require 'net/ftp' require 'rbconfig' require 'zlib' require 'rubygems/package' BUILD_DIR = "./build" DIST_DIR = "./dist" FTP_SERVER = "" TOP_DIR = "perforce" P4RUBY_FTP_DIR = "" P4RUBY_ARCHIVE = "p4ruby.tgz" class Installer def initialize unless Dir.mkdir(DIST_DIR) end unless Dir.mkdir(BUILD_DIR) end @platform = guess_platform #TODO some way of the user supplying their own ftp path/ local path for the api's fetch build end def fetch p4_ftp = end def build wd = Dir.getwd api_dir = get_api_build_dir Dir.chdir(get_ruby_build_dir) #Find out if the customer wants to build with SSL support puts "Would you like to build P4Ruby with ssl support? y/n" sslbuild = gets.chomp while sslbuild.length == 0 puts "Please enter y or n" sslbuild = gets.chomp end if sslbuild.length > 0 then if sslbuild=='n' puts `yes | ruby p4conf.rb -d #{api_dir}` else if sslbuild == 'y' puts `yes | ruby p4conf.rb -d #{api_dir} --ssl` end end end puts `make` puts `ruby test.rb` puts `make install` #TODO Deal with known issue wheree we have to ignore -Werror in Makefile Dir.chdir(wd) end def guess_cpu(os) cpu = RbConfig::CONFIG['target_cpu'] case os when :darwin, :linux if cpu =~ /i686/ "x86" else cpu end else case cpu when /ia/i 'ia64' else cpu end end end def guess_platform() case RbConfig::CONFIG["target_os"].downcase when /nt|mswin/ "nt#{guess_cpu(:windows)}" when /mingw/ "mingwx86" when /darwin/ #TODO look at darwin 100, can you complile bin for 90 on 100? "darwin90#{guess_cpu(:darwin)}" when /solaris/ "solaris10#{guess_cpu(:solaris)}" when /linux/ "linux26#{guess_cpu(:linux)}" when /cygwin/ #No longer built for end end def get_ruby_build_dir Dir.foreach(BUILD_DIR) do |d| if d =~ /p4ruby/ return File.join(BUILD_DIR,d) end end end def get_api_build_dir Dir.foreach(BUILD_DIR) do |d| if d =~ /p4api/ return File.join(Dir.getwd, BUILD_DIR,d) end end end end class P4Ruby_FTP def initialize(platform) @ftp = @ftp.login @ftp.chdir(TOP_DIR) @latest = latest_version @ftp.chdir("r#{@latest}") @platform = "bin.#{platform}" if @platform =~ /nt|mingw/ @p4api_archive = "" else @p4api_archive = "p4api.tgz" end end def versions remote_files_matching(".", /r(1\d\.\d)/) { |match| match.captures.first }.sort end def latest_version versions.reverse_each{ |v| begin remote_files_matching("r#{v}/",/p4ruby/) do return v end rescue next end } end def remote_files_matching(dir, regex) { |entry| if match = entry.match(regex) yield match else nil end }.reject { |entry| entry.nil? } end def download begin download_p4api download_p4ruby rescue => e puts "Failed to download API or p4ruby, please compile manually" end end def download_p4api @ftp.chdir(@platform) @ftp.getbinaryfile(@p4api_archive, "#{DIST_DIR}/#{@p4api_archive}", 1024) @ftp.chdir("..") decompress("#{DIST_DIR}/#{@p4api_archive}","#{BUILD_DIR}/") end def download_p4ruby @ftp.chdir(P4RUBY_FTP_DIR) @ftp.getbinaryfile(P4RUBY_ARCHIVE, "#{DIST_DIR}/#{P4RUBY_ARCHIVE}", 1024) @ftp.chdir("..") decompress("#{DIST_DIR}/#{P4RUBY_ARCHIVE}","#{BUILD_DIR}/") end def decompress(tgz, destination) if tgz =~ /\.zip/ `unzip #{tgz} -d #{destination}` return end tgz) do |tar| tar.each do |entry| if puts "Making dir #{File.join(destination, entry.full_name)}" unless File.exists?(File.join(destination, entry.full_name)) Dir.mkdir(File.join(destination, entry.full_name)) end elsif entry.file? puts "Making file #{File.join(destination, entry.full_name)}" unless File.exists?(File.join(destination, entry.full_name)), entry.full_name), "w") do |f| f.write( end end elsif entry.header.typeflag == '2' #TODO remove if not necessary binding.pry end end end end end i =