/// /// module Rx { export interface Observable { /** * Multicasts the source sequence notifications through an instantiated subject into all uses of the sequence within a selector function. Each * subscription to the resulting sequence causes a separate multicast invocation, exposing the sequence resulting from the selector function's * invocation. For specializations with fixed subject types, see Publish, PublishLast, and Replay. * * @example * 1 - res = source.multicast(observable); * 2 - res = source.multicast(function () { return new Subject(); }, function (x) { return x; }); * * @param {Function|Subject} subjectOrSubjectSelector * Factory function to create an intermediate subject through which the source sequence's elements will be multicast to the selector function. * Or: * Subject to push source elements into. * * @param {Function} [selector] Optional selector function which can use the multicasted source sequence subject to the policies enforced by the created subject. Specified only if | (() => ISubject)): ConnectableObservable; /** * Multicasts the source sequence notifications through an instantiated subject into all uses of the sequence within a selector function. Each * subscription to the resulting sequence causes a separate multicast invocation, exposing the sequence resulting from the selector function's * invocation. For specializations with fixed subject types, see Publish, PublishLast, and Replay. * * @example * 1 - res = source.multicast(observable); * 2 - res = source.multicast(function () { return new Subject(); }, function (x) { return x; }); * * @param {Function|Subject} subjectOrSubjectSelector * Factory function to create an intermediate subject through which the source sequence's elements will be multicast to the selector function. * Or: * Subject to push source elements into. * * @param {Function} [selector] Optional selector function which can use the multicasted source sequence subject to the policies enforced by the created subject. Specified only if (subjectSelector: ISubject | (() => ISubject), selector: (source: ConnectableObservable) => Observable): Observable; } } (function() { var o: Rx.Observable; var oc: Rx.ConnectableObservable; var is: Rx.ISubject; var s: Rx.Subject; var a: Rx.Observable; oc = o.multicast(is); oc = o.multicast(s); oc = o.multicast(() => s); o = o.multicast(is, a => a.asObservable()); o = o.multicast(s, a => a.asObservable()); o = o.multicast(() => s, a => a.asObservable()); });