# -*- perl -*-
use P4CGI ;
use strict ;
## All config info should be in $configFile (see init() in P4CGI.pm)
## List All Branches
# Set back references
my $homepage="index.cgi";
my $backtohome="Back to Home" ;
# Get branches
my @branches ;
&P4CGI::p4call(\@branches, "branches" );
foreach (@branches) {
$_ =~ s/^Branch (\S+).*$/$1/ ;
# Print title and legend
print "",
&P4CGI::start_page("P4 Branches",
&P4CGI::ul_list("Owner: to see P4 user info",
"View left-side mapping: to see changes for path",
"View right-side mapping: to see changes for branch"),
$homepage,$backtohome) ;
# Print number of branches
"",scalar @branches," branches:
" ;
# Print branch info
&P4CGI::start_table() ;
# Get branch info
foreach (@branches) {
local *P4 ;
my $branch=$_ ;
my $update ;
my $access ;
my $owner ;
my $desc ;
my @view ;
&P4CGI::p4call(*P4, "branch -o $_" );
while() {
chomp ;
next if /^#/ ;
next if /^\s*$/ ;
/^Update:\s(.*)$/ and do { $update=$1 ; } ;
/^Access:\s(.*)$/ and do { $access=$1 ; } ;
/^Owner:\s(.*)$/ and do { $owner=$1 ; } ;
last if /^Description:/ ;
my $descWhiteSpace ;
while() {
chomp ;
last if /^View:/ ;
next if /^\s*$/ ;
unless(defined $descWhiteSpace) {
/^(\s*)/ ;
$descWhiteSpace = $1 ;
} ;
s/^$descWhiteSpace// ;
if(defined $desc) {
$desc .= "
$_" ;
else {
$desc .= $_ ;
while() {
next if /^\s*$/ ;
push @view,$_ ;
# Fix up data
$owner = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => &P4CGI::LU_URL(),
$owner) ;
my $view ;
foreach (@view) {
s/^\s*(\S+\s+\S+)\s*/$1/ ;
my ($from,$to) = split /\s+/ ;
$from =~ s/^\/\/// ;
$to =~ s/^\/\/// ;
my @from = split /\//,$from ;
my @to = split /\//,$to ;
my $common = "//" ;
while($from[0] eq $to[0]) {
$common .= shift @from ;
$common .= "/" ;
shift @to ;
$from = $common . join("/",@from) ;
$from = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => &P4CGI::CHB_URL(),
"FSPC=$common" . join("/",@from),
$from) ;
$to = $common . join("/",@to) ;
$to = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => &P4CGI::CHB_URL(), "BRANCH=YES",
"FSPC=$common" . join("/",@to), $to) ;
if (defined $view) {
$view .= "
" ;
else {
$view .= "" ;
} ;
$view .= "$from $to" ;
} ;
{-bgcolor => "white",
-text => "$desc"}),
&P4CGI::table_row(undef, "
") ;
close P4 ;
# End the table, end the page
&P4CGI::end_page() ;