv.cgi" ; } ; sub SFF_URL() { "sff.cgi" ; } ; sub SFV_URL() { "sfv.cgi" ; } ; sub SFV_HTML_URL() { "sfv_html.cgi" ; } ; =head1 SUBROUTINES =cut ; ################################################################### ### cgi ### =head2 P4CGI::cgi() Return CGI reference Example: my $file = P4CGI::cgi()->param("file") ; print "File parameter value: $file\n" ; =cut ; sub cgi() { confess "CGI not initialized" unless defined $CGI ; return $CGI ; } ################################################################### ### p4call ### =head2 P4CGI::p4call(I,I) Request data from p4. Calls p4 with command I and returns data in I. This function is really three different functions depeding in the type of the I parameter. =over 4 =item I This parameter can be of three different types: =over 4 =item Filehandle (typeglob) Data from command can be read from filehandle. NOTE! File must be closed by caller. =item Reference to array Returns result from command into array (newlines stripped) =item Reference to scalar Returns result from command into scalar. (lines separated by newline) =back Any other type of parameter will abort operation =item I Command to send to p4 command line client. =back Example: my $d ; &P4CGI::p4call(\$d,"changes -m 1") ; $d =~ /Change (\d+)/ or &bail("No contact with P4 server") ; $currentChangeLevel=$1 ; =cut ; sub p4call { my ( $par, @command ) = @_; my $partype = ref $par ; if(!$partype) { open( $par, "$P4 -p $userP4PORT @command |" ) || &bail( "p4 @command failed" ); return ; } ; "ARRAY" eq $partype and do { @$par = () ; open( P4, "$P4 -p $userP4PORT @command |" ) || &bail( "p4 @command failed" ); while() { chomp ; push @$par,$_ ; } ; close P4 ; return ; } ; "SCALAR" eq $partype and do { $$par = "" ; open( P4, "$P4 -p $userP4PORT @command |" ) || &bail( "p4 @command failed" ); while() { $$par .= $_ ; } ; close P4 ; return ; } ; die("Called with illegal parameter ref: $partype") ; } ; ################################################################### ### set_cookie ### sub set_cookie() { $extern_cookie = shift @_ ; } ################################################################### ### start_page ### =head2 P4CGI::start_page(I[,I<legend>]) Start a page. Print http header and first part of HTML. =over 4 =item I<title> Title of page =item I<legend> (Optional) Short help text to be displayed at top of page =back Example: my $start = P4CGI::start_page("Title of page", &P4CGI::dl_list("This","Goto this", "That","Goto that")) ; print $start ; =cut ; sub start_page($$) { my $title = shift @_ ; my $legend = shift @_ ; my $backtourl = shift @_ ; my $backtoname = shift @_ ; my $prevchg = shift @_ ; my $nextchg = shift @_ ; my $n = 0 ; my $backtoimg = "../icons/back.gif" ; my $p4port = "" ; if(defined $userP4PORT) { my ($host,$port) = split /:/,$userP4PORT ; $p4port = "<small><table>\n<tr><th align=right>Host:<br>Port:" ."</th><td>$host<br>$port</td></tr></table></small>\n" ; } # Set up HTML file header my $ret ; if( defined $cookie_p4port ) { $cookie="USERS_P4PORT=$cookie_p4port" ; $ret = $CGI->header('-Set-cookie'=>"$cookie") . "\n" ; } elsif( defined $extern_cookie ) { $ret = $CGI->header('-Set-cookie'=>"$extern_cookie") . "\n" ; } else { $ret = $CGI->header() . "\n" ; } my $t = "$title" ; $t =~ s/<br>/ /ig ; $t =~ s/<[^>]*>//g ; $ret .= $CGI->start_html( ##### # Take this out, if you like having your links underscored. # (I find they get in the way, especially with links that # already have underscores as part of their text.) -style=>'A:active,A:hover {color:"#0088ff"; text-decoration:none;} A:visited {color:"#000099"; text-decoration:none;}', # End style ##### -title => "P4DB: $t", -author => "holtdl\@yahoo.com", -bgcolor => "#e0f0f0", -text => "#000000",) . "\n" ; $ret .= start_table("width=100% bgcolor=\"#FFFF99\" border=0 cellspacing=8") ; $ret .