#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 # -*- perl -*- use P4CGI ; use strict ; # ##################################################################### ## ## CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ## All config info should be in $configFile (see init() in P4CGI.pm) ## ##################################################################### ## ## File Diff Viewer ## ##################################################################### # Set back references my $homepage="index.cgi"; my $backtohome="Back to Home" ; # Get filespec argument my @files = split /,/,P4CGI::cgi()->param("FSPC") ; &P4CGI::bail("No file specified") unless @files > 0 ; # Get revision number my @revs = split / /,P4CGI::cgi()->param("REV") ; $files[0] =~ s/^([^\#]+)\#(\d+)/$1/ and do { $revs[0] = $2 ; } ; &P4CGI::bail("No revision specified") unless @revs > 0 ; # Get action my @modes ; @modes = split / /,P4CGI::cgi()->param("ACT") if defined P4CGI::cgi()->param("ACT") ; &P4CGI::bail("No mode specified") unless @modes > 0 ; # Get list of restricted files, if any my @restrict = &P4CGI::RESTRICTED() ; # Disallow viewing restricted files (single-file case) if( @files == 1 ) { my $file = $files[0] ; if( @restrict ) { my $restricted ; foreach $restricted ( @restrict ) { chomp ; if ( $file =~ /\/${restricted}/ ) { my $legend = "" ; print "", &P4CGI::start_page("Diff Output",$legend,$homepage,$backtohome) ; print "", "Restricted file: $file", &P4CGI::end_page() ; exit 1 ; } } } } # Get diff-file arg and rev, if specified my @files2 ; @files2 = split /,/,P4CGI::cgi()->param("FSPC2") if defined P4CGI::cgi()->param("FSPC2") ; my @revs2 ; @revs2 = split / /,P4CGI::cgi()->param("REV2") if defined P4CGI::cgi()->param("REV2") ; if(defined $files2[0]) { $files2[0] =~ s/^([^\#]+)\#(\d+)/$1/ and do { $revs2[0] = $2 ; } ; } ; my $change = P4CGI::cgi()->param("CH") ; # Disallow viewing restricted files (multi-file case) my $skipfile ; my @skipfiles ; my @showfiles ; my @showrevs ; while ( @files ) { my $file = shift @files ; my $rev = shift @revs ; if( @restrict ) { my $restricted ; foreach $restricted ( @restrict ) { chomp ; if ( $file =~ /\/${restricted}/ ) { push ( @skipfiles, $file ) ; next ; } } if( grep(/${file}/, @skipfiles) ) { next ; } else { push ( @showfiles, $file ) ; push ( @showrevs, $rev ) ; } } } # Associate the files/revs to diff my $n ; for($n = 0 ; $n < @showfiles ; $n++) { $files2[$n] = $showfiles[$n] unless defined $files2[$n] ; $revs2[$n] = $showrevs[$n]-1 unless defined $revs2[$n] ; } # Make sure numbers of files and revision numbers match if((@showfiles != @showrevs) || (@showfiles != @files2) || (@showfiles != @revs2)) { &P4CGI::bail("Argument counts not correct") ; } ## Constants for the file diff display # # $NCONTEXT - number of context lines before and after a diff my $NCONTEXT = P4CGI::cgi()->param("CONTEXT") ; $NCONTEXT = 10 unless defined $NCONTEXT ; # # $MAXCONTEXT - max number of context lines between diffs my $MAXCONTEXT = $NCONTEXT+20; # Put it all together local *LOG ; open(*LOG,">>fdv.LOG") ; print LOG "\n ------------\n" ; my $title ; if(@showfiles == 1) { if($showfiles[0] eq $files2[0]) { if($showrevs[0] < $revs2[0]) { my $r = $revs2[0] ; $revs2[0] = $showrevs[0] ; $showrevs[0] = $r ; } $title = "Diff Output" ; } else { $title = "Diff Output" ; } } else { $title = "Diff Output" ; } my $nextNCONTEXT= $NCONTEXT*2 ; my $pstr ; my $p ; foreach $p (&P4CGI::cgi()->param) { next if $p eq "CONTEXT" ; if(defined $pstr) { $pstr .= "&" ; } else { $pstr = "" ; } ; $pstr .= $p . "=" . P4CGI::cgi()->param($p) ; } my $moreContext=&P4CGI::ahref($pstr, "CONTEXT=$nextNCONTEXT", "Show more context") ; my $showWholeFile=&P4CGI::ahref($pstr, "CONTEXT=9999999", "Show complete file") ; # Print title and legend if( $modes[0] ne "NO" ) { print "", &P4CGI::start_page($title, &P4CGI::ul_list("Line number: to go to line in file viewer", "
", "$moreContext: to see more context", "$showWholeFile: to see whole file"), $homepage,$backtohome) ; } else { print "", &P4CGI::start_page($title, "", $homepage, $backtohome) ; } my $currentFile ; my $currentRev ; local *P4 ; my $P4lineNo ; sub getLine() { $P4lineNo++ if defined $P4lineNo ; return ; } # Print count and list of skipped files my $skipfile ; my $skipped = scalar( @skipfiles ) ; if( $skipped > 0 ) { print "", "Change contains $skipped restricted file", $skipped==1 ? "" : "s", ".
", "Not diffed:
" ; foreach $skipfile ( @skipfiles ) { print "   ", "$skipfile", "
" ; } print "
" ; } # Print diffs while(@showfiles>0) { my $f1start= "" ; my $f1end="" ; my $f2start = "" ; my $f2end = "" ; my $showfile = shift @showfiles ; my $file2 = shift @files2 ; my $showrev = shift @showrevs ; my $rev2 = shift @revs2 ; my $mode = shift @modes ; if($showfile eq $file2) { if($showrev < $rev2) { my $r = $rev2 ; $rev2 = $showrev ; $showrev = $r ; } } else { $f2start = "" ; $f2end = "" ; } $currentFile = $showfile ; $currentRev = $showrev ; print &P4CGI::start_table("width=100% align=center bgcolor=white"), &P4CGI::table_row({-align=>"center", -text =>"$f1start$showfile\#$showrev$f1end
"}), &P4CGI::end_table(), "
" ;
    my $f1 = "$showfile#$showrev";
    my $f2 = "$file2#$rev2";

