Class: HelixWebServicesClient
- Inherits:
- Object
- HelixWebServicesClient
- Defined in:
- lib/helix_web_services_client.rb,
lib/helix_web_services_client/git_fusion_repo.rb more...
The client object handles authenticating and making calls to Helix Web Services.
See our user guide online at:
Constant Summary
Some values to initialize are only used by this class, and are not passed on to the Faraday initializer
[:user, :password, :ticket, :prefix, :api_level, :settings, :debug]
Instance Attribute Summary (collapse)
- (Object) api_level
The API level to use.
- (Object) prefix
Typically, Helix Web Services is mounted under /hws behind a reverse proxy.
- (Object) ticket
Upon successful login, we store the P4 ticket return value here.
- (Object) user
The Helix Versioning Engine login.
Class Method Summary (collapse)
+ (Object) open(connection)
Provides standard I/O style interface, where when called in a block, will automatically close() the client when done.
Instance Method Summary (collapse)
- (Object) add_key(user, key_name, key)
Add a key for a specified user.
- (Object) add_setting(key, value)
Set an override for all requests.
- (Object) arg_params(arg_values)
Creates a hash and creates keys 'arg1', 'arg2', etc that points to the values in the arg_values array.
- (Object) assert_ok(response)
Raises an error when the response is not 200.
- (Object) branch(branch)
Returns the branch instance indicated by the branch name (or model).
- (Object) branches
Array of Branch objects stored in the system.
- (Object) change(change)
Returns the Change indicated by the change number or model.
- (Object) changes(options = nil)
List changelists in the system.
- (Object) client(client)
Returns the client instance indicated by the client name or model.
- (Object) clients
Array of Client objects stored in the system.
- - (Object) close
- (OpenModel) command(cmd, *args)
Execute a Perforce command.
- (Object) command_with_input(cmd, input, *args)
Generic run command with and input body.
- (Object) commit_change(change)
Submits the shelved changelist.
- (Object) counter(counter)
Return the counter hash for a particular counter key.
- (Object) counters
List all counters in the system.
- (Object) create_branch(branch)
Creates a new branch in the system.
- (Object) create_change(change)
Creates a new changelist, that can be used for a few different tasks.
- (Object) create_client(client)
Creates a new client in the system.
- (Object) create_depot(depot)
Creates a new depot in the system.
- (Object) create_group(group)
Creates a new group in the system.
- (Object) create_helix_sync_device_client(project_id, device, root)
Create a new client workspace specification for a Helix Sync project.
- - (Object) create_helix_sync_shelf_client(project_id)
- (Object) create_job(job)
Creates a new job in the system.
- (Object) create_label(label)
Creates a new label in the system.
- (Object) create_server(server)
Creates a new server in the system based on the Server instance.
- (Object) create_stream(stream)
Creates a new stream in the system based on the Stream instance.
- (Object) create_user(user)
Creates a new user in the system based on the User instance.
- (Object) delete_branch(branch)
Deletes the branch specification in the system.
- (Object) delete_client(client)
Deletes the client specification in the system.
- (Object) delete_counter(counter)
Delete the counter.
- (Object) delete_depot(depot)
Deletes the depot specification in the system.
- - (Object) delete_file(path)
- (Object) delete_group(group)
Deletes the group specification in the system.
- - (Object) delete_helix_sync_device_client(project_id, device)
- (Object) delete_helix_sync_pending_changelist(project_id)
Remove the pending changelist used for a Helix Sync project.
- - (Object) delete_helix_sync_shelf_client(project_id)
- (Object) delete_job(job_id)
Deletes the job specification in the system.
- (Object) delete_key(user, key_name)
Delete a specific SSH key.
- (Object) delete_keys(user)
Delete all keys for a user.
- (Object) delete_label(label)
Deletes the label specification in the system.
- (Object) delete_repo(repo_name)
Delete a repository.
- - (Object) delete_server(server)
- - (Object) delete_stream(stream)
- - (Object) delete_user(user)
- (Object) depot(depot)
Returns the depot instance indicated by the depot name (or depot object).
- (Object) depots
Array of Depot objects stored in the system.
- - (Object) encode_component(str)
- (Object) execute_method_no_body(method, path, params = nil)
Runs the method against Helix Web Services, checks for errors, then parses the JSON response.
- (Object) execute_method_with_body(method, path, params = nil, body = nil)
Runs the method against Helix Web Services, checks for errors, then parses the JSON response.
- (Object) fetch_helix_sync_latest_changelist(project_id)
Retrieve the latest changelist.
- (Object) fetch_helix_sync_pending_changelist(project_id)
Retrieve the pending changelist.
- (Object) file(path)
Returns the file metadata at this location, with the
field filled out. -
- (Object) files(path = '')
General file browsing method.
- (Object) group(group)
Returns the group instance indicated by the group name (or group object).
- (Object) groups
Array of Group objects stored in the system.