= table_row(-valign => "top", {-align => "center", -valign => "center", -width => "20%", -text => "<a name=pagetop></a>", -text => "<br><small><b>Current change number:</b></small> $currentChangeLevel"}, {-align => "center", -valign => "center", -width => "60%", -bgcolor=> "#ccffff", -text => "<font size=+1 color=red><b>$title</b></font>\n"}, {-align => "center", -valign => "center", -width => "20%", -text => $p4port}) ; $ret .= table_row(-bgcolor => "#cccccc", undef, {-align => "left", -text => $legend ? "$legend":""}, {-align => "center", -valign => "middle", -bgcolor => "aqua", -text => ahref(-url=>"$backtourl","$backtoname")}) ; $ret .= table_row({-align => "left", -width => "20%", -text => $prevchg ? "$prevchg":""}, {-align => "center", -width => "60%", -text => ""}, {-align => "right", -width => "20%", -text => $nextchg ? "$nextchg":""}) ; $ret .= end_table() ; $pageStartPrinted = 1 ; return $ret . "<hr>\n" ; } ; ################################################################### ### end_page ### =head2 P4CGI::end_page() End a page. Print HTML trailer. Example: print P4CGI::end_page() ; =cut ; sub end_page() { # Check to see if we're being called from index.cgi my $indexcheck = shift @_ ; $pageEndPrinted = 1 ; my $adms ; my $adm ; foreach $adm (sort keys %administrators) { if(defined $adms) { $adms .= " || " ; } else { $adms = "<font color=red>Mail:</font> " ; } ; $adms .= "<a href=mailto:$administrators{$adm}>$adm</a>" ; } ; # Don't print "Page Top" return link for top-level page - it should # never be long enuf to need it. if ( $indexcheck ) { return join("", ("<hr><small><i>\n", $adms, "</small>", $CGI->end_html())) ; } else { return join("", ("<hr><table align=right valign=center><td> <img height=15 width=15 border=0 src=../icons/uarrw.gif>  <a href=#pagetop>Page Top</a></td></table>", "<small><i>\n", $adms, "</small>", $CGI->end_html())) ; } } ################################################################### ### bail ### =head2 P4CGI::bail(I<message>) Report an error. This routine will emit HTML code for an error message and exit. =over 4 =item I<message> Message that will be displayed to user =back Example: unless(defined $must_be_defined) { &P4CGI::bail("was not defined") ; } ; =cut ; sub bail { my $message = shift @_ ; my $text = shift @_ ; unless(defined $pageStartPrinted) { print "", $CGI->header(), $CGI->start_html(-title => "Error in script", -bgcolor => "white"); } ; $message = &fixSpecChar($message) ; print "<br><hr color=red><p align=center><font color=red size=+2>An error has occurred<br>Sorry!</font><p><font color=red>Message:<br><pre>$message</pre><br>" ; if(defined $text) { $text = &fixSpecChar($text) ; print "<pre>$text</pre><br>\n" ; } ; print "<p>Parameters to script:<br>", $CGI->dump() ; print "</font>",end_page() ; exit 1 ; } ################################################################### ### start_table ### =head2 P4CGI::start_table(I<table_attribute_text>) Start a table with optional table attributes =over 4 =item I<table_attribute_text> This text will be inserted as attributes to table tag =back Example: print P4CGI::start_table("align=center border") ; =cut ; sub start_table($) { my $attribs = shift @_ ; my $ret = "<table " . DEFAULT_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES() ; if($attribs) { $ret .= " $attribs" ; } return $ret . ">\n"; } ################################################################### ### end_table ### =head2 P4CGI::end_table() Return end of table string. (trivial function included mostly for symmetry) =cut ; sub end_table() { return "</table>\n" ; } ################################################################### ### tableRow ### =head2 P4CGI::table_row(I<options>,I<listOfValues>) Insert a row in table. =over 4 =item I<options> A list of key/value pairs (a hash will do just fine) containing options for the row. The key must start with a "-". Most key/value pairs are treated as attributes to the <TR>-tag. The following keys are recognized as special: =over 4 =item C<-type> Type of cells. Default is <TD>-type. =item C<->I<anykey> I<anykey> will be assumed to be a row option and will be inserted in the TR-tag. The value for the