#!/bin/bash #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #============================================================================== # Declarations and Environment export P4CBIN=${P4CBIN:-/p4/common/bin} export SDP_ENV=${SDP_ENV:-$P4CBIN/p4_vars} export SDP_INSTANCE=${SDP_INSTANCE:-Unset} declare -i DEBUG=0 declare -i SDP_ALWAYS_LOGIN=${SDP_ALWAYS_LOGIN:-0} declare -i LoginSuperUser=1 declare -i LoginServiceUser=0 declare -i LoginAutomationUsers=0 declare AutomationUsers=${SDP_AUTOMATION_USERS:-""} declare AuthID= declare AuthServerPort= declare Cmd= declare ServiceUser= declare TargetServerPort= declare TicketExpiration= declare Port=Unset declare Log=Unset declare CmdLine="$0 $*" declare -i ShowLog=${SDP_SHOW_LOG:-0} declare -i OverallExitCode=0 declare -i LoginCount=0 declare TmpFile= declare Version=4.4.1 #============================================================================== # Local Functions # Micro-functions, one-liners used to avoid external dependencies. function msg () { if [[ "$Log" != Unset ]]; then echo -e "$*" >> "$Log"; else echo -e "$*"; fi; } function dbg () { [[ "$DEBUG" -eq 1 ]] || return; if [[ "$Log" != Unset ]]; then echo -e "DBG: $*" >> "$Log"; else echo -e "DBG: $*" >&2; fi; } function cmd () { msg "Executing: $*" >> "$Log"; "$@" >> "$Log" 2>&1; return $?; } function bail () { msg "\\nError: ${1:-Unknown Error}"; exit "${2:-1}"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: usage (required function) # # Input: # $1 - style, either -h (for short form) or -man (for man-page like format). # The default is -h. # # $2 - error message (optional). Specify this if usage() is called due to # user error, in which case the given message displayed first, followed by the # standard usage message (short or long depending on $1). If displaying an # errror, usually $1 should be -h so that the longer usage message doesn't # obsure the error message. # # Sample Usage: # usage # usage -man # usage -h "Incorrect command line usage." # # This last example generates a usage error message followed by the short # '-h' usage summary. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function usage { declare style=${1:--h} declare errorMessage=${2:-Unset} if [[ "$errorMessage" != Unset ]]; then echo -e "\\n\\nUsage Error:\\n\\n$errorMessage\\n\\n" >&2 fi # tag::includeManual[] echo "USAGE for p4login v$Version: p4login [<instance>] [-p <port> | -service] [-automation] [-all] or p4login -h|-man " if [[ "$style" == -man ]]; then echo -e "DESCRIPTION: In its simplest form, this script simply logs in P4USER to P4PORT using the defined password access mechanism. It generates a login ticket for the SDP super user, defined by P4USER when sourcing the SDP standard shell environment. It is called from cron scripts, and so does not normally generate any output. If run on a replica with the -service option, the serviceUser defined for the given replica is logged in. The \$SDP_AUTOMATION_USERS variable can be defined in $P4CCFG/p4_N.vars. If defined, this should contain a comma-delimited list of automation users to be logged in when the -automation option is used. A definition might look like: export SDP_AUTOMATION_USERS=builder,trigger-admin,p4review Login behaviour is affected by external factors: 1. P4AUTH, if defined, affects login behavior on replicas. 2. The auth.id setting, if defined, affects login behaviors (and generally simplifies them). 3. The \$SDP_ALWAYS_LOGIN variable. If set to 1, this causes p4login to always execute a 'p4 login' command to generate a login ticket, even if a 'p4 login -s' test indicates none is needed. By default, the login is skipped if a 'p4 login -s' test indicates a long-term ticket is available that expires 31+days in the future. Add \"export SDP_ALWYAYS_LOGIN=1\" to $P4CCFG/p4_N.vars to change the default for an instance, or to $P4CBIN/p4_vars to change it globally. If unset, the default is 0. 