- - (Object) hve_path(subpath)
- (Object) increment_counter(counter)
Increment the value of a numerical counter.
- (HelixWebServicesClient) initialize(options)
Client initialization can handle ensuring a valid security token to the server.
- (Object) job(job_id)
Returns the array of jobs in the system.
- - (Object) jobs
- (Object) keys(user)
Return all keys for specified user.
- (Object) label(label)
Returns the label instance indicated by the label name (or label object).
- (Object) labels
Array of Label objects stored in the system.
- (Object) list_repos
Return list of configured repositories.
- (Object) login(user, password)
Generates a host unlocked ticket for the user.
- - (Boolean) p4_ticket?(str)
- (Object) path_for(subpath)
Basically just prepends the prefix to our subpath, typically, '/p4'.
- (Object) preview_helix_sync_pending_change(project_id)
“Preview”, or generate the resolve plan, for the pending changelist.
- (Object) project(project_id)
Return the project details.
- (Object) projects(details: nil, extension: nil)
Lists the projects available on the server for the user.
- (Object) protections
Fetch all protections in the system.
- (Object) remove_setting(key)
Remove a setting added via add_setting.
- (Object) repo(repo_name)
Return the repository details.
- - (Object) run_method_no_body(method, path, params = nil)
- - (Object) run_method_with_body(method, path, params = nil, body = nil)
- (Object) server(server)
Returns a HelixWebServicesClient::OpenModel for the login.
- (Object) servers
Returns an array of Server objects representing people in the system.
- (Object) services
Returns an array of all service definitions in the system.
- (Object) set_auth(user, token)
Note: this class is really just common implementation.
- (Object) set_counter(counter)
Set the counter value.
- (Object) stream(stream)
Fetch single stream details.
- (Object) streams
Returns an array of Stream objects representing people in the system.
- (Object) submit_config(repo_name, config)
Replace config for a specified repository.
- (Object) submit_helix_sync_pending_change(project_id)
Submits the pending changelist for the helix sync project.
- (OpenModel) triggers
Fetch the list of trigger lines in the system.
- (Object) update_branch(branch)
Updates the branch specification.
- (Object) update_client(client)
Updates the client specification.
- (Object) update_config(repo_name, config)
Modify config for a specified repository.
- (Object) update_depot(depot)
Updates the depot specification.
- (Object) update_group(group)
Updates the group specification.
- (Object) update_job(job)
Updates the job specification.
- (Object) update_label(label)
Updates the label specification.
- (Object) update_protections(protections)
Updates the protections table based on the Protections instance passed in.
- - (Object) update_server(server)
- - (Object) update_stream(stream)
- (Object) update_triggers(triggers)
Update the triggers table using the Triggers model instance.
- - (Object) update_user(user)
- (Object) upload_file(file)
Upload a single file's content.
- (Object) upload_files(files: [], path: nil, description: nil)
Upload multiple files.
- (Object) user_details(user)
Returns a HelixWebServicesClient::OpenModel for the login.
- (Object) users
Returns an array of User objects representing people in the system.
- (Object) version
Return the product version ID of the Helix Web Services instance.
Constructor Details
- (HelixWebServicesClient) initialize(options)
Client initialization can handle ensuring a valid security token to the server.
Any client created via new should take care to call close()
Available Options
These options are used to configure the underlying Faraday connection:
- String base URL. -
- Hash of URI query unencoded key/value pairs. -
- Hash of unencoded HTTP header key/value pairs. -
- Hash of request options. -
- Hash of SSL options. -
- Hash of Proxy options.
These options are specific to Helix Web Services:
- The Helix Versioning Engine login -
- If set, we will generate a ticket using this password during initialization -
- If not nil, we will use this ticket as our authentication password -
- Add response logging if set to true
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 56 def initialize() @api_level = .key?(:api_level) ? [:api_level] : '78' # Filter out options we pass to Faraday = .select { |k| !INITIALIZE_LOCAL_OPTIONS.include?(k) } @conn = do |conn| conn.request :multipart conn.request :url_encoded conn.response :logger if [:debug] conn.adapter :net_http end @conn.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' if .key?(:url) url = URI([:url]) @prefix = url.path ? url.path : '' end @user = [:user] if .key?(:user) @ticket = [:ticket] if .key?(:ticket) if .key?(:settings) [:settings].each do |key, value| add_setting(key, value) end end if .key?(:password) and @user response ='/projects/v1/login'), user: user, password: [:password]) assert_ok(response) @ticket = JSON.parse(response.body)['ticket'] end set_auth(user, ticket) unless ticket.nil? end |
Instance Attribute Details
- (Object) api_level
The API level to use. Defaults to 78 (2015.1)
26 27 28 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 26 def api_level @api_level end |
- (Object) prefix
Typically, Helix Web Services is mounted under /hws behind a reverse proxy. If a path is specified in the originating URL, we save the prefix here, and preprend it to every request.