    # Use "p4 diff2" to get a list of modifications (diff chunks)
    my $nchunk =0 ; # Counter for diff chunks 
    my @start ;     # Start line for chunk in latest file
    my @dels ;      # No. of deleted lines in chunk
    my @adds ;      # No. of added lines in chunk
    my @delLines ;  # Memory for deleted lines
    if ($mode ne 'add' && $mode ne 'delete' && $mode ne 'branch') {
	&P4CGI::p4call(*P4, "diff2 \"$f2\" \"$f1\"" );
	$_ = ; 
	while () {
	    # Check if line matches start of a diff chunk
	    /(\d+),?(\d*)([acd])(\d+),?(\d*)/  or do { next ; } ;

	    # $la, $lb: start and end line in old (left) file
	    # $op: operation (one of a,d or c)
	    # $ra, $rb: start and end line in new (right) file
	    my ( $la, $lb, $op, $ra, $rb ) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5) ;
	    # End lines may have to be calculated
	    if( !$lb ) { $lb = $op ne 'a' ? $la : $la - 1; }
	    if( !$rb ) { $rb = $op ne 'd' ? $ra : $ra - 1; }
	    my ( $dels, $adds ); # Temporary vars for No of adds/deletes
	    # Calculate start position in new (right) file
	    $start[ $nchunk ] = $op ne 'd' ? $ra : $ra + 1;
	    # Calculate number of deleted lines
	    $dels[ $nchunk ] = $dels = $lb - $la + 1;
	    # Calculate number of added lines
	    $adds[ $nchunk ] = $adds = $rb - $ra + 1;
	    # Init deleted lines 
	    $delLines[ $nchunk ] = "";
	    # Get the deleted lines from the old (left) file
	    while( $dels-- ) {
		$_ = ;
		s/^. //;
		$_ = &P4CGI::fixSpecChar($_) ;
		$delLines[ $nchunk ] .= 
		    "       |$_";
	    # If it was a change, skip over separator
	    if ($op eq 'c') {	
		$_ = ; 
	    # Skip over added lines (we don't need to know them yet)
	    while( $adds-- ) {
		$_ = ;

	    # Next chunk.
	close P4;
    # Now walk through the diff chunks, reading the new (right) file and
    # displaying it as necessary.

    &P4CGI::p4call(*P4, "print -q \"$f1\"");

    if( $mode eq 'add' ) {
	print "" ;
	while(  ) {
	    print "       |$_" ;
	print "" ;
    $P4lineNo = 0 ;   # Current line    
    my $n ;
    for( $n = 0; $n < $nchunk; $n++ )
	# print up to this chunk.
	&catchup( $start[ $n ] - $P4lineNo - 1 ) ;
	# display deleted lines -- we saved these from the diff
	if( $dels[ $n ] )
	    print LOG "PrintDels\n" ;	    
	    print "$f2start";
	    print $delLines[ $n ];
	    print "$f2end";
	# display added lines -- these are in the file stream.
	if( $adds[ $n ] )
	    print "$f1start";
	    &display($adds[ $n ]) ;
	    print "$f1end";
	# $curlin = $start[ $n ] + $adds[ $n ] ;

    &catchup(999999999) ;

    close P4 ;

    print "
" ; } # End the page print &P4CGI::end_page() ; # Subroutines for processing diff chunks. # # skip: skip lines in source file # display: display lines in source file, handling funny chars # catchup: display & skip as necessary # skip(,no of lines) # Returns: 0 or number of lines not skipped if file ends sub skip { my $to = shift @_; print LOG "skip($to)\n" ; # DEBUG while( $to > 0 && ( $_ = &getLine() ) ) { $to--; } return $to; } # display(,no of lines) # Displays a number of lines from handle sub display { my $to = shift @_; print LOG "display($to)\n" ; # DEBUG while( $to-- > 0 && ( $_ = &getLine() ) ) { my $line = &P4CGI::fixSpecChar($_) ; $line = &P4CGI::rmTabs($line) ; my $ls ; if(($P4lineNo % 5) == 0) { $ls = sprintf("%5d:",$P4lineNo) ; $ls = &P4CGI::ahref(-url=>&P4CGI::FV_URL() . "#L$P4lineNo", "FSPC=$currentFile", "REV=$currentRev", $ls) ; } else { $ls = " " ; } print "$ls |$line" ; } } # catchup(,no of lines) # Print/skip lines to next diff chunk sub catchup { my $to = shift @_; print LOG "catchup($to)\n" ; # DEBUG if( $to > $MAXCONTEXT ) { my $skipped = $to - $NCONTEXT ; if($P4lineNo > 0) { &display($NCONTEXT ); $skipped -= $NCONTEXT ; } $skipped -= &skip($skipped ); print "
", "$skipped lines skipped", "

\n" if( $skipped ); &display($NCONTEXT ); } else { &display($to); } }