option is the key value, unless value is empty or undefined, in which case the option anykey is assumed to have no value. =back =item C<listOfValues> Row data. Remaining values are assumed to be data for each cell. The data is typically the text in the cell but can also be: =over 4 =item undef An undefined value indicates that the next cell spans more than one column. =item Reference to a hash The hash contains two keys: "-text" for cell text and "-type" for cell type. All other key/value pairs are treated as attributes to the <TD> or <TH> tag. =back =back Example: print P4CGI::start_table("align=center") ; ### print header row print P4CGI::table_row(-type => "th", -valign => "top", -align => "left", "Heading 1","Heading 2",undef,"Heading 3") ; ### print data my %h = (-text => "text in hash", -bgcolor => "blue") ; print P4CGI::table_row(-valign => "top", -bgcolor => "white", "Cell 1", {-text => "Cell 2", -bgcolor => "red"}, \%h, "Cell 3-2") ; print P4CGI::end_table() ; =cut ; sub table_row { confess ("P4CGI::table_row() Parameters required!") if @_ == 0 ; my @ret ; my $n = 0 ; my $ec = 0 ; my $option = shift @_ ; my %options ; while(defined $option and ($option =~ s/^-//)) { confess ("P4CGI::table_row() Option value required!") if @_ == 0 ; $options{lc($option)} = shift @_ ; $option = shift @_ ; } unshift @_,$option ; my $type = "td" ; $type = $options{"type"} if defined $options{"type"} ; delete $options{"type"} ; push @ret,"<tr" ; my $attr ; foreach $attr (keys %options) { push @ret," $attr" ; if($options{$attr}) { push @ret,"=$options{$attr}" ; } } push @ret,">\n" ; my $colspan = 0 ; my $cell ; foreach $cell (@_) { $colspan++ ; if(defined $cell) { my $COLSPAN="colspan=$colspan" ; $colspan=0 ; if(ref $cell) { my $reftyp = ref $cell ; "HASH" eq $reftyp and do { my $txt = $$cell{"-text"} ; confess "P4CGI::table_row() Missing text argument" unless defined $txt ; delete $$cell{"-text"} ; my $tp = $type ; $tp = $$cell{"-type"} if defined $$cell{"-type"} ; delete $$cell{"-type"} ; push @ret,"<$tp $COLSPAN" ; my $attr ; foreach $attr (keys %$cell) { ($a = $attr) =~ s/^-// ; push @ret," $a=$$cell{$attr}" ; } push @ret,">$txt</$tp>\n" ; next ; } ; confess "Illegal cell data type: $reftyp" ; } else { push @ret,"<$type $COLSPAN>$cell</$type>\n" ; } } } push @ret,"</tr>\n" ; return join("",@ret) ; } ################################################################### ### Make a list ### =head2 P4CGI::ul_list(I<list>) Return a bulleted list. =over 4 =item I<list> Lits of data to print as bulleted list =back Example: print P4CGI::ul_list("This","is","a","bulleted","list") ; =cut ; sub ul_list(@) { my @ret ; if($_[0] eq "-title") { shift @_ ; push @ret, shift @_ ; } push @ret,"<ul>\n" ; my $a ; foreach $a (@_) { push @ret,"<li>$a\n" ; } push @ret,"</ul>\n" ; return join("",@ret) ; } ################################################################### ### Make a dl list ### =head2 P4CGI::dl_list(I<list_of_pairs>) Returns a definition list. =over 4 =item I<list_of_pairs> List of data pairs to print as a definition list. A hash will do just fine, only you have no control over the order in the list. =back Example: print P4CGI::dl_list("This","Description of this", "That","Description of that") ; =cut ; sub dl_list { my @ret ; if($_[0] eq "-title") { shift @_ ; push @ret,shift @_ ; } if($_[0] eq "-compact") { push @ret,"<dl compact>\n" ; shift @_ ; } else { push @ret,"<dl>\n" ; } while(@_ > 1) { push @ret,"<dt>",shift @_,"<dd>",shift @_,"\n" ; } push @ret,"</dl>\n" ; return join("",@ret) ; } ################################################################### ### Fix some special characters ### =head2 P4CGI::fixSpecChar(I<str>) Convert all '>' to "C<E<amp>gt;>", '<' to "C<E<amp>lt;>" and '&' to "C<E<amp>amp;>". =over 4 =item I<str> String to convert =back Example: my $cvstr = &P4CGI::fixSpecChar("String containing <,> and &") ; =cut ; sub fixSpecChar($) { my $d = shift @_ ; $d =~ s/&/&/g ; # & -> & $d =~ s/\"/"/g;# " -> " $d =~ s/</</g ; # < -> < $d =~ s/>/>/g ; # > -> > return $d ; } ################################################################### ### Replace tabs with spaces ### =head2 P4CGI::rmTabs(I<str>) Convert tabs to spaces =over 4 =item I<str> String to convert =back =cut ; sub rmTabs($) { # This algorithm is kind of, well, the first thing I came up # with. Should be replaced with a smarter (== more efficient) # eventually....... my $l = shift @_ ; if($l =~ /\t/) { my $pos = -1 ; $l = join('',map { $pos++ ; if($_ ne "\t") { $_ ; } else { my $p = $pos % 8 ; $pos += 7-$p ; substr(" ",$p) ; } ; } split('',$l)) ; # For those that wonder what is going on: # 1. Split string to an array (of characters) # 2. For each entry of array, map a function that returns value # for entry or, if value is <TAB>, returns a number of spaces # depending on position in string # 3. Make string (scalar) of array returned from map using join(). } return $l ; } ################################################################### ### Create a href tag ### =head2 P4CGI::ahref(I<options>,I<parameters>,I<text>) Create a <A HREF...>...</A> tag pair. =over 4 =item I<options> Optional list of option-value pairs. Valid options are: =over 4 =item C<-url> Url for link. Default is current. =item C<-anchor> Anchor in url. Default is none. =back Any non-valid option marks the end of the options =item I<parameters> Optional list of parameters for link. =item I<text> The last parameter is used as text for link. =back Example: print &P4CGI::ahref("Back to myself") ; # link to this. No parameters. print &P4CGI::ahref("-url","www.perforce.com", "To perforce") ; # link to perforce print &P4CGI::ahref("-anchor","THERE", "Go there") ; # link to anchor THERE print &P4CGI::ahref("-url","chb.cgi", "FSPC=//.../doc/...", "Changes for all documentation") ; # url with parameter =cut ; sub ahref { my $url = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} ; my $anchor = "" ; my $pars = "" ; my $params = "" ; while($_[0] =~ /^-/) { $_[0] =~ /^-url$/i and do { shift @_ ; $url = shift @_ ; next ; } ; $_[0] =~ /^-anchor$/i and do { shift @_ ; $anchor = "#" . shift @_ ; next ; } ; $_[0] =~ /^-(.*)/ and do { my $p = $1 ; shift @_ ; my $v = shift @_ ; $params .= " $p=$v" ; next ; } ; last ; } while(@_ > 1) { if(length($pars) > 0) { $pars .= "&" ; } else { $pars = "?" ; } ; $pars .= shift @_ ; } ; my $txt = shift @_ ; $pars =~ s/ /\+/g ; return "<a href=\"${url}${anchor}${pars}\"$params>$txt</a>" ; } ################################################################### ### Set magic buttons ### =head2 P4CGI::magic(I<text>) Substitutes magic phrases in I<text> with links. Currently the pattern "change I<number>" is replaced with a link to the change browser. =back Example: my $t = "This change is the same as change 4711, but with a twist" ; print &P4CGI::magic($t) ; # inserts a link to change 4711 =cut ; sub magic($) { my $t = shift @_ ; my $url = &CHV_URL() ; $t =~ s/(change[\s\n]+\#*)(\d+)/<a href=\"$url?CH=$2\">$1$2<\/A>/ig ; #" $t =~ s/(change no\.*[\s\n]+\#*)(\d+)/<a href=\"$url?CH=$2\">$1$2<\/A>/ig ; #" return $t ; } ################################################################### ### Fixspaces ### =head2 P4CGI::fixspaces(I<text>) Return parameter with spaces substituted with %20 =back Example: my $t = "/File with spaces" ; print &P4CGI::fixspaces($t) ; # prints: /File%20with%20spaces =cut ; sub fixspaces($) { my $t = shift @_ ; $t =~ s/ /%20/g ; $t =~ s/\+/%2b/g ; $t =~ s/-/%2d/g ; $t =~ s/_/%5f/g ; $t =~ s/~/%7e/g ; return $t ; } # Execute a command, keeping the output of the command in an array. # Returns the array, unless an error occured, in which case an # exception is thrown (via die) with an appropriate message. sub command { my($command) = @_; my(@results) = `$command`; if ($?) { my($err) = ($? >> 8); print STDERR @results; die qq($0: "$command" exited with status $err.\n); } @results } ################################################################### ### ### BEGIN ### sub BEGIN () { init() ; } ; 1;