#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- use P4CGI ; use strict ; # ################################################################# # CONFIGURATION INFORMATION # All config info should be in P4CGI.pm # ################################################################# # # View files affected by a set of changes # ################################################################# my $err2null = &P4CGI::REDIRECT_ERROR_TO_NULL_DEVICE() ; #### # Parameters # FSPC = file spec # # WEEKS = restrict to changes newer than specified No. of weeks # DAYS = restrict to changes newer than specified No. of days # HOURS = restrict to changes newer than specified No. of hours # # WEEKS, DAYS and HOURS are added to get total time # my $FSPC = P4CGI::cgi()->param("FSPC") ; $FSPC = "//..." unless defined $FSPC ; $FSPC = &P4CGI::htmlEncode($FSPC) ; my @FSPC = split(/\s*\+?\s*(?=\/\/)/,$FSPC) ; my $WEEKS = P4CGI::cgi()->param("WEEKS") ; if(defined $WEEKS) { &P4CGI::bail("Parameter WEEKS non-numeric") unless $WEEKS =~ /^\d+$/ ; } else { $WEEKS = 0 ; } my $DAYS = P4CGI::cgi()->param("DAYS") ; if(defined $DAYS) { &P4CGI::bail("Parameter DAYS non-numeric") unless $DAYS =~ /^\d+$/ ; } else { $DAYS=0 ; } my $HOURS = P4CGI::cgi()->param("HOURS") ; if(defined $HOURS) { &P4CGI::bail("Parameter HOURS non-numeric") unless $HOURS =~ /^\d+$/ ; } else { $HOURS = 0 ; } my $seconds = 3600 * ( $HOURS + (24 * ($DAYS + (7 * $WEEKS)))) ; # # get time strings to compare to # my $time = time() ; my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($time); my $currentTimeString = sprintf("\@%d/%02.2d/%02.2d:%02.2d:%02.2d:%02.2d", 1900+$year,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec) ; ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($time - $seconds); my $afterTimeString = sprintf("\@%d/%02.2d/%02.2d:%02.2d:%02.2d:%02.2d", 1900+$year,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec) ; my $niceAfterTimeString = sprintf("%d/%02.2d/%02.2d %02.2d:%02.2d", 1900+$year,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min) ; &P4CGI::ERRLOG("currentTimeString: $currentTimeString") ; &P4CGI::ERRLOG("afterTimeString: $afterTimeString") ; my $title = "Files in ". join("
\n",@FSPC). "

changed after $niceAfterTimeString" ; # # Start page # print &P4CGI::start_page("$title","") ; # # Get list of files changed # my %toRev ; my %mode ; foreach $FSPC (@FSPC) { my @files ; &P4CGI::p4call(\@files,"files \"${FSPC}${afterTimeString},${currentTimeString}\" $err2null") ; map { s/\#(\d+) - (\S+).*$// ; $toRev{$_}=$1 ; $mode{$_} =$2 ; } @files ; } my @affectedFiles = sort keys %toRev ; # # Get revision at start of interval # my %fromRev ; my @filesToCheck = @affectedFiles ; while(@filesToCheck > 0) { my $files="" ; while(length($files) < 1000 and @filesToCheck > 0) { $files .= " \"" . shift(@filesToCheck) . $afterTimeString . "\"" ; } my @res ; &P4CGI::p4call(\@res,"files $files $err2null") ; map { s/\#(\d+) - .*// ; $fromRev{$_}=$1 } @res ; } if(@affectedFiles == 0) { print "No files found
" ; } else { my $filesFound = scalar @affectedFiles . " files" ; print &P4CGI::start_framedTable($filesFound), &P4CGI::start_table(""), &P4CGI::table_header("From", "", "To", "File", "Change(s)") ; my $f ; foreach $f (@affectedFiles) { my @tmp ; my $changes ; &P4CGI::p4call(\@tmp,"changes \"$f${afterTimeString},${currentTimeString}\"") ; map { /^Change (\d+).*$/ ; my $c = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "changeView.cgi", "CH=$1", "HELP=View change", $1) ; if(defined $changes) { $changes .= ", $c" ; } else { $changes = "$c" ; } ; } @tmp ; my $file = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "fileLogView.cgi", "FSPC=$f", "HELP=File log", $f) ; my $fromRev ; my $diff ; if(exists $fromRev{$f}) { $fromRev = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "fileViewer.cgi", "FSPC=$f", "REV=$fromRev{$f}", "HELP=View file", $fromRev{$f}) ; $diff = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "fileDiffView.cgi", "FSPC=$f", "REV=$fromRev{$f}", "REV2=$toRev{$f}", "ACT=$mode{$f}", "HELP=View diff", "(diff)") ; } else { $fromRev = "" ; $diff = "New" ; } ; my $toRev ; if($mode{$f} eq "delete") { $toRev = $toRev{$f} ; $diff = "Deleted" ; } else { $toRev = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "fileViewer.cgi", "FSPC=$f", "REV=$toRev{$f}", "HELP=View file", $toRev{$f}) ; } ; print &P4CGI::table_row(-align => "center", $fromRev, $diff, $toRev, {-align=>"left", -text => $file}, {-align=>"left", -text => $changes}) ; } ; } ; print &P4CGI::end_table(), &P4CGI::end_framedTable(), "
"; print &P4CGI::end_page() ; # # That's all folks #