23 24 25 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 23 def prefix @prefix end |
- (Object) ticket
Upon successful login, we store the P4 ticket return value here.
18 19 20 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 18 def ticket @ticket end |
- (Object) user
The Helix Versioning Engine login
15 16 17 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 15 def user @user end |
Class Method Details
+ (Object) open(connection)
Provides standard I/O style interface, where when called in a block, will automatically close() the client when done. Otherwise, your code should call client.close() manually.
121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 121 def client = if block_given? yield client else return client end ensure client.close if block_given? && client end |
Instance Method Details
- (Object) add_key(user, key_name, key)
Add a key for a specified user. It will try to add a new SSH key for specified user under a specific name. It will fail if the same key belongs to a different user, if the same key is under a different name and if there is already a key under the specified name. In case key with the same content is present for specified user under the same name - it will skip re-submission.
27 28 29 30 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/git_fusion_keys.rb', line 27 def add_key(user, key_name, key) path = "/git-fusion/v1/users/#{user}/keys/#{key_name}" execute_method_with_body(:put, path, {'key' => key}) end |
- (Object) add_setting(key, value)
Set an override for all requests.
See “configuration” in HWS documentation.
This will automatically add the right prefix for overriding an HWS setting.
107 108 109 110 111 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 107 def add_setting(key, value) # Note: Rack will automatically convert all hyphens to underscores... # but Nginx will (by default) block all underscores. Find a happy middle. @conn.headers["X-Perforce-Helix-Web-Services-#{key.gsub('_', '-')}"] = value end |
- (Object) arg_params(arg_values)
Creates a hash and creates keys 'arg1', 'arg2', etc that points to the values in the arg_values array. This is basically only used by the run methods
45 46 47 48 49 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/commands.rb', line 45 def arg_params(arg_values) params = {} arg_values.each_index { |ii| params["arg#{ii + 1}"] = arg_values[ii] } params end |
- (Object) assert_ok(response)
Raises an error when the response is not 200. Some errors may have diagnostic information in the response body, so we pass that on as well
210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 210 def assert_ok(response) return unless response.status >= 400 if response.status == 400 begin = JSON.parse(response.body) rescue Exception = response.body end fail elsif response.status == 403 fail, 'Illegal login or password' elsif response.status == 404 fail, 'Required resource not found' elsif response.status == 500 && response.body = nil begin = JSON.parse(response.body) rescue Exception => e = response.body end fail, 'Unknown issue from the Perforce server' else fail, "Unknown problem. Response code: #{response.status}" end end |
- (Object) branch(branch)
Returns the branch instance indicated by the branch name (or model)
14 15 16 17 18 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/branches.rb', line 14 def branch(branch) branch = unless branch.is_a?(String) obj = execute_method_with_body(:get, hve_path("branches/#{URI.encode(branch)}")) end |
- (Object) branches
Array of Branch objects stored in the system. Not all fields will be filled out (e.g., view).
8 9 10 11 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/branches.rb', line 8 def branches arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('branches')) { |a| } end |
- (Object) change(change)
Returns the Change indicated by the change number or model.
If there are files submitted with the change, the change.files field should be filled out.
21 22 23 24 25 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/changes.rb', line 21 def change(change) change_id = change.is_a?(OpenModel) ? change.change : change arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path("changes/#{change_id}")) end |
- (Object) changes(options = nil)
List changelists in the system
options: - :max - cap the number of results - :status - :pending, :submitted, or :shelved (see Change) - :user - The perforce login to check out - :files - Depot path pattern to restrict changes to
12 13 14 15 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/changes.rb', line 12 def changes( = nil) arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('changes'), ) { |obj| } end |
- (Object) client(client)
Returns the client instance indicated by the client name or model
12 13 14 15 16 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/clients.rb', line 12 def client(client) client = unless client.is_a?(String) obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path("clients/#{URI.encode(client)}")) end |
- (Object) clients
Array of Client objects stored in the system. Not all fields will be filled out (e.g., view).
6 7 8 9 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/clients.rb', line 6 def clients arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('clients')) { |a| } end |
- (Object) close
[View source]
96 97 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 96 def close end |
- (OpenModel) command(cmd, *args)
Execute a Perforce command.
First argument should always be the command, followed by command line arguments.
Expect to always have an array of hashes as output.
Not all commands are allowed, since the command will be executed on the web server. In general, if your command requires a client workspace, it will likely fail, or be blocked.
18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/commands.rb', line 18 def command(cmd, *args) params = arg_params(args) arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path("commands/#{URI.encode(cmd)}"), params) { |a| } if arr.is_a?(Array) end |
- (Object) command_with_input(cmd, input, *args)
Generic run command with and input body.
The first argument is the general command, followed by the input data, then followed by additional command line arguments.
Expect the output to always be an array of hashes.
Not all commands are allowed, since the command will be executed on the web server. In general, if your command requires a client workspace, it will likely fail, or be blocked.
