JBuilder 5 and Perforce Integration
Author: Nicolas Jorand of jBASE Software, Inc. http://www.jbase.com/

The jbuilder5vcs.jar is a JBuilder OpenTools compliant plug-in 
for the Enterprise edition of Borland's JBuilder 5 IDE. It integrates 
basic Perforce commands into the IDE, allowing convenient access
to Perforce without leaving the IDE.

The following commands are available:
The integration uses the VCS interfaces supplied by the JBuilder IDE.

To use this tool, you must install and configure the Perforce command 
line client, as well as the enterprise edition of the JBuilder IDE 
(version 4 or greater). All the tests of this tool were carried out with 
JBuilder version and Perforce version 2000.2.19464 on Win2k.

1) Copy the file "jbuilder5vcs.jar" to {JBuilderRoot}\lib\ext.
2) Run JBuilder and open a project. 
3) Go to the "Team->Configure Version Control" menu, and select 
    "PerforceVCS" from the list of available version control systems.
4) Fill out the resulting form with your client, user, and port information.
    Note: if you are using Windows and your password is stored in the registry, 
    you do not need to enter it here. If the check box "default" is selected, 
    then the host and port stored on your system will be used. 
5) Click OK, then go to the Team menu and select "Connect". This 
    step may not be necessary if your password is saved in the registry.

Use within the IDE
There are two ways of running p4 commands; either via the Team menu 
itself or via the context menu of the project tree.
The actions available depend on the state of the file(s) selected. It 
is possible to carry out an action such as submit on more than one 
file at once. To commit all the outstanding modifications, select the 
menu "Team->See Project Status", the check box opposite each file allows 
the selection of the files that you want to send to back to Perforce. Click the
summary comment tab to change your submit comment.
Note that your project root and source root must be within the perforce 
root for the tool to work correctly. 

License for Use
The only restrictions on use are that any and all derivative works should 
contain this original documentation, code and recognition; that no money 
be charged for this or any other derivative work; there are no other 
restrictions, and no additional restrictions should be placed upon any 
derivative work.