mout changelog ============== v1.1.0 (2017/10/04) -------------------- - update dependencies - optimize `function/bind` - optimize `lang/kindOf` v0.12.0 (2016/03/03) -------------------- - add `array/indicesOf` - add `function/memoize` - add `array/reverse` - add `math/overflow` - fix `query/getQuery` - fix `object/deepMatches` - optimize `function/partial` - updates license v0.11.0 (2014/11/17) -------------------- - add `array/take`; - remove unused variable from `date/totalDaysInMonth`; - fix case insensitive RegExp cloning on `lang/clone`; v0.10.0 (2014/09/02) -------------------- - add `array/equals`; - add `array/groupBy`; - add `array/last`; - add `function/wrap`; - add `lang/GLOBAL`; - add `lang/isPrimitive`; - add `number/MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`; - add `object/omit`; - add `object/result`; - add `object/result`; - add `random/randString`; - change `lang/isEmpty` behavior to return `true` for any value that isn't a collection. - fix `array/findLastIndex` to stop at zero index; - improve `function/partial` to accept placeholders; - improve `math.norm` behavior for values outside the range and for cases where `val === min === max`; - improve `object/get` behavior to return properties from any value that is not `null` or `undefined`; - move `object/deepEquals` to `lang/deepEquals` (improving the behavior); v0.9.1 (2014/04/08) ------------------- - fix `array/slice` behavior when start and end are higher than length. v0.9.0 (2014/02/04) ------------------- - add `date/quarter`; - add `function/constant`; - add `random/randBool`; - add un-padded 12-hour (`%l`) to `date/strftime`; - fix `array/slice` on IE < 9 by using a custom implementation. - fix `object/forIn` iteration for IE < 9 constructor property; - improve `lang/inheritPrototype` by returning the `prototype`; - improve `string/removeNonWord` to cover more chars; - improve `string/repeat` performance; - improve `string/unescapeHtml` by accepting leading zeros for `'`; v0.8.0 (2013/11/22) ------------------- - add `array/findLast`. - add `array/findLastIndex`. - add `array/slice` and use it internally. - add `array/sortBy` - add `function/awaitDelay`. - add `function/identity` - add `number/isNaN`. - add `number/nth`. - add `number/ordinal`. - allows nested replacement patterns in `string/interpolate`. - change `function/makeIterator_` behavior (uses `identity` by default). - simplify `string/escapeRegExp`. - support custom equality on `array/compare`. v0.7.1 (2013/09/18) ------------------- - fix `null` value handling in object/get. v0.7.0 (2013/09/05) ------------------- - add bower ignores. - add german translation for date localization. - alias `function` package as `fn` since "function" is a reserved keyword. - allow second argument on `array/pick`. - improve `string/makePath` to not remove "//" after protocol. - make sure methods inside `number` package works with mixed types. - support arrays on `queryString/encode`. - support multiple values for same property on `queryString/decode`. - add `cancel()` method to `throttled/debounced` functions. - add `function/times`. - add `lang/toNumber`. - add `string/insert`. - add `super_` to constructor on `lang/inheritPrototype`. v0.6.0 (2013/05/22) ------------------- - add optional delimeter to `string/unCamelCase` - allow custom char on `number/pad` - allow underscore characters in `string/removeNonWord` - accept `level` on `array/flatten` instead of a flag - convert underscores to camelCase in `string/camelCase` - remove `create()` from number/currencyFormat - add `date/dayOfTheYear` - add `date/diff` - add `date/isSame` - add `date/startOf` - add `date/strftime` - add `date/timezoneAbbr` - add `date/timezoneOffset` - add `date/totalDaysInYear` - add `date/weekOfTheYear` - add `function/timeout` - add `object/bindAll` - add `object/functions` - add `time/convert` v0.5.0 (2013/04/04) ------------------- - add `array/collect` - add `callback` parameter to `object/equals` and `object/deepEquals` to allow custom compare operations. - normalize behavior in `array/*` methods to treat `null` values as empty arrays when reading from array - add `date/parseIso` - add `date/isLeapYear` - add `date/totalDaysInMonth` - add `object/deepMatches` - change `function/makeIterator_` to use `deepMatches` (affects nearly all iteration methods) - add `thisObj` parameter to `array/min` and `array/max` v0.4.0 (2013/02/26) ------------------- - add `object/equals` - add `object/deepEquals` - add `object/matches`. - add `lang/is` and `lang/isnt`. - add `lang/isInteger`. - add `array/findIndex`. - add shorthand syntax to `array/*`, `object/*` and `collection/*` methods. - improve `number/sign` behavior when value is NaN or +0 or -0. - improve `lang/isNaN` to actually check if value *is not a number* without coercing value; so `[]`, `""`, `null` and `"12"` are considered NaN (#39). - improve `string/contains` to match ES6 behavior (add fromIndex argument). v0.3.0 (2013/02/01) ------------------- - add `lang/clone`. - add `lang/toString`. - add `string/replace`. - add `string/WHITE_SPACES` - rename `function/curry` to `function/partial`. - allow custom chars in `string/trim`, `ltrim`, and `rtrim`. - convert values to strings in the `string/*` functions. v0.2.0 (2013/01/13) ------------------- - fix bug in `math/ceil` for negative radixes. - change `object/deepFillIn` and `object/deepMixIn` to recurse only if both existing and new values are plain objects. Will not recurse into arrays or objects not created by the Object constructor. - add `lang/isPlainObject` to check if a file is a valid object and is created by the Object constructor - change `lang/clone` behavior when dealing with custom types (avoid cloning it by default) and add second argument to allow custom behavior if needed. - rename `lang/clone` to `lang/deepClone`. - add VERSION property to index.js - simplify `math/floor`, `math/round`, `math/ceil` and `math/countSteps`. v0.1.0 (2013/01/09) ------------------- - Rename project from "amd-utils" to "mout"