TODO: Put all the global strings in on implementation file. Switch any literals to global strings. Type-ahead and select in the depot view. Similar to how type-ahead works in the Apple finder. Update the UI based on the operation success rather then hitting the server. This may be too hard and result in too many errors, but if possible then it will reduce the server traffic and improve client responsiveness. implement labelsync toolbar buttons searching in views Support the "-i" option of "p4 filelog" so the "Revision History..." view can optionally follow branches. It would be very usefull to sort the changelist view on user and then on date, this can help a lot when browsing for a certain change. (Currently if you sort on user it sorts user then change number). Add integrate to depot view Integrate command in the branch view Add resolve When submitting a change-list there is no simple user interface for de-selecting files to be included Add re-open option on submit Drag and Drop from depot view to pending view to edit Change to localizable strings THESE ARE DONE: *Depot path bookmarks *copy and paste a depot path into the depot view expands that view to the path. *Fixed crash when reverting a file with a selection in pending changes *Double-clicking a file opens it in its associated editor *Fix selection weirdness when expanding a node above the current selection *Drag and drop re-ordering files in pending changes view *Mutlitple selection works on a list atomically rather than one at a time concurrently *Refresh now leaves the depot view in its current expanded state *Submit now leaves the depot view in its current expanded state *Support the "Revert Unchanged Files" option *make out window selectable *submit default changelist *I think it would be great to have multiple selections inside the pending changelist view. *diff from pending change view *ALLOW SPECIFYING FULL PATH IN THE DIFF EDIT BOXES *Accept full path specification for p4 command line tool *read env vars from script *Sync to label from label view *Revert in pending changes view *configuration manager *P4HOST *Remove reliance on -o of p4 print *support passwords *implement view in editor for files not on client *add view file button in revisions dialog *add sync button in revisions dialog *SPECIAL CASE BBEDIT -W *edit box in preferences to set path *Fix edit windows to not line break at horizontal window boundary.