#!/usr/bin/env node // This script converts for and do-while loops into equivalent while loops. // Note that for-in statements are left unmodified, as they do not have a // simple analogy to while loops. Also note that labeled continue statements // are not correctly handled at this point, and will trigger an assertion // failure if encountered. var assert = require("assert"); var recast = require("recast"); var types = recast.types; var n = types.namedTypes; var b = types.builders; recast.run(function(ast, callback) { recast.visit(ast, { visitForStatement: function(path) { var fst = path.node; path.replace( fst.init, b.whileStatement( fst.test, insertBeforeLoopback(fst, fst.update) ) ); this.traverse(path); }, visitDoWhileStatement: function(path) { var dwst = path.node; return b.whileStatement( b.literal(true), insertBeforeLoopback( dwst, b.ifStatement( dwst.test, b.breakStatement() ) ) ); } }); callback(ast); }); function insertBeforeLoopback(loop, toInsert) { var body = loop.body; if (!n.Statement.check(toInsert)) { toInsert = b.expressionStatement(toInsert); } if (n.BlockStatement.check(body)) { body.body.push(toInsert); } else { body = b.blockStatement([body, toInsert]); loop.body = body; } recast.visit(body, { visitContinueStatement: function(path) { var cst = path.node; assert.equal( cst.label, null, "Labeled continue statements are not yet supported." ); path.replace(toInsert, path.node); return false; }, // Do not descend into nested loops. visitWhileStatement: function() {}, visitForStatement: function() {}, visitForInStatement: function() {}, visitDoWhileStatement: function() {} }); return body; }