#!/usr/bin/perl # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ToDos { local($filename) = shift(@_); local(*FILE); open(FILE, $filename); binmode(FILE); local($/); local($_); $_ = ; close(FILE); s/\cM\cJ/\cJ/g; s/\cM/\cJ/g; s/\cJ/\cM\cJ/g; open(FILE, ">" . $filename); binmode(FILE); print FILE; close(FILE); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ToUnix { local($filename) = shift(@_); local(*FILE); open(FILE, $filename); binmode(FILE); local($/); local($_) = ; close(FILE); s/\cM\cJ/\cJ/g; s/\cM/\cJ/g; open(FILE, ">" . $filename); binmode(FILE); print FILE; close(FILE); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub CopyFile { local($from) = shift(@_); local($to) = shift(@_); local(*FROM); local(*TO); local($buf); # open the files in binary mode open(FROM, $from); binmode(FROM); open(TO, ">" . $to); binmode(TO); # copy the data while (read(FROM, $buf, 16384)) { print TO $buf; } # close the files close(FROM); close(TO); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub CompareFiles { local($first) = shift(@_); local($second) = shift(@_); local(*FIRST); local(*SECOND); local($a); local($b); # open the files in binary mode open(FIRST, $first); binmode(FIRST); open(SECOND, $second); binmode(SECOND); # copy the data while (read(FIRST, $a, 16384)) { read(SECOND, $b, 16384); if ($a ne $b) { close(FIRST); close(SECOND); return 0; } } # make sure the second file isn't just longer than the first read(SECOND, $b, 16384); # close the files close(FIRST); close(SECOND); return 0 if ($b ne ""); 1; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub P4In { local($command) = shift(@_); local(*PIPE); if ($nopipe) { $tmpfile = "p4tarin.tmp"; $command = "p4 -x $tmpfile " . $command; open(FILE, ">$tmpfile") || die "failed to open $tmpfile for writing\n"; foreach my $line (@_) { print FILE $line, "\n"; } close(FILE); system("$command"); } else { $command = "p4 -x - " . $command; open(PIPE, "| $command") || die "failed to open pipe $command\n"; foreach my $line (@_) { print PIPE $line, "\n"; } close(PIPE); } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $extract = 1; $skipped = 0; $quiet = 0; $nopipe = 0; @p4add = (); @p4edit = (); @p4delete = (); # process command line arguments while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { $_ = shift; if ($_ eq "-h") { print "p4untar [-debug] [-revert] [-z] archive_name\n"; print "-revert = completely revert all changes in this archive\n"; print " this will DELETE added files.\n"; print "-c # = changelist\n"; print "-ld = convert to dos style line-ends\n"; print "-lu = convert to unix style line-ends\n"; print "-ln = do not do any line-end conversions\n"; print "-e = do not extract files, just do edits and adds\n"; print "-z = uncompress\n"; print "-d = do not extract files with identical contents\n"; print "-diff = diff files in archive against client, extract nothing\n"; print "-unpack = just extract all files into p4tar_unpack/\n"; print "-q = quiet - emit no output\n"; print "-nopipe = disable the use of perl's input pipe\n"; exit 0; } elsif ($_ eq "-z") { $compress = "-z "; } elsif ($_ eq "-d") { $diff = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-e") { $extract = 0; } elsif ($_ eq "-c") { $changelist = shift; die "no changelist specified. specify -h for help. " if (!defined $changelist); $changelist = " -c " . $changelist; } elsif ($_ eq "-lu") { $unix = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-ld") { $dos = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-ln") { $none = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-revert") { $revert = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-diff") { $diffOnly = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-unpack") { $unpackOnly = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-q") { $quiet = 1; } elsif ($_ eq "-nopipe") { $nopipe = 1; } else { die "Unrecognized switch: $_\n"; } } $tarname = shift; die "no file name specified. specify -h for help. " if (!defined $tarname); die "incorrect usage, nothing allowed after filename" if (@ARGV); chdir "p4tar.tmp" && die "p4tar.tmp directory already exsits"; # extract the files system("tar --force-local " . $compress . " -mxf " . $tarname) == 0 || die "could not spawn tar"; # attempt to figure out if we have unix or dos style newlines if (!