#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
use P4CGI ;
use strict ;
# All config info should be in P4CGI.pm
# View a p4 client
# Get parameter
my $client = P4CGI::cgi()->param("CLIENT") ;
unless(defined $client) {
&P4CGI::bail("No client specified!") ;
} ;
$client = &P4CGI::htmlEncode($client) ;
# Get list of users and full names
my %users ;
&P4CGI::p4user2name(\%users );
# Get client info
my %values ;
my @fields = &P4CGI::p4readform("client -o '$client'",\%values);
# Fix owner field
if(exists $users{$values{"Owner"}}) {
$values{"Owner"} = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "userView.cgi" ,
"HELP=View user info",
$values{"Owner"}) . " ($users{$values{Owner}})" ;
else {
$values{"Owner"} .= " No such user" ;
} ;
# Fix up description
my @referenced ;
$values{"Description"} = &P4CGI::formatDescription($values{"Description"},
\@referenced) ;
# Fix Root
if(exists $values{"Root"}) {
$values{"Root"} = "$values{Root}" ;
} ;
# Fix Options
if(exists $values{"Options"}) {
$values{"Options"} = "$values{Options}" ;
} ;
# Fix view
my $view = &P4CGI::start_table("border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0") ;
foreach (split("\n",$values{"View"})) {
last if /^\s*$/ ;
my ($tmp,$lead1,$d,$lead2,$c) = split(/(\"?\/\/)/,$_) ;
$d = "$lead1$d" ;
$c = "$lead2$c" ;
$view .= &P4CGI::table_row("$d"," $c") ;
} ;
$view .= &P4CGI::end_table() ;
$values{"View"} = $view ;
$| = 1 ;
print "",
"List changes by client $client",
"List changes")) ;
# Check that client exist
unless(exists $values{"Client"}) {
&P4CGI::signalError("Client $client does not exist") ;
&P4CGI::start_framedTable("Client $client"),
&P4CGI::start_table("") ;
my $f ;
foreach $f (@fields)
my %xopt ;
$xopt{"class"} = "Description" if $f eq "Description" ;
$xopt{"class"} = "Description" if $f eq "View" ;
print &P4CGI::table_row({-class => "Prompt",
-text => $f},
-text => $values{$f}}) ;
} ;
my @openfiles ;
&P4CGI::p4call(*P4, "opened -a " . &P4CGI::REDIRECT_ERROR_TO_NULL_DEVICE() );
while() {
chomp ;
/^(.+\#\d+) - (\S+) .* by (\S+)\@(\S+)/ and do {
my $f = $1 ;
my $u = $3 ;
my $r = $2 ;
my $c = $4 ;
if($c eq $client) {
$f =~ /(.*)\#(\d+)/ ;
if($r ne "add") {
$f = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "fileLogView.cgi",
"HELP=View file log",
"$f") ;
$u = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "userView.cgi",
"HELP=View user info",
"$u") ;
push @openfiles,&P4CGI::table_row({-class=>"ListC",
-text => $r},
-text => $f},
-text => $u}) ;
} ;
} ;
} ;
if(@openfiles > 0) {
print &P4CGI::table_row({-class => "Prompt",
-text => "Open files:"},
&P4CGI::table_header("Action","File","User") .
join("\n",@openfiles) .
&P4CGI::end_table()) ;
} ;
&P4CGI::end_page() ;
# That's all folks