spawn-args ========== ![Build status]( Turn a string of command line options into an array for child_process.spawn ## install ``` $ npm install spawn-args ``` ## usage ```js var spawnargs = require('spawn-args'); //spawnargs(argString:string[, options:object]); var args = spawnargs('-port 80 --title "this is a title"'); /* [ '-port', '80', '--title', '"this is a title"' ] */ ``` The `removequotes` option will remove quotes from values if they do not have spaces ```js var args2 = spawnargs('-port 80 --color "red" --title "this is a title"', { removequotes: true }); /* [ '-port', '80', '--title', '"this is a title"' ] */ ``` If `removequotes` is `always` then quotes will be removed even if the value contains spaces ```js var args3 = spawnargs('-port 80 --color "red" --title "this is a title"', { removequotes: 'always' }); /* [ '-port', '80', '--title', 'this is a title' ] */ ``` ## license MIT