$unix && !$dos && !$none) { open(UNAME, "uname|"); $uname = ; close(UNAME); if ($uname =~ /^linux/i) { $unix = 1; } else { $dos = 1; } } open(P4OPENED, "p4tar.tmp/000"); $filecount = 1; while () { s/\cJ$//; s/\cM$//; die "invalid contents data detected. perhaps this is an old-style p4tar?\n$_\n" if ($_ ne "" && !/^\.\.\./); if (s/^... depotFile //) { $filename = $_; } elsif (s/^... action //) { $action = $_; } elsif (s/^... rev //) { $version = $_; } elsif (s/^... type //) { $type = $_; } elsif ($_ eq "") { if ($action eq "delete") { push(@p4sync, $filename . "#" . $version); push(@p4delete, $filename); } elsif ($action eq "edit") { push(@p4sync, $filename . "#" . $version); push(@p4edit, $filename); $copy{$filename} = $filecount; ToUnix(sprintf("p4tar.tmp/%03d", $filecount)) if ($unix && $type eq "text"); ToDos(sprintf("p4tar.tmp/%03d", $filecount)) if ($dos && $type eq "text"); ++$filecount; } elsif ($action eq "add") { $p4add{$filename} = $type; $types{$type} = 1; push(@p4add, $filename); $copy{$filename} = $filecount; ToUnix(sprintf("p4tar.tmp/%03d", $filecount)) if ($unix && $type eq "text"); ToDos(sprintf("p4tar.tmp/%03d", $filecount)) if ($dos && $type eq "text"); ++$filecount; } else { print STDERR "skipping: " .$_ . "\n"; ++$skipped; } } } close(P4OPENED); if ($revert) { if (@p4add) { # delete all the added files open(FSTAT, ">p4tar.tmp/fstat"); print FSTAT join("\n", @p4add), "\n"; close(FSTAT); open(DEL, "p4 -x p4tar.tmp/fstat fstat |"); while () { chomp; unlink($_) if (s/... clientFile //); } close(DEL); unlink("p4tar.tmp/fstat"); } # revert deleted, edited, and added files files P4In("revert", @p4delete, @p4edit, @p4add); } elsif ($unpackOnly) { mkdir("p4tar_unpack"); foreach (keys %copy) { $filename = $_; $filename =~ s/^.*[\/\\]//; CopyFile(sprintf("p4tar.tmp/%03d", $copy{$_}), "p4tar_unpack/$filename"); } } else { # sync the files to the appropriate version to avoid losing changes P4In("sync", @p4sync) if (!$diffOnly && @p4sync); # delete files as necessary if (!$diffOnly && @p4delete) { P4In("revert" . $changelist, @p4delete); P4In("delete" . $changelist, @p4delete); } # edit files as necessary P4In("edit" . $changelist, @p4edit) if (!$diffOnly && @p4edit); # add files as necessary if (!$diffOnly && @p4add) { foreach $type (sort keys %types) { P4In("add -t $type" . $changelist, grep($p4add{$_} eq $type, @p4add)); } } # copy all the files here if ($extract && keys %copy) { open(FSTAT, ">p4tar.tmp/fstat"); print FSTAT join("\n", keys %copy), "\n"; close(FSTAT); # lookup the destination file locations open(COPY, "p4 -x p4tar.tmp/fstat fstat |"); $diskFile = ""; while () { chomp; if (s/... depotFile //) { $depotFile = $_; } elsif (s/... clientFile //) { $diskFile = $_; } elsif ($_ eq "") { next if ($diskFile eq ""); # convert any backslashes to forward slashes $diskFile =~ s!\\!/!g; # get the directories to make @dirs = split('/', $diskFile); pop @dirs; undef @made; while (@dirs) { push(@made, shift @dirs); $mkdir = join('/', @made); mkdir($mkdir, 0777); } $tempFile = sprintf("p4tar.tmp/%03d", $copy{$depotFile}); if ($diffOnly) { print "diff \"$diskFile\" vs. \"$tempFile\"\n"; system("diff \"$diskFile\" \"$tempFile\""); } else { if (!$diff || !CompareFiles($tempFile, $diskFile)) { print "replacing: " . $diskFile . "\n" if ($diff); CopyFile($tempFile, $diskFile); } else { print "unchanged: " . $diskFile . "\n" if ($diff); } } $diskFile = ""; } } unlink("p4tar.tmp/fstat"); close(COPY); } # print summary print "edited: " . @p4edit . " added: " . @p4add . " deleted: " . @p4delete . " skipped: " . $skipped . "\n" if (!$diffOnly && !$quiet); } # clean up $erase = 0; while ($erase < $filecount) { unlink(sprintf("p4tar.tmp/%03d", $erase)); ++$erase; } rmdir("p4tar.tmp");