#!/bin/perl5 # -*- Perl -*- # Copyright 1999 Greg Spencer (greg_spencer@acm.org) require SourceToHtml; #usage: file2html $filename = shift @ARGV; if (!-f $filename) { print STDERR "Unable to open $filename: $@\n"; exit(-1); } $time = SourceToHtml::Timestamp((stat($filename))[8]); open (INPUT, "<$filename") || die "Unable to open $filename: $@\n"; @input = ; close (INPUT); for ($i=0;$i<10;$i++){ $sample .= $input[$i]; } # printed in the center of title area, top and bottom $confidential = "Company Confidential"; # Should we print line numbers? $use_lineno = 1; # This is a label that goes in front of the timestamp $stamp_label = " "; # This says that we need the full HTML headers (because it's # generating a complete page). $standalone = 1; $converter = new SourceToHtml($filename,$sample, $use_lineno,$confidential,1, $time,$filename,$stamp_label); print $converter->Convert(@input);