Requirements for client ======================= Prerequisites ======================= 1. Perl Installation 2. A CABIE server to communicate with 3. FreezeThaw package from CPAN or other Perl repository Installation ======================= 1. Windows a. Install ActiveState perl from b. Install FreezeThaw from ActievState using the following command: ppm install FreezeThaw 2. Unix (Posix) a. Install Perl version 5.6 or greater b. Install FreezeThaw from CPAN using the CPAN module: perl -MCPAN -e shell follow prompts to configure CPAN install FreezeThaw c. Change the line '#!/usr/local/bin/perl' in to point to the location of your perl binary d. chmod 755 Test your configuration by typing 'perl -c' Usage ======================= To use the CABIE command line utility you can set an environment variable called BLDSERVER as follows: 1. Windows set BLDSERVER=servername:port 2. UNIX export BLDSERVER=servername:port Run the script as follows: 1. Windows commands 2. ./ commands on it's own will provide usage information.