/* Copyright (C) 2002-2003, Jeffrey D. Argast. The authors make NO WARRANTY or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this software, its quality, accuracy, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. This software is provided "AS IS", and you, its user, assume the entire risk as to its quality and accuracy. Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software or portions thereof for any purpose, without fee, subject to these conditions: (1) If any part of the source code is distributed, then this statement must be included, with this copyright and no-warranty notice unaltered. (2) Permission for use of this software is granted only if the user accepts full responsibility for any undesirable consequences; the authors accept NO LIABILITY for damages of any kind. */ #import "PerforceOutputParsers.h" #import "AppUtils.h" #import "PerforceDepot.h" #import "PerforceDirectory.h" #import "PerforceFile.h" #import "PerforceFileRevision.h" #import "PerforceChangeFile.h" #import "PerforceChangeList.h" #import "PerforceSubmittedChange.h" #import "PerforceBranch.h" #import "PerforceJob.h" #import "PerforceLabel.h" #import "PerforceClient.h" #import "PerforceUser.h" #import #include BOOL ScanJustPastChar (char** inCurPos, char* endPos, char scanChar); static NSString* kEndOfLineToken = @"\n"; @implementation PerforceOutputParsers + (NSArray*) parseFilelogOutput:(NSString*)dataString { NSMutableArray* revisionArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease]; NSScanner* dataScanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:dataString]; NSString* resultString = nil; NSString* fileName = nil; while ( [dataScanner scanUpToString:kEndOfLineToken intoString:&resultString] == YES ) { const char* data = [resultString cString]; if ( *data != '.' ) { [fileName release]; fileName = [resultString retain]; } else { std::string fileRev, fileChangelist, fileDate, fileUser, fileAction, fileDescription; const char* indata = data + 4; // skip the ... // skip branch history info if ( *indata == '#' ) { indata++; // skip # // fileRev while ( *indata != ' ' ) { fileRev += *indata; indata++; } // skip space indata++; //skip the word change while ( *indata++ != ' ' ); // changelist while ( *indata != ' ' ) { fileChangelist += *indata; indata++; } // skip space indata++; // action while ( *indata != ' ' ) { fileAction += *indata; indata++; } // skip space indata++; //skip the word on while ( *indata++ != ' ' ); // date while ( *indata != ' ' ) { fileDate += *indata; indata++; } // skip space indata++; //skip the word by while ( *indata++ != ' ' ); // user while ( *indata != ' ' ) { fileUser += *indata; indata++; } // skip space indata++; //skip the file type while ( *indata++ != ' ' ); // skip the ' indata++; // desc while ( *indata != '\'' ) { fileDescription += *indata; indata++; } [revisionArray addObject:[[[PerforceFileRevision alloc] initWithRevision:fileRev.c_str() withFileName:[fileName cString] withChangeList:fileChangelist.c_str() withDate:fileDate.c_str() withUser:fileUser.c_str() withAction:fileAction.c_str() withDescription:fileDescription.c_str()] autorelease]]; } } } [fileName release]; return revisionArray; } + (NSArray*) parseOpenedOutput:(NSString*)dataString clientOnly:(BOOL)isClientOnly { NSMutableArray* changesFileArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease]; NSScanner* dataScanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:dataString]; NSString* resultString = nil; NSString* userAtClient = GetUserAtClientString(); while ( [dataScanner scanUpToString:kEndOfLineToken intoString:&resultString] == YES ) { char* data = (char*)[resultString cString]; NSString* fileName; NSString* changeType; NSString* changeName; NSString* fileType; NSString* userInfo = nil; int revision; char* startPos = data; char* curPos = data; char* endPos = data + [resultString length]; // go until we get to a # sign if ( !ScanJustPastChar (&curPos, endPos, '#') ) continue; // get the fileName fileName = [NSString stringWithCString:startPos length:(curPos - startPos - 1)]; // go past the '#' startPos = curPos; // now go until we get to a space if ( !ScanJustPastChar (&curPos, endPos, ' ') ) continue; // get the revision number revision = [[NSString stringWithCString:startPos length:(curPos - startPos - 