ConfigOptionsDialog QDialog name ConfigOptionsDialog geometry 0 0 475 425 minimumSize 475 425 maximumSize 475 425 caption QPerforce Options sizeGripEnabled true QLayoutWidget name Layout1 geometry 10 390 447 28 minimumSize 0 0 margin 0 spacing 6 QPushButton name buttonHelp text &Help autoDefault true name Horizontal Spacing2 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QPushButton name buttonApply text &Apply autoDefault true QPushButton name buttonOk text &OK autoDefault true default true QPushButton name buttonCancel sizePolicy 0 0 text &Cancel autoDefault true QTabWidget name tabWidget geometry 10 10 450 370 minimumSize 0 0 QWidget name Widget2 title Connection QComboBox name ComboBox1 geometry 80 10 190 22 QCheckBox name CheckBox1 geometry 280 10 150 20 text Remember as Default QLabel name TextLabel2 geometry 220 40 53 20 text minutes QCheckBox name CheckBox5 geometry 20 60 330 20 text Automaticall reload depot & chanelists after editing client definition QCheckBox name CheckBox6 geometry 20 80 270 20 text Automatically reload pane when it is uncovered after QLabel name TextLabel3 geometry 340 80 53 20 text minutes QButtonGroup name ButtonGroup2 geometry 20 110 410 70 title Submitted Changelists Pane QRadioButton name RadioButton2 geometry 10 40 130 20 text Automatically fetch last QLabel name TextLabel4 geometry 190 40 120 20 text changelists from server QRadioButton name RadioButton1 geometry 10 20 290 20 text Automatically fetch all submitted changelists from server QLineEdit name LineEdit4 enabled false geometry 150 40 30 22 QLabel name TextLabel1 geometry 20 10 50 20 text P4Port QButtonGroup name ButtonGroup8 geometry 20 190 410 70 title Job List Pane QRadioButton name RadioButton40 geometry 10 20 190 20 text Display All filtered or unfiltered Jobs QLabel name TextLabel4_2 geometry 170 40 140 20 text changelists from server QCheckBox name CheckBox40 enabled false geometry 220 20 160 20 text Poll for Job Updates QRadioButton name RadioButton41 geometry 10 40 120 20 text Display maximum of QLineEdit name LineEdit35 enabled false geometry 130 40 30 22 QButtonGroup name ButtonGroup15 geometry 20 270 410 70 title Revision History Window QLabel name TextLabel5_2 geometry 190 40 130 20 text history records from server QRadioButton name RadioButton60 geometry 10 20 300 20 text Automatically fetch all revision history records from server QRadioButton name RadioButton61 geometry 10 40 130 20 text Automatically fetch last QLineEdit name LineEdit43 enabled false geometry 150 40 30 22 QLineEdit name LineEdit3 enabled false geometry 300 80 28 22 QLineEdit name LineEdit2 enabled false geometry 180 40 30 22 QCheckBox name CheckBox4 enabled false geometry 280 40 120 20 text Poll When Active QCheckBox name CheckBox3 geometry 20 40 160 20 text Poll server for updates every QWidget name Widget3 title Edit/View QGroupBox name GroupBox3 geometry 10 10 431 150 title Editors (over-ride specific file associations) QListView text Extension clickable true resizeable true text Application clickable true resizeable true name ListView1 geometry 10 20 330 120 QPushButton name PushButton7 geometry 350 110 70 26 text Edit QPushButton name PushButton6 geometry 350 70 70 26 text Delete QPushButton name PushButton5 geometry 350 30 70 26 text Add QCheckBox name CheckBox7_2 geometry 10 170 320 20 text Ignore associated apps for ALL other text files QLabel name TextLabel1_2 geometry 10 200 100 20 text Default Text Editor: QPushButton name PushButton8 geometry 10 230 93 26 text Browse... QCheckBox name CheckBox8 geometry 110 230 160 20 text Console Application QLineEdit name LineEdit6_2 geometry 110 200 320 22 QButtonGroup name ButtonGroup3 geometry 18 267 410 60 autoMask false backgroundOrigin WidgetOrigin frameShape NoFrame title Dont' use temp for these extensions: QRadioButton name RadioButton21 geometry 0 40 190 20 text Dont' use temp for these extensions: QRadioButton name