############################################################ IDENT(1)
# $Title: Script to dump p4d log entries $
############################################################ GLOBALS

pgm="${0##*/}" # Program basename

# Global exit status

# Miscellaneous
# NB: For usage() statement only (not exported)
P4D_ROOT=$( sysrc -n p4d_root 2> /dev/null )
P4D_LOG=$( sysrc -n p4d_log 2> /dev/null )
: ${P4D_ROOT:=/perforce}
: ${P4D_LOG:=$P4D_ROOT/logs/p4log}
unset P4D_ROOT

############################################################ FUNCTIONS

	exec >&2
	local optfmt="\t%-8s %s\n"
	printf "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] [regex]\n" "$pgm"
	printf "OPTIONS:\n"
	printf "$optfmt" "regex" \
		"awk(1) regular expression for matching log entries."
	printf "$optfmt" "-NUM" \
		"Limit output to at-most NUM mathing entries."
	printf "$optfmt" "-A NUM" \
		"Show NUM lines of context following matched entries."
	printf "$optfmt" "-B NUM" \
		"Show NUM lines of context leading up to matched entries."
	printf "$optfmt" "-c" \
		"Always enable color, even to non-terminals (e.g., pipes)."
	printf "$optfmt" "-f file" \
		"Read file (\`-' for stdin; Default $P4D_LOG)."
	printf "$optfmt" "-n" \
		"Disable the use of color highlighting on terminals."
	exit $FAILURE

############################################################ MAIN

exec p4t server_log "$@" '^[^\n]+'

# $Copyright: 2015 Devin Teske. All rights reserved. $
# $Header: //guest/freebsdfrau/p4t/libexec/log#1 $