4. If the P4PORT contains an ssl: prefix, the P4TRUST relationship is checked, and if necessary, a p4 trust -f -y is done to establish trust. OPTIONS: <instance> Specify the SDP instances. If not specified, the SDP_INSTANCE environment variable is used instead. If the instance is not defined by a parameter and SDP_INSTANCE is not defined, p4login exists immediately with an error message. -service Specify -service when run on a replica or edge server to login the super user and the replication service user. This option is not compatible with '-p <port>'. -p <port> Specify a P4PORT value to login to, overriding the default defined by P4PORT setting in the environment. If operating on a host other than the master, and auth.id is set, this flag is ignored; the P4TARGET for the replica is used instead. This option is not compatible with '-service'. -automation Specify -automation to login external automation users defined by the \$SDP_AUTOMATION_USERS variable. -v Show ouptput of login attempts, which is suppressed by default. Setting SDP_SHOW_LOG=1 in the shell environment has the same effect as -v. -L <log> Specify the log file to use. The default is /p4/N/logs/p4login.log -d Set debugging verbosity. -D Set extreme debugging verbosity. HELP OPTIONS: -h Display short help message -man Display man-style help message EXAMPLES: 1. Typical usage for automation, with instance SDP_INSTANCE defined in the environment by sourcing p4_vars, and logging in only the super user P4USER to P4PORT: source $P4CBIN/p4_vars abc p4login Login in only P4USER to the specified port, P4MASTERPORT in this example: p4login -p \$P4MASTERPORT Login the super user P4USER, and then login the replication serviceUser for the current ServerID: p4login -service Login external automation users (see SDP_AUTOMATION_USERS above): p4login -automation Login all users: p4login -all Or: p4login -service -automation LOGGING: This script generates no output by default. All (stdout and stderr) is logged to /p4/N/logs/p4login.log. The exception is usage errors, which result an error being sent to stderr followed usage info on stdout, followed by an immediate exit. If the '-v' flag is used, the contents of the log are displayed to stdout at the end of processing. EXIT CODES: An exit code of 0 indicates a valid login ticket exists, while a non-zero exit code indicates a failure to login. " # end::includeManual[] fi exit 1 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: trust_port ($port) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function trust_port () { declare port=${1:-Unset} if [[ "$port" == "ssl:"* ]]; then dbg "Trust check." # Do a 'p4 trust' if needed. # shellcheck disable=SC2153 "$P4BIN" -p "$port" -s info -s 2>/dev/null > "$TmpFile" if grep -q ' authenticity ' "$TmpFile"; then cmd "$P4BIN" -p "$port" trust -f -y rm -f "$TmpFile" return $? fi rm -f "$TmpFile" else return 0 fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: login_user ($user, $port) # Login specififed user into specified port. # Return 0 if successful, 1 if not. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function login_user () { declare user=${1:-Unset} declare port=${2:-Unset} declare userType= dbg "CALL: login_user(user=$user, port=$port)" userType=$("$P4BIN" -ztag -F %Type% user -o "$user") # shellcheck disable=SC2153 userType=$("$P4BIN" -ztag -F %Type% user -o "$user") userType=${userType:-Unknown} if [[ "$userType" != Unknown ]]; then msg "Logging user $user (type=$userType) into port: $port." else msg "Logging user $user into port: $port." fi TicketExpiration=$("$P4BIN" -ztag -F %TicketExpiration% -p "$port" -u "$user" login -s 2>/dev/null) if [[ "$TicketExpiration" =~ [0-9]+ ]]; then # A 'long-term' ticket is one that expires more than a month (31 days + 1 second) from now. if [[ "$TicketExpiration" -ge 2678401 ]]; then msg "User $user already logged into $P4PORT with a long-term ticket. Login not required." if [[ "$SDP_ALWAYS_LOGIN" -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Doing login anyway as SDP_ALWAYS_LOGIN is enabled." LoginCount=$((LoginCount+1)) if [[ "$user" == "$P4USER" ]]; then Cmd="$P4BIN -p $port -u $user -s login -a" msg "Running: $Cmd" $Cmd < "$SDP_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE" >> "$Log" 2>&1 || return 1 else if [[ "$userType" == service ]]; then Cmd="$P4BIN -p $port -u $P4USER -s login $user" else Cmd="$P4BIN -p $port -u $P4USER -s login -a $user" fi msg "Running: $Cmd" $Cmd >> $Log 2>&1 || return 1 fi fi return 0 else msg "Warning: User $user logged into $P4PORT with a short-term ticket. Attempting to extend." LoginCount=$((LoginCount+1)) if [[ "$user" == "$P4USER" ]]; then Cmd="$P4BIN -p $port -u $P4USER -s login -a" msg "Running: $Cmd" $Cmd < "$SDP_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE" >> "$Log" 2>&1 || return 1 else if [[ "$userType" == service ]]; then Cmd="$P4BIN -p $port -u $P4USER -s login $user" else Cmd="$P4BIN -p $port -u $P4USER -s login -a $user" fi msg "Running: $Cmd" $Cmd >> "$Log" 2>&1 || return 1 fi fi else msg "User $user is not logged into $P4PORT. Attempting to login." LoginCount=$((LoginCount+1)) if [[ "$user" == "$P4USER" ]]; then Cmd="$P4BIN -p $port -u $P4USER -s login -a" msg "Running: $Cmd" $Cmd < "$SDP_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE" >> "$Log" 2>&1 || return 1 else # We cannot use the '-a' flag to 'p4 login' for service accounts, so # drop it for service accounts. Otherwise, '-a' is preferred for # robustness, since certain network interface card (NIC) # configurations with multiple IPs need tickets not bound to one of # multiple possible IPs. See 'p4 help login' for more. if [[ "$userType" == service ]]; then Cmd="$P4BIN -p $port -u $P4USER -s login $user" else Cmd="$P4BIN -p $port -u $P4USER -s login -a $user" fi msg "Running: $Cmd" $Cmd >> "$Log" 2>&1 || return 1 fi fi } #============================================================================== # Command Line Processing declare -i shiftArgs=0 set +u while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in # Note: When If $LoginServiceUser is set to 1, the super user is # still logged in, but in a different block of code than the one # dedicated to logging, in only the super user, which applies # if LoginSuperUser=1. (-service) LoginSuperUser=0; LoginServiceUser=1;; (-automation) LoginSuperUser=0; LoginAutomationUsers=1;; (-all) LoginSuperUser=1; LoginServiceUser=1; LoginAutomationUsers=1;; (-h) usage -h;; (-man) usage -man;; (-p) Port=$2; shiftArgs=1;; (-v) ShowLog=1;; (-L) Log=$2; shiftArgs=1;; (-d) DEBUG=1;; # Debug; enable dbg() function calls. (-D) set -x;; # Debug; use 'set -x' mode. (-*) usage -h "Unknown command line option ($1).";; (*) export SDP_INSTANCE=$1;; esac # Shift (modify $#) the appropriate number of times. shift; while [[ "$shiftArgs" -gt 0 ]]; do [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage -h "Incorrect number of arguments." shiftArgs=$shiftArgs-1 shift done done set -u #============================================================================== # Command Line Verification [[ "$SDP_INSTANCE" == Unset ]] && \ bail "The \$SDP_INSTANCE setting is not defined. It must be defined by doing:\\n\\n\\tsource $P4CBIN/p4_vars <instance>\\n\\nor by passing in the instance name as a parameter to this script.\\n" #============================================================================== # Main Program # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$SDP_ENV" "$SDP_INSTANCE" ||\ bail "Failed to load SDP environment for instance $SDP_INSTANCE." TmpFile="${P4TMP:-/tmp}/.p4login.$$.$RANDOM" [[ "$Log" == Unset ]] && Log="$LOGS/p4login.$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S').log" rm -f "$Log" msg "${0##*/} v$Version Checking login status at $(date +'%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z').\\nInitial command line:\\n$CmdLine" [[ "$Port" == Unset ]] && Port="$P4PORT" cmd "$P4BIN" set P4TICKETS if [[ -r "$P4ROOT/db.config" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2153 AuthID=$("$P4DBIN" -cshow | grep "auth.id" | cut -d ' ' -f 4) else AuthID=UnknownAssumeEnabled fi if [[ "$LoginSuperUser" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -n "$SERVERID" && "$SERVERID" == "$P4MASTER_ID" ]]; then msg "Logging user $P4USER to port $Port." trust_port "$Port" dbg "C1 login_user ($P4USER, $Port)" login_user "$P4USER" "$Port" || OverallExitCode=1 else # If not on the master, login to the P4TARGET if auth.id is set, else # just login as indicated. This implies that '-p <port>' is ignored # if auth.id is set. if [[ -n "$AuthID" ]]; then if [[ -r "$P4ROOT/db.config" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2153 TargetServerPort=$("$P4DBIN" -cshow | grep "${SERVERID}: P4TARGET" | cut -d ' ' -f 4) fi if [[ -n "$TargetServerPort" ]]; then trust_port "$TargetServerPort" dbg "C2.1 login_user ($P4USER, $TargetServerPort)" login_user "$P4USER" "$TargetServerPort" || OverallExitCode=1 else trust_port "$Port" dbg "C2.2 login_user ($P4USER, $Port)" login_user "$P4USER" "$Port" || OverallExitCode=1 fi else trust_port "$Port" dbg "C3 login_user ($P4USER, $Port)" login_user "$P4USER" "$Port" || OverallExitCode=1 fi fi fi if [[ "$LoginServiceUser" -eq 1 ]]; then # If we are on a replica/edge, login the service user and super # user to the master server first, then to the local replica. if [[ -n "$SERVERID" && "$SERVERID" != "$P4MASTER_ID" ]]; then msg "\\nDoing replica/edge