1)] intValue]; // skip the '- ' curPos++; curPos++; startPos = curPos; // go until we get to a space if ( !ScanJustPastChar (&curPos, endPos, ' ') ) continue; // the change type is next changeType = [NSString stringWithCString:startPos length:(curPos - startPos - 1)]; startPos = curPos; // go until we get to a space if ( !ScanJustPastChar (&curPos, endPos, ' ') ) continue; // The last word scanned is either change or default if ( *startPos == 'c' ) { startPos = curPos; // go until we get to a space while ( *curPos++ != ' ' ); // Get the change number changeName = [NSString stringWithCString:startPos length:(curPos - startPos - 1)]; } else { // The change name should be default in this case changeName = [NSString stringWithCString:startPos length:(curPos - startPos - 1)]; } // go until we get to a ( if ( !ScanJustPastChar (&curPos, endPos, '(') ) continue; startPos = curPos; // go until we get to a ) if ( !ScanJustPastChar (&curPos, endPos, ')') ) continue; // get the fileType fileType = [NSString stringWithCString:startPos length:(curPos - startPos - 1)]; // When this is called without the -a option, the user name is left off if ( !isClientOnly ) { // is there user info? if ( (*curPos != '\n') && (*curPos != 0) ) { // skip the ' by ' curPos += 4; startPos = curPos; // go until we get to the end while ( (*curPos != '\n') && (*curPos != 0) ) { curPos++; } // get the fileType userInfo = [NSString stringWithCString:startPos length:(curPos - startPos)]; } } else { userInfo = userAtClient; } [changesFileArray addObject:[[[PerforceChangeFile alloc] initWithName:fileName withRevision:revision withFileType:fileType withChangeName:changeName withChangeType:changeType withUserInfo:userInfo isClient:(userInfo ? [userAtClient isEqualTo:userInfo] : YES)] autorelease]]; } if ( [changesFileArray count] > 0 ) { // Sort the changeFileArray by change name [changesFileArray sortUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; } return changesFileArray; } // // // + (NSArray*) parseChangesPendingOutput:(NSString*)dataString { NSMutableArray* changesArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease]; NSScanner* dataScanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:dataString]; NSString* resultString = nil; NSString* userAtClient = GetUserAtClientString(); while ( [dataScanner scanUpToString:kEndOfLineToken intoString:&resultString] == YES ) { char* data = (char*)[resultString cString]; NSString* changeNumber; NSString* userInfo; NSString* changeDesc; char* startPos = data; char* curPos = data; char* endPos = data + [resultString length]; // now go until we get to a space, skipping 'Change ' if ( !ScanJustPastChar (&curPos, endPos, ' ') ) continue; startPos = curPos; // now go until we get to a space if ( !ScanJustPastChar (&curPos, endPos, ' ') ) continue; // get the change number changeNumber = [NSString stringWithCString:startPos length:(curPos - startPos - 1)]; // skip 'on ' curPos += 3; startPos = curPos; // go until we get to a space if ( !ScanJustPastChar (&curPos, endPos, ' ') ) continue; // skip 'by ' curPos += 3; startPos = curPos; // go until we get to a space if ( !ScanJustPastChar (&curPos, endPos, ' ') ) continue; // the user info is next userInfo = [NSString stringWithCString:startPos length:(curPos - startPos - 1)]; // go until we get to a ' if ( !ScanJustPastChar (&curPos, endPos, '\'') ) continue; startPos = curPos; // go until we get to a ' if ( !ScanJustPastChar (&curPos, endPos, '\'') ) continue; // get the change desc changeDesc = [NSString stringWithCString:startPos length:(curPos - startPos - 1)]; [changesArray addObject:[[[PerforceChangeList alloc] initWithNumber:changeNumber withUserInfo:userInfo withChangeDesc:changeDesc isClient:[userAtClient isEqualTo:userInfo]] autorelease]]; } if ( [changesArray count] > 0 ) { // Sort the changeFileArray by change name [changesArray sortUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; } return changesArray; } BOOL ScanJustPastChar (char** inCurPos, char* endPos, char scanChar) { char* curPos = *inCurPos; if ( curPos >= endPos ) return NO; // go until we get to a space while ( (*curPos != scanChar) && (curPos < endPos) ) { curPos++; } curPos++; // continue if we are at end of line if ( curPos > endPos ) return NO; *inCurPos = curPos; return YES; } @end