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/commands.rb', line 34 def command_with_input(cmd, input, *args) params = arg_params(args) params[:cmd] = cmd path = hve_path("commands/#{URI.encode(cmd)}") arr = execute_method_with_body(:post, path, params, input) { |a| } if arr.nil? == false and arr.is_a?(Array) end |
- (Object) commit_change(change)
Submits the shelved changelist.
This changelist should be pending, with no open files, and list of shelved changes. If you require resolves, this method will fail.
61 62 63 64 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/changes.rb', line 61 def commit_change(change) change_id = change.is_a?(OpenModel) ? change.change : URI.encode(change) execute_method_no_body(:post, hve_path("changes/#{change_id}")) end |
- (Object) counter(counter)
Return the counter hash for a particular counter key.
14 15 16 17 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/counters.rb', line 14 def counter(counter) obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path("counters/#{URI.encode(counter)}")) end |
- (Object) counters
List all counters in the system. Each counter typically has a
and value
6 7 8 9 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/counters.rb', line 6 def counters arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('counters')) { |a| } end |
- (Object) create_branch(branch)
Creates a new branch in the system.
21 22 23 24 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/branches.rb', line 21 def create_branch(branch) execute_method_with_body(:post, hve_path('branches'), branch) true end |
- (Object) create_change(change)
Creates a new changelist, that can be used for a few different tasks.
The change should be a hash with the following top-level keys:
: The change description (optional) -
: An array of Hashes
Each hash in the Files
array can contain these keys:
: The depot path -
: One of 'upload', 'move', or 'branch' -
: if action is 'move' or 'branch', the source file -
: Base64-encoded file content for 'upload' actions -
: Optional value for 'upload' actions, if set, will fail the upload if the current file version is not this version.
50 51 52 53 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/changes.rb', line 50 def create_change(change) change = unless change.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:post, hve_path('changes'), nil, change.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) create_client(client)
Creates a new client in the system.
19 20 21 22 23 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/clients.rb', line 19 def create_client(client) client = unless client.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:post, hve_path('clients'), client.marshal_dump) true end |
- (Object) create_depot(depot)
Creates a new depot in the system.
20 21 22 23 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/depots.rb', line 20 def create_depot(depot) depot = unless depot.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:post, hve_path('depots'), depot.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) create_group(group)
Creates a new group in the system.
20 21 22 23 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/groups.rb', line 20 def create_group(group) group = unless group.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:post, hve_path('groups'), group.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) create_helix_sync_device_client(project_id, device, root)
Create a new client workspace specification for a Helix Sync project.
Returns a simple object with a 'client' property.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/helix_sync.rb', line 8 def create_helix_sync_device_client(project_id, device, root) data = { device: device, root: root } obj = execute_method_with_body(:post, "/helix-sync/v1/#{URI.encode(project_id)}/clients/device", nil, data) end |
- (Object) create_helix_sync_shelf_client(project_id)
[View source]
17 18 19 20 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/helix_sync.rb', line 17 def create_helix_sync_shelf_client(project_id) obj = execute_method_no_body(:post, "/helix-sync/v1/#{URI.encode(project_id)}/clients/shelf") end |
- (Object) create_job(job)
Creates a new job in the system.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/jobs.rb', line 19 def create_job(job) job = unless job.is_a?(OpenModel) job.Job = 'new' unless job.job job.Status = 'open' unless job.status execute_method_with_body(:post, hve_path('jobs'), job.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) create_label(label)
Creates a new label in the system.
20 21 22 23 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/labels.rb', line 20 def create_label(label) label = unless label.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:post, hve_path('labels'), label.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) create_server(server)
Creates a new server in the system based on the Server instance
19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/servers.rb', line 19 def create_server(server) server = unless server.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:post, hve_path('servers'), server.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) create_stream(stream)
Creates a new stream in the system based on the Stream instance
21 22 23 24 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/streams.rb', line 21 def create_stream(stream) stream = unless stream.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:post, hve_path('streams'), stream.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) create_user(user)
Creates a new user in the system based on the User instance
19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/users.rb', line 19 def create_user(user) user = unless user.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:post, hve_path('users'), user.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) delete_branch(branch)
Deletes the branch specification in the system.
35 36 37 38 39 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/branches.rb', line 35 def delete_branch(branch) branch = unless branch.is_a?(String) execute_method_no_body(:delete, hve_path("branches/#{URI.encode(branch)}")) true end |
- (Object) delete_client(client)
Deletes the client specification in the system.
34 35 36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/clients.rb', line 34 def delete_client(client) client = unless client.is_a?(String) execute_method_no_body(:delete, hve_path("clients/#{URI.encode(client)}")) true end |
- (Object) delete_counter(counter)
Delete the counter
37 38 39 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/counters.rb', line 37 def delete_counter(counter) execute_method_no_body(:delete, hve_path("counters/#{URI.encode(counter)}")) end |
- (Object) delete_depot(depot)
Deletes the depot specification in the system.
33 34 35 36 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/depots.rb', line 33 def delete_depot(depot) depot = depot.depot if depot.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_no_body(:delete, hve_path("depots/#{URI.encode(depot)}")) end |
- (Object) delete_file(path)
[View source]
106 107 108 109 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/files.rb', line 106 def delete_file(path) path = encode_path(path) execute_method_no_body(:delete, hve_path("files/#{path}")) end |
- (Object) delete_group(group)
Deletes the group specification in the system.
33 34 35 36 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/groups.rb', line 33 def delete_group(group) group = if group.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_no_body(:delete, hve_path("groups/#{URI.encode(group)}")) end |
- (Object) delete_helix_sync_device_client(project_id, device)
[View source]
22 23 24 25 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/helix_sync.rb', line 22 def delete_helix_sync_device_client(project_id, device) obj = execute_method_no_body(:delete, "/helix-sync/v1/#{URI.encode(project_id)}/clients/device/#{URI.encode(device)}") end |
- (Object) delete_helix_sync_pending_changelist(project_id)
Remove the pending changelist used for a Helix Sync project.
49 50 51 52 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/helix_sync.rb', line 49 def delete_helix_sync_pending_changelist(project_id) obj = execute_method_no_body(:delete, "/helix-sync/v1/#{URI.encode(project_id)}/pending") end |
- (Object) delete_helix_sync_shelf_client(project_id)
[View source]
27 28 29 30 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/helix_sync.rb', line 27 def delete_helix_sync_shelf_client(project_id) obj = execute_method_no_body(:delete, "/helix-sync/v1/#{URI.encode(project_id)}/clients/shelf") end |
- (Object) delete_job(job_id)
Deletes the job specification in the system.
35 36 37 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/jobs.rb', line 35 def delete_job(job_id) execute_method_no_body(:delete, hve_path("jobs/#{URI.encode(job_id)}")) end |
- (Object) delete_key(user, key_name)
Delete a specific SSH key. It accepts an SSH key looks up the owner and then proceeds to remove it.
35 36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/git_fusion_keys.rb', line 35 def delete_key(user, key_name) path = "/git-fusion/v1/users/#{user}/keys/#{key_name}" execute_method_no_body(:delete, path) end |
- (Object) delete_keys(user)
Delete all keys for a user. All keys for specified user will be deleted from perforce.
43 44 45 46 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/git_fusion_keys.rb', line 43 def delete_keys(user) path = "/git-fusion/v1/users/#{user}/keys" execute_method_no_body(:delete, path) end |
- (Object) delete_label(label)
Deletes the label specification in the system.
33 34 35 36 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/labels.rb', line 33 def delete_label(label) label = label.label if label.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_no_body(:delete, hve_path("labels/#{URI.encode(label)}")) end |
- (Object) delete_repo(repo_name)
Delete a repository. This will remove config file for specified repository, removing it in result.
57 58 59 60 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/git_fusion_repo.rb', line 57 def delete_repo(repo_name) path = "/git-fusion/v1/repos/#{GitFusionStrings.encode(repo_name)}" execute_method_no_body(:delete, path) end |
- (Object) delete_server(server)
[View source]
31 32 33 34 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/servers.rb', line 31 def delete_server(server) server = server.server_id if server.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_no_body(:delete, hve_path("servers/#{URI.encode(server)}")) end |
- (Object) delete_stream(stream)
[View source]
32 33 34 35 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/streams.rb', line 32 def delete_stream(stream) stream = if stream.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_no_body(:delete, hve_path("streams/#{URI.encode(stream)}")) end |
- (Object) delete_user(user)
[View source]
30 31 32 33 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/users.rb', line 30 def delete_user(user) user = user.user if user.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_no_body(:delete, hve_path("users/#{URI.encode(user)}")) end |
- (Object) depot(depot)
Returns the depot instance indicated by the depot name (or depot object)
13 14 15 16 17 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/depots.rb', line 13 def depot(depot) depot = depot.depot if depot.is_a?(OpenModel) obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path("depots/#{URI.encode(depot)}")) end |
- (Object) depots
Array of Depot objects stored in the system. Not all fields will be filled out (e.g., view).
7 8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/depots.rb', line 7 def depots arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('depots')) { |a| } end |
- (Object) encode_component(str)
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/git_fusion_keys.rb', line 52 def encode_component(str) do |ch| if GitFusionStrings::URI_RESERVED_CHARACTERS.include?(ch) '%' + ch.ord.to_s(16) else ch end end.join('') end |
- (Object) execute_method_no_body(method, path, params = nil)
Runs the method against Helix Web Services, checks for errors, then parses the JSON response.
150 151 152 153 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 150 def execute_method_no_body(method, path, params = nil) response = run_method_no_body(method, path, params) JSON.parse(response.body) if response.body && !response.body.empty? end |
- (Object) execute_method_with_body(method, path, params = nil, body = nil)
Runs the method against Helix Web Services, checks for errors, then parses the JSON response.
This variation will send the body (expected to be a Hash) as JSON to the server.
165 166 167 168 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 165 def execute_method_with_body(method, path, params = nil, body = nil) response = run_method_with_body(method, path, params, body) JSON.parse(response.body) if response.body && !response.body.empty? end |
- (Object) fetch_helix_sync_latest_changelist(project_id)
Retrieve the latest changelist.
If the change doesn't exist, you'll get a ResourceNotFound exception.
35 36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/helix_sync.rb', line 35 def fetch_helix_sync_latest_changelist(project_id) obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, "/helix-sync/v1/#{URI.encode(project_id)}/last-change") end |
- (Object) fetch_helix_sync_pending_changelist(project_id)
Retrieve the pending changelist.
If the change doesn't exist, you'll get a ResourceNotFound exception.
43 44 45 46 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/helix_sync.rb', line 43 def fetch_helix_sync_pending_changelist(project_id) obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, "/helix-sync/v1/#{URI.encode(project_id)}/pending") end |
- (Object) file(path)
Returns the file metadata at this location, with the content
field filled out.
If path happens to be a directory, this method is synonymous with the files() method.
48 49 50 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/files.rb', line 48 def file(path) files(path) end |
- (Object) files(path = '')
General file browsing method.
The path
parameter should be a directory location, starting
with a depot location, e.g., my_depot/dir1
When path is empty, will return the list of depots.
Note: if path happens to be a file, instead of a directory, this is a synonym with the file() method.
If the path contains wildcards, the return will only be the list of HelixWebServicesClient::Models::File instances.
See also the HelixWebServicesClient::Models::File, HelixWebServicesClient::Models::Dir, and HelixWebServicesClient::Models::Depot for the output types.
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/files.rb', line 21 def files(path = '') unless path.empty? path = path.split('/').map { |p| URI.encode(p) }.join('/') end arr = nil if wildcards?(path) arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('files'), path: path) else arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path("files/#{path}")) end if arr.is_a?(Array){ |x| } else m = m.Content = Base64.decode64(m.content) m end end |
- (Object) group(group)
Returns the group instance indicated by the group name (or group object)
13 14 15 16 17 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/groups.rb', line 13 def group(group) group = if group.is_a?(OpenModel) obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path("groups/#{URI.encode(group)}")) end |
- (Object) groups
Array of Group objects stored in the system. Not all fields will be filled out (e.g., view).
7 8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/groups.rb', line 7 def groups arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('groups')) { |x| } end |
- (Object) hve_path(subpath)
[View source]
237 238 239 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 237 def hve_path(subpath) "/p4/v#{api_level}/#{subpath}" end |
- (Object) increment_counter(counter)
Increment the value of a numerical counter
22 23 24 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/counters.rb', line 22 def increment_counter(counter) execute_method_no_body(:post, hve_path("counters/#{URI.encode(counter)}/increment")) end |
- (Object) job(job_id)
Returns the array of jobs in the system. Each job model is simply a hash of string -> string values, since each system can very likely adjust job output.
13 14 15 16 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/jobs.rb', line 13 def job(job_id) obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path("jobs/#{URI.encode(job_id)}")) end |
- (Object) jobs
[View source]
5 6 7 8 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/jobs.rb', line 5 def jobs arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('jobs')) { |x| } end |
- (Object) keys(user)
Return all keys for specified user. Every entry contains key name and its contents.
13 14 15 16 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/git_fusion_keys.rb', line 13 def keys(user) path = "/git-fusion/v1/users/#{user}/keys" execute_method_no_body(:get, path) end |
- (Object) label(label)
Returns the label instance indicated by the label name (or label object)
13 14 15 16 17 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/labels.rb', line 13 def label(label) label = label.label if label.is_a?(OpenModel) obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path("labels/#{URI.encode(label)}")) end |
- (Object) labels
Array of Label objects stored in the system. Not all fields will be filled out (e.g., view).
7 8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/labels.rb', line 7 def labels arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('labels')) { |a| } end |
- (Object) list_repos
Return list of configured repositories. It will fetch all configured repositories returning a list of hashes with id and name of the repository, where id is a git-fusion encoded name, and name is a full human-readable string.
14 15 16 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/git_fusion_repo.rb', line 14 def list_repos execute_method_no_body(:get, '/git-fusion/v1/repos') end |
- (Object) login(user, password)
Generates a host unlocked ticket for the user.
In some installations, such as Helix Cloud, the authentication source is not the p4d instance used for connections. This allows you to generate p4 ticket which should then be passed along as the P4PASSWD per-request header.
11 12 13 14 15 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/login.rb', line 11 def login(user, password) obj = execute_method_with_body(:post, hve_path('login'), nil, {user: user, password: password}) obj['ticket'] end |
- (Boolean) p4_ticket?(str)
140 141 142 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 140 def p4_ticket?(str) /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{32,}$/.match(str) != nil end |
- (Object) path_for(subpath)
Basically just prepends the prefix to our subpath, typically, '/p4'.
198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 198 def path_for(subpath) if @prefix.nil? || @prefix.empty? subpath elsif subpath.nil? or subpath.empty? @prefix else File.join(@prefix, subpath) end end |
- (Object) preview_helix_sync_pending_change(project_id)
“Preview”, or generate the resolve plan, for the pending changelist.
If the change doesn't exist, you'll get a ResourceNotFound exception.
57 58 59 60 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/helix_sync.rb', line 57 def preview_helix_sync_pending_change(project_id) arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, "/helix-sync/v1/#{URI.encode(project_id)}/preview") { |o| } end |
- (Object) project(project_id)
Return the project details
23 24 25 26 27 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/projects.rb', line 23 def project(project_id) path = "/projects/v1/#{URI.encode(project_id)}" obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, path) end |
- (Object) projects(details: nil, extension: nil)
Lists the projects available on the server for the user.
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/projects.rb', line 11 def projects(details: nil, extension: nil) query = {} query[:details] = details if details query[:extension] = extension if extension arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, '/projects/v1', query) arr = { |a| } if details arr end |
- (Object) protections
Fetch all protections in the system. Returns a single Protections instance.
6 7 8 9 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/protections.rb', line 6 def protections obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('protections')) end |
- (Object) remove_setting(key)
Remove a setting added via add_setting
114 115 116 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 114 def remove_setting(key) @conn.headers.delete("X-Perforce-Helix-Web-Services-#{key}") end |
- (Object) repo(repo_name)
Return the repository details. For specified repository it will fetch and return currently submitted configuration.
22 23 24 25 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/git_fusion_repo.rb', line 22 def repo(repo_name) path = "/git-fusion/v1/repos/#{GitFusionStrings.encode(repo_name)}" execute_method_no_body(:get, path) end |
- (Object) run_method_no_body(method, path, params = nil)
[View source]
170 171 172 173 174 175 176 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 170 def run_method_no_body(method, path, params = nil) path = path_for(path) response = @conn.send(method, path, params) assert_ok(response) response end |
- (Object) run_method_with_body(method, path, params = nil, body = nil)
[View source]
178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 178 def run_method_with_body(method, path, params = nil, body = nil) if !body && params body = params params = nil end path = path_for(path) if params params_hash = params_hash.merge!(params) path += "?#{params_hash.to_query}" end response = @conn.send(method, path, body) assert_ok(response) response end |
- (Object) server(server)
Returns a HelixWebServicesClient::OpenModel for the login
12 13 14 15 16 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/servers.rb', line 12 def server(server) server = server.ServerID if server.is_a?(OpenModel) obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path("servers/#{URI.encode(server)}")) end |
- (Object) servers
Returns an array of Server objects representing people in the system.
6 7 8 9 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/servers.rb', line 6 def servers arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('servers')) { |obj| } end |
- (Object) services
Returns an array of all service definitions in the system. Each definition
is a hash with type
and uri
8 9 10 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/config.rb', line 8 def services execute_method_no_body(:get, '/config/v1/services') end |
- (Object) set_auth(user, token)
Note: this class is really just common implementation. Methods are generally defined in other files that reopen this class.
136 137 138 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 136 def set_auth(user, token) @conn.basic_auth(user, token) end |
- (Object) set_counter(counter)
Set the counter value
29 30 31 32 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/counters.rb', line 29 def set_counter(counter) counter = unless counter.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:put, hve_path("counters/#{URI.encode(counter.counter)}"), counter.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) stream(stream)
Fetch single stream details
14 15 16 17 18 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/streams.rb', line 14 def stream(stream) stream = if stream.is_a?(OpenModel) obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path("streams/#{URI.encode(stream)}")) end |
- (Object) streams
Returns an array of Stream objects representing people in the system.
6 7 8 9 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/streams.rb', line 6 def streams arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('streams')) { |obj| } end |
- (Object) submit_config(repo_name, config)
Replace config for a specified repository. This will replace current config for a Git Fusion repo with a new one under the same name, for the same path.
40 41 42 43 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/git_fusion_repo.rb', line 40 def submit_config(repo_name, config) path = "/git-fusion/v1/repos/#{GitFusionStrings.encode(repo_name)}" execute_method_with_body(:put, path, {'config' => config}) end |
- (Object) submit_helix_sync_pending_change(project_id)
Submits the pending changelist for the helix sync project.
Currently this assumes that all files are shelved and nothing's open on the client. This is likely not what we want … but it's a start.
68 69 70 71 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/helix_sync.rb', line 68 def submit_helix_sync_pending_change(project_id) obj = execute_method_no_body(:post, "/helix-sync/v1/#{URI.encode(project_id)}/submit") end |
- (OpenModel) triggers
Fetch the list of trigger lines in the system.
8 9 10 11 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/triggers.rb', line 8 def triggers obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('triggers')) end |
- (Object) update_branch(branch)
Updates the branch specification.
27 28 29 30 31 32 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/branches.rb', line 27 def update_branch(branch) branch = unless branch.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:patch, hve_path("branches/#{URI.encode(branch.branch)}"), branch.marshal_dump) true end |
- (Object) update_client(client)
Updates the client specification.
26 27 28 29 30 31 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/clients.rb', line 26 def update_client(client) client = unless client.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:patch, hve_path("clients/#{URI.encode(client.client)}"), client.marshal_dump) true end |
- (Object) update_config(repo_name, config)
Modify config for a specified repository. This will update chosen parts of p4gf_file.
49 50 51 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/git_fusion_repo.rb', line 49 def update_config(repo_name, config) execute_method_with_body(:patch, "/git-fusion/v1/repos/#{GitFusionStrings.encode(repo_name)}", {'config' => config}) end |
- (Object) update_depot(depot)
Updates the depot specification.
26 27 28 29 30 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/depots.rb', line 26 def update_depot(depot) depot = unless depot.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:patch, hve_path("depots/#{URI.encode(depot.depot)}"), depot.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) update_group(group)
Updates the group specification.
26 27 28 29 30 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/groups.rb', line 26 def update_group(group) group = unless group.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:patch, hve_path("groups/#{URI.encode(}"), group.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) update_job(job)
Updates the job specification.
28 29 30 31 32 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/jobs.rb', line 28 def update_job(job) job = unless job.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:patch, hve_path("jobs/#{URI.encode(job['Job'])}"), job.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) update_label(label)
Updates the label specification.
26 27 28 29 30 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/labels.rb', line 26 def update_label(label) label = unless label.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:patch, hve_path("labels/#{URI.encode(label.label)}"), label.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) update_protections(protections)
Updates the protections table based on the Protections instance passed in
15 16 17 18 19 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/protections.rb', line 15 def update_protections(protections) protections = unless protections.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:put, hve_path('protections'), protections.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) update_server(server)
[View source]
24 25 26 27 28 29 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/servers.rb', line 24 def update_server(server) server = unless server.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:patch, hve_path("servers/#{URI.encode(server.ServerID)}"), server.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) update_stream(stream)
[View source]
26 27 28 29 30 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/streams.rb', line 26 def update_stream(stream) stream = unless stream.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:patch, hve_path("streams/#{URI.encode(}"), stream.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) update_triggers(triggers)
Update the triggers table using the Triggers model instance
16 17 18 19 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/triggers.rb', line 16 def update_triggers(triggers) triggers = unless triggers.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:put, hve_path('triggers'), triggers.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) update_user(user)
[View source]
24 25 26 27 28 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/users.rb', line 24 def update_user(user) user = unless user.is_a?(OpenModel) execute_method_with_body(:patch, hve_path("users/#{URI.encode(user.user)}"), user.marshal_dump) end |
- (Object) upload_file(file)
Upload a single file's content.
The file
hash should contain the following fields:
: target depot path -
: file content
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/files.rb', line 60 def upload_file(file) file = unless file.is_a?(OpenModel) path = encode_path(file.depot_file) body = { 'DepotFile' => file.depot_file, 'Content' => Base64.encode64(file.content) } execute_method_with_body(:patch, hve_path("files/#{path}"), nil, body) end |
- (Object) upload_files(files: [], path: nil, description: nil)
Upload multiple files
Each file in the Files
array should have two fields
: target path, can be relative ifpath
is indicated -
: File content
The optional path
parameter can indicate the root directory
for all files.
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/files.rb', line 86 def upload_files(files: [], path: nil, description: nil) files = do |f| unless f.is_a?(OpenModel) end path = path ? encode_path(path) : '' obj = { 'Files' => do |f| { 'DepotFile' => f.depot_file, 'Content' => Base64.encode64(f.content) } end } obj['Description'] = description if description execute_method_with_body(:patch, hve_path("files/#{path}"), nil, obj) end |
- (Object) user_details(user)
Returns a HelixWebServicesClient::OpenModel for the login
12 13 14 15 16 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/users.rb', line 12 def user_details(user) user = user.user if user.is_a?(OpenModel) obj = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path("users/#{URI.encode(user)}")) end |
- (Object) users
Returns an array of User objects representing people in the system.
6 7 8 9 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client/users.rb', line 6 def users arr = execute_method_no_body(:get, hve_path('users')) { |obj| } end |
- (Object) version
Return the product version ID of the Helix Web Services instance
242 243 244 245 |
# File 'lib/helix_web_services_client.rb', line 242 def version response = run_method_no_body(:get, '/status') response.headers['X-Helix-Web-Services-Version'] end |