logins." if [[ -r "$P4ROOT/db.config" ]]; then TargetServerPort=$("$P4DBIN" -cshow | grep "${SERVERID}: P4TARGET" | cut -d ' ' -f 4) ServiceUser=$("$P4DBIN" -cshow | grep "${SERVERID}: serviceUser" | cut -d ' ' -f 4) fi if [[ -n "$AuthID" ]]; then msg "The auth.id configurable is set ($AuthID). Logging in to master P4PORT only." # Login the $P4USER super user first, whose password must match that # in the SDP admin password file ($SDP_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE). if [[ -n "$TargetServerPort" && -n "$ServiceUser" ]]; then trust_port "$TargetServerPort" dbg "C4.1 login_user ($P4USER, $TargetServerPort)" login_user "$P4USER" "$TargetServerPort" || OverallExitCode=1 dbg "C4.2 login_user ($ServiceUser, $TargetServerPort)" login_user "$ServiceUser" "$TargetServerPort" || OverallExitCode=1 else msg "\\nError: This is not the master (ServerID=$SERVERID), but could not determine P4TARGET and/or serviceUser for server $SERVERID." OverallExitCode=1 trust_port "$TargetServerPort" dbg "C5.1 login_user ($P4USER, $TargetServerPort)" login_user "$P4USER" "$TargetServerPort" dbg "C5.2 login_user ($ServiceUser, $TargetServerPort)" login_user "$ServiceUser" "$TargetServerPort" fi else msg "The auth.id configurable is not set. Logging in to both local and P4TARGET ports." if [[ -n "$TargetServerPort" && -n "$ServiceUser" ]]; then trust_port "$TargetServerPort" dbg "C6.1 login_user ($P4USER, $TargetServerPort)" login_user "$P4USER" "$TargetServerPort" || OverallExitCode=1 trust_port "$P4PORT" dbg "C6.2 login_user ($P4USER, $P4PORT)" login_user "$P4USER" "$P4PORT" || OverallExitCode=1 dbg "C6.3 login_user ($ServiceUser, $TargetServerPort)" login_user "$ServiceUser" "$TargetServerPort" || OverallExitCode=1 else msg "\\nError: This is not the master (ServerID=$SERVERID), but could not determine P4TARGET and/or serviceUser for server $SERVERID." OverallExitCode=1 trust_port "$P4PORT" dbg "C7 login_user ($P4USER, $P4PORT)" login_user "$P4USER" "$P4PORT" fi # AuthServerPort is the P4AUTH server; it is not related to the # auth.id configurable. If a P4AUTH server is defined, we need to # login there, too. AuthServerPort=$("$P4BIN" -p "$P4PORT" configure show P4AUTH 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n "$AuthServerPort" ]]; then AuthServerPort=${AuthServerPort##*=} AuthServerPort=${AuthServerPort%% *} msg "Logging into P4AUTH server." trust_port "$AuthServerPort" dbg "C8 login_user ($ServiceUser, $AuthServerPort)" login_user "$ServiceUser" "$AuthServerPort" || OverallExitCode=1 fi fi else msg "\\nOperating on master/commit server, skipping replica/edge logins." fi # Login to P4BROKERPORT unless auth.id is set, in which case it's not # necessary. if [[ -n "$P4BROKERPORT" && "$P4BROKERPORT" != Unset && -z "$AuthID" ]]; then msg "Logging $P4USER into broker." trust_port "$P4BROKERPORT" dbg "C9 login_user ($P4USER, $P4BROKERPORT)" login_user "$P4USER" "$P4BROKERPORT" || OverallExitCode=1 fi fi if [[ "$LoginAutomationUsers" -eq 1 ]]; then # Login other automation users (which may or may not be super users) # using $P4USER's super powers to log them in without a password. if [[ -n "$AutomationUsers" ]]; then msg "\\nLogging in special automation users defined by \$SDP_AUTOMATION_USERS in $P4CCFG/${P4SERVER}.vars." for user in ${AutomationUsers/,/ }; do msg "Logging in user $user." dbg "C10 login_user ($user, $P4PORT)" trust_port "$P4PORT" login_user "$user" "$P4PORT" || OverallExitCode=1 if [[ -z "$AuthID" ]]; then if [[ -n "$P4BROKERPORT" && "$P4BROKERPORT" != Unset ]]; then trust_port "$P4BROKERPORT" dbg "C11 login_user ($user, $P4BROKERPORT)" login_user "$user" "$P4BROKERPORT" || OverallExitCode=1 fi fi done else msg "\\nError: The -automation flag was specified, but \$SDP_AUTOMATION_USERS is not defined in the environment. Check $P4CCFG/${P4SERVER}.vars." OverallExitCode=1 fi fi if [[ "$OverallExitCode" -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ "$LoginCount" -gt 0 ]]; then msg "\\nSuccess: All logins were successful, $LoginCount login(s) were needed." else msg "\\nSuccess: No logins were needed." fi else msg "\\nError: Some logins were not successful; $LoginCount were attempted. Review the output above." fi [[ "$ShowLog" -eq 1 && -s "$Log" ]] && cat "$Log" # Overwrite p4login.log so it always has the contents of the last call # to p4login. if [[ "$Log" != "$LOGS/p4login.log" ]]; then cp -f "$Log" "$LOGS/p4login.log" fi exit "$OverallExitCode"