RadioButton19 geometry 0 0 340 20 text Never use a temp file when viewing a synced unopened depot file QRadioButton name RadioButton20 geometry 0 20 310 20 text Always use a temp file when viewing an unopened depot file QLineEdit name LineEdit21 enabled false geometry 200 40 200 22 QWidget name tab title Diff/Merge QButtonGroup name ButtonGroup11 geometry 10 10 420 140 title Diff Application QCheckBox name CheckBox64 geometry 10 110 150 20 text Allow Diff of Binary files QPushButton name PushButton17 geometry 330 90 80 26 text Browse QLineEdit name LineEdit16 enabled false geometry 10 60 400 22 QCheckBox name CheckBox63 enabled false geometry 10 90 120 20 text Console Application QRadioButton name RadioButton32 geometry 10 40 170 20 text User supplied Diff application QCheckBox name CheckBox65 enabled false geometry 160 90 140 20 text Close Window upon Exit QLineEdit name LineEdit15 enabled false geometry 320 20 30 22 QLabel name TextLabel1_3 enabled false geometry 180 20 140 20 text Characters per Tab setting: QRadioButton name RadioButton31 geometry 10 20 160 20 text Perforce Diff (recommended) QButtonGroup name ButtonGroup12 geometry 10 170 420 140 title Merge Application QCheckBox name CheckBox66 geometry 200 20 160 20 text Do not show file names QCheckBox name CheckBox67 enabled false geometry 10 100 120 20 text Console Application QCheckBox name CheckBox68 enabled false geometry 160 100 140 20 text Close window upon Exit QPushButton name PushButton18 enabled false geometry 330 100 80 26 text Browse QLineEdit name LineEdit17 enabled false geometry 10 70 400 22 QRadioButton name RadioButton34 geometry 10 40 180 20 text User supplied Merge application QRadioButton name RadioButton33 geometry 10 20 190 20 text Perforce Merge (recommended) QWidget name tab title Display QCheckBox name CheckBox25 geometry 10 8 315 17 text Show deleted depot files QCheckBox name CheckBox26 geometry 10 31 315 17 text Show Perforce files types in Depot and Changelist panes QCheckBox name CheckBox29 geometry 10 54 315 17 text Show open action in Changelist pane QCheckBox name CheckBox30 geometry 10 77 315 17 text Show partial change descriptions in Changelist pane QCheckBox name CheckBox31 geometry 10 100 315 17 text Always show connect settings in title bar QCheckBox name CheckBox32 geometry 10 123 315 17 text Show p4 command in the status pane QCheckBox name CheckBox33 geometry 10 146 315 17 text Show local path for depot files QCheckBox name CheckBox34 geometry 10 169 315 17 text Outline depot file under cursor QCheckBox name CheckBox35 geometry 10 192 315 17 text Show timestamp for status messages QCheckBox name CheckBox36 geometry 10 215 315 17 text Preserve formatting for text in all specification dialogs QCheckBox name CheckBox37 geometry 10 238 315 17 text List label files in a dialog box rather than in the status pane QCheckBox name CheckBox38 geometry 10 261 315 17 text Expand pending changelists whenever a file or job is added QCheckBox name CheckBox39 geometry 10 284 315 17 text Enable including integrations when filtering submitted changes QCheckBox name CheckBox40_2 geometry 10 307 315 17 text Enable displaying branching history in Revision History dialog QWidget name tab title Font QWidget name tab title Double Click Option QButtonGroup name ButtonGroup20 geometry 10 150 430 90 title When you double-click a file in either the depot or pending changelist pane: QRadioButton name RadioButton53 geometry 10 20 410 20 text Diff vs Head Rev in Depot pane/vs Depot version in Changelist pane QRadioButton name RadioButton54 geometry 10 40 410 20 text Display Properties dialog in both Depot and Changelist panes QRadioButton name RadioButton55 geometry 10 60 410 20 text Display Revision History in both Depot and Changelist panes QButtonGroup name ButtonGroup19 geometry 8 7 430 130 title When you double-click a file in the depot pane: QRadioButton name RadioButton48 geometry 10 20 410 20 text View unopened files, Edit opened files (Defautl) QRadioButton name RadioButton49 geometry 10 40 410 20 text Open for Edit QRadioButton name RadioButton51 geometry 10 80 410 20 text View Head Revision using associated viewer QRadioButton name RadioButton52 geometry 10 100 410 20 text Sync to Head Revision QRadioButton name RadioButton50 geometry 10 60 410 20 text Open and Edit file using associated editor QWidget name tab title Miscellaneous QGroupBox name GroupBox3_2 geometry 228 11 211 50 title Provide additional warnings QCheckBox name CheckBox30_2 geometry 10 20 180 20 text for opening already open file(s) QGroupBox name GroupBox2 geometry 10 10 211 50 title Integrate Options Default Setting QCheckBox name CheckBox29_2 geometry 10 20 160 20 text Integrate Target at Head Rev QCheckBox name CheckBox31_2 geometry 20 60 380 20 text Automatically deselect unchanged files before changelist submission QCheckBox name CheckBox32_2 geometry 20 80 420 20 text Default setting for Reopen files flag when a changelist is submitted QLineEdit name LineEdit11 geometry 160 100 50 22 QLabel name TextLabel3_2 geometry 220 100 120 20 text files in a single operation QLabel name TextLabel4_3 geometry 20 120 230 20 text Max number of depot files to sort by extension is QLineEdit name LineEdit12 geometry 250 120 70 22 QLabel name TextLabel5 geometry 20 140 320 20 text Minimum number of lines in multi-line edit field in spec edit dialog is QLineEdit name LineEdit13 geometry 340 140 40 22 QCheckBox name CheckBox33_2 geometry 20 160 150 20 text Wrap spec Descriptions at QLabel name TextLabel6 geometry 210 160 50 20 text characters QGroupBox name GroupBox4 geometry 10 180 430 90 title Temporary Files Directory QLabel name TextLabel8 geometry 10 60 200 20 text Temp File Directory QLineEdit name LineEdit15_2 geometry 110 60 300 22 QLabel name TextLabel7 geometry 10 20 410 40 text It is recommended that the Perforce temporary files directory be separate from any other temporary files directory. By default, this is set to (TODO: SOMEDIR) QButtonGroup name ButtonGroup17 geometry 10 270 430 70 title Depot pabe file tree expansion upon switching Port or Client or User QRadioButton name RadioButton50_2 geometry 210 20 190 20 text Expand Depot to Previous location QLineEdit name LineEdit46 enabled false geometry 90 40 330 22 QRadioButton name RadioButton51_2 geometry 10 40 80 20 text Expand to QRadioButton name RadioButton49_2 geometry 10 20 160 20 text Do not expand Depot QLabel name TextLabel2_2 geometry 30 100 120 20 text Warn if adding more than QLineEdit name LineEdit14 enabled false geometry 170 160 30 22 buttonOk clicked() ConfigOptionsDialog accept() buttonCancel clicked() ConfigOptionsDialog reject() RadioButton51_2 toggled(bool) LineEdit46 setEnabled(bool) RadioButton61 toggled(bool) LineEdit43 setEnabled(bool) CheckBox6 toggled(bool) LineEdit3 setEnabled(bool) CheckBox3 toggled(bool) LineEdit2 setEnabled(bool) CheckBox3 toggled(bool) CheckBox4 setEnabled(bool) CheckBox3 toggled(bool) CheckBox40 setEnabled(bool) RadioButton2 toggled(bool) LineEdit4 setEnabled(bool) RadioButton41 toggled(bool) LineEdit35 setEnabled(bool) RadioButton21 toggled(bool) LineEdit21 setEnabled(bool) RadioButton32 toggled(bool) LineEdit16 setEnabled(bool) RadioButton32 toggled(bool) CheckBox63 setEnabled(bool) CheckBox63 toggled(bool) CheckBox65 setEnabled(bool) RadioButton31 toggled(bool) CheckBox65 setDisabled(bool) RadioButton31 toggled(bool) TextLabel1_3 setEnabled(bool) RadioButton31 toggled(bool) LineEdit15 setEnabled(bool) RadioButton34 toggled(bool) CheckBox67 setEnabled(bool) RadioButton34 toggled(bool) CheckBox68 setEnabled(bool) RadioButton34 toggled(bool) PushButton18 setEnabled(bool) RadioButton33 toggled(bool) CheckBox66 setEnabled(bool) CheckBox33_2 toggled(bool) LineEdit14 setEnabled(bool) RadioButton34 toggled(bool) LineEdit17 setEnabled(bool) slotSetExpandToLineEditEnabled()