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$Id: //guest/julian_hyde/mondrian/doc/install.html#6 $
(C) Copyright 2002, Kana Software, Inc.
Author Julian Hyde

How to build and install Mondrian

1. Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Modification history
  3. Setup build environment
  4. Build
  5. Run the demo
  6. Run the web app
  7. Miscellaneous
    1. Coding guidelines

2. Modification history

Date Revision Author Comment
February 7th, 2002 1 Julian Hyde Created
March 5th, 2002 2 Julian Hyde Tomcat install

3. Setup build environment

These are the products I used to build mondrian. Install all of the products marked 'required'. (I use /-es in paths because I am run MKS on Windows 2000, and it makes things simpler.)

In the following, the symbol ${project.location} means the root of your source tree.

Where the instructions suggest setting an environment variable, it is often sufficient to edit the corresponding line in ${project.location}/build.bat.

Product Required? Version Comment
JDK Yes 1.1 or later (I use version 1.3.1.) Available from I downloaded j2sdk-1_3_1_02-win.exe, and extracted to E:/jdk1.3.1_02. Set JAVA_HOME to same, and CLASS_PATH to %JAVA_HOME%/lib/dt.jar.
Ant Yes 1.4.1 or later  I downloaded, extracted to E:/jakarta-ant-1.4.1, and set ANT_HOME to the same.
Tomcat Yes 4.0 or later (I use version 4.0.3) Available from I downloaded, extracted to E:/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3, and set TOMCAT_HOME to the same.
Jikes No   Available from I downloaded, and extracted jikes.exe to C:/winnt/system32. Then uncomment the relevant lines of ${project.location}/
Xerces Included with Tomcat 1.4.1 or later  
Intellij IDEA (a Java IDE) No 2.5.1 You can download a 30-day evaluation copy from Follow the instructions in Install.txt in to there.

Create a project ${project.location}/mondrian.ipr. Set the compiler output path to ${project.location}/classes/. Add javacup.jar and xerces.jar in ${project.location}/lib/ to the class path.

To use Ant build, click the '6: Ant Build' tab, click '+', choose ${project.location}/build.xml, then right-click, choose 'Properties', and choose 'Include project classpath'. (javacup.jar is needed in order to build the parser target.)

hsql Database Engine No 1.61

Available from I extracted to E:/hsqldb_v.1.61, then edited bin/run.bat. You will need to add hsqldb.jar to your classpath.

mySQL No ? ?
Postgres No ? ?
JavaCUP (parser generator) Included with source distribution, as lib/javacup.jar v0.10g (with modifications) I modified version v.0.10g to add an Ant task, and to output error messages in a format which Emacs can parse.

4. Build

As follows:

cd ${project.location}

5. Run the demo

You first need a database. I wanted to distribute a hsqldb database, but when loaded and indexed, the 300,000 rows/20Mb data set turned into a 400Mb datafile. So, two choices:

  1. If you have Microsoft Access, create a System ODBC DSN called MondrianFoodMart pointing to ${project.location}/demo/access/FoodMart.mdb. The JDBC connect string will be jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart.
  2. Create the schema in a database of your choice by running the scripts FoodMartTables.sql, FoodMartData.sql and FoodMartIndexes.sql in ${project.location}/demo/. You may need to modify the scripts for your database's particular DDL syