class RoomsController < ApplicationController before_action :set_locale before_action :find_room, only: [:edit,:show,:update] before_action :require_user, except: [:index,:show] def index if params[:search] and params[:search][:query] @rooms = [{:name => 'My search result'}] if @rooms.any?[:success] = 'Rooms matching #{rooms.size}' else[:warning] = 'Sorry, no matching rooms here' end else @rooms = Room.all end end def show end def new @room = end def create @room = @room.user = current_user if flash[:success] = "Room created" redirect_to rooms_path else flash[:error] = "Sorry, no room at the inn" render :new end end def edit @room = Room.find(params[:id]) @user = User.find( if ! @room flash[:errors] = "No room" end end def update if @room if @room.update(room_params) flash[:success] = + " updated" else flash[:error] = + " could not be updated" @room.errors.full_messages.each do | message | flash[:error] << "\n" + message end render :edit end else flash[:warning] = + " could not be found, not updated" render :edit end redirect_to rooms_path end def destroy room = Room.find(params[:id]) if room if room.delete flash[:success] = + " deleted" else flash[:error] = + " could not be deleted" room.errors.full_messages.each do | message | flash[:error] << "\n" + message end end else flash[:warning] = + " could not be found, not deleted" render :edit end redirect_to rooms_path end private def room_params params.require(:room).permit( :price_in_pence, :name, :description, :availability, :latitude, :longitude, :phone_no, :no_of_rooms, :max_guests, :pets, :address) end def find_room @room = Room.find(params[:id]) end def set_locale I18n.locale = request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'].scan(/^[a-zA-Z-]+[^,]/).first || I18n.default_locale end end