p4bindgen -- A binding generator for MS Vistual Studio. This tool will create the MSSCCPRJ.SCC needed so you don't keep getting the binding window for each and every project in your Solution. To install it: Download the p4bindgen.exe and tools.txt from http://public.perforce.com:8080/guest/gordon_tetlow/p4bindgen/ Put the p4bindgen.exe somewhere, ideally in your PATH. In P4Win, import the tools.txt via Tools -> Import. Optionally, once it is imported, use the Tools -> Customize to edit the command for the tool to give it the proper path to p4bindgen.exe. To use it: In P4Win, select a directory that has been synced out to your client and hit Tools -> Generate VS Bindings. Optionally, you can right click on the directory and it should be listed in the context menu. Please email Gordon Tetlow if you have any issues.