RSpec Code Examples

101 examples, 0 failures

Finished in 1.80491 seconds

should allow for valid ticket authentication0.03101s
should return a 403 for invalid ticket authentication0.00670s
Config services
GET /config/v1/services
will default to an empty list if the system config file is missing0.02729s
will return the contents of the SERVICE_CONFIGURATION config file0.03519s
HelixSync changes
GET /helix-sync/v1/:project_id/last-change
HVE projects
can fetch the latest change for the project0.05949s
GET /helix-sync/v1/:project_id/pending
default value
returns the default value if no change found0.02136s
POST /helix-sync/v1/:project_id/submit
locked client
times out and fails if the client is already locked0.02870s
HelixSync clients
POST /helix-sync/v1/:project/clients/device
no implementation
returns a 4040.01828s
HVE projects
can create a project0.02304s
POST /helix-sync/v1/:project/clients/shelf
no implementation
returns a 4040.01669s
HVE projects
can create a project0.02496s
HelixVersioningEngine branches
POST /p4/v78/branches
can create a test branch0.02074s
GET /p4/v78/branches
can find the new branch in an array of branches0.02418s
PATCH /p4/v78/branches/[branch]
can update the branch description0.01776s
GET /p4/v78/branches/[branch]
can load the new branch with a View0.01344s
DELETE /p4/v78/branches/[branch]
can delete the branch0.02223s
HelixVersioningEngine changes
GET /p4/v78/changes
should list change 10.01612s
can limit the test results to 1 with the max parameter0.02146s
can limit the change results by user0.01895s
can limit the change results by status0.02638s
can limit the change results by a files query0.01618s
POST /p4/v78/changes
can branch files0.04331s
can add files0.04953s
GET /p4/v78/changes/[change]
can describe file lists in submitted changes0.01620s
POST /p4/v78/changes/[change]
can submit a changelist with shelved changes on a normal client0.06102s
can submit a changelist with shelved changes on a normal client0.06411s
HelixVersioningEngine clients
POST /p4/v78/clients
can create a test client0.01572s
GET /p4/v78/clients
can find the new client in an array of clients0.01653s
PATCH /p4/v78/clients/[client]
can update the client description0.02259s
GET /p4/v78/clients/[client]
can load the new client with a View0.01695s
DELETE /p4/v78/clients/[client]
can delete the client0.02319s
HelixVersioningEngine commands
GET /p4/v78/commands/:command
should return a 403 for commands that are not whitelisted0.02172s
should return a 403 for commands that are missing required args0.01763s
should allow you to run a whitelisted command, specified via a string0.01172s
should allow you to run a whitelisted command if you specify a required argument via an array0.01100s
POST /p4/v78/commands/:command
should return a 403 for commands that are not whitelisted0.01007s
HelixVersioningEngine counters
PUT /p4/v78/counters/[counter]
can create a numerical counter0.01087s
can create a text counter0.01082s
GET /p4/v78/counters
can include our test counters in the list0.01083s
GET /p4/v78/counters/[counter]
can list our numerical counter0.01029s
can list the text counter0.01055s
POST /p4/v78/counters/[counter]/increment
can increment the numerical counter0.01680s
DELETE /p4/v78/counters/[counter]
can delete our test counters0.01999s
HelixVersioningEngine depots
POST /p4/v78/depots
can create a new depot0.01430s
GET /p4/v78/depots
returns the new depot in an array of depots0.01093s
GET /p4/v78/depots/[depot]
can fetch the new depot0.01081s
PATCH /p4/v78/depots/[depot]
can update the description0.01912s
DELETE /p4/v78/depots/[depot]
can delete the depot0.01643s
HelixVersioningEngine files
GET /p4/v78/files
can list depots at the root level0.01165s
can list dirs levels greater than 10.01253s
can list files at levels greater than 10.01348s
PATCH /p4/v78/files
can edit and add a new file0.04011s
DELETE /p4/v78/files
can delete a file0.02784s
HelixVersioningEngine groups
POST /p4/v78/groups
can create a test group0.01172s
GET /p4/v78/groups
can find the new group in an array of groups0.01173s
PATCH /p4/v78/groups/[group]
can update the users list0.01256s
GET /p4/v78/groups/[group]
can load the new group with a View0.01197s
DELETE /p4/v78/groups/[group]
can delete the group0.01700s
HelixVersioningEngine jobs
POST /p4/v78/jobs
can create a new job0.01240s
GET /p4/v78/jobs
returns the new job in an array of jobs0.01172s
GET /p4/v78/jobs/[job]
can fetch the new job0.01206s
PATCH /p4/v78/jobs/[job]
can update the description0.01710s
DELETE /p4/v78/jobs/[job]
can delete the job0.01803s
HelixVersioningEngine labels
POST /p4/v78/labels
can create a test label0.01221s
GET /p4/v78/labels
can find the new label in an array of labels0.01082s
PATCH /p4/v78/labels/[label]
can update the users list0.01141s
GET /p4/v78/labels/[label]
can load the new label with a View0.01143s
DELETE /p4/v78/labels/[label]
can delete the label0.01546s
HelixVersioningEngine login
POST /p4/v78/login
can create ... the same ticket0.00962s
HelixVersioningEngine protections
GET /p4/v78/protections
should return an array with at least two protections0.01101s
PUT /p4/v78/protections
should add a protections entry for the user jdoe0.02064s
should remove the protections entry for user jdoe0.02103s
HelixVersioningEngine servers
POST /p4/v78/servers
can create a test server0.01100s
GET /p4/v78/servers
can find the new server in an array of servers0.00995s
PATCH /p4/v78/servers/[server]
can update the users list0.01224s
GET /p4/v78/servers/[server]
can load the new server with a View0.01023s
DELETE /p4/v78/servers/[server]
can delete the server0.01550s
HelixVersioningEngine streams
POST /p4/v78/streams
can create //stream-test/main-RZPMGCXL0.01179s
GET /p4/v78/streams
should list //stream-test/main-RZPMGCXL in stream defs0.01087s
GET /p4/v78/streams/[stream]
should fetch only main-RZPMGCXL0.01190s
PATCH /p4/v78/streams/[stream]
should update the stream description0.01686s
DELETE /p4/v78/streams/[stream]
should delete the stream0.02021s
HelixVersioningEngine triggers
should add a triggers entry0.02257s
should remove the triggers entry0.02241s
HelixVersioningEngine users
GET /p4/v78/users
should list jdoe and super users0.01136s
GET /p4/v78/users/:user
should return the user mmustermann0.01174s
POST /p4/v78/users
should create a new user0.01826s
PATCH /p4/v78/users/:user
should update a user email0.01768s
should return a 404 if you attempt to patch an invalid user0.01115s
DELETE /p4/v78/users/:user
should delete the user0.01674s
should return a 500 status with a system error0.01576s
should return a 400 status with a user error0.01662s
should not allow "rsh:" in P4PORT0.00932s
ensure a string doesn't have a forward slash0.00028s
ensure a string with a forward slash can be decoded back0.00013s
ensure a repo name doesn't have a forward slash0.00013s
ensure a repo name with a forward slash can be decoded back0.00012s
POST /projects/v1/login
should generate and return the p4 ticket0.00394s
GET /projects/v1
HVE Projects
will list project ids with no details value0.01106s
will list project data with details enabled0.01289s
GET /projects/v1/:id
HVE Projects
will list project data for the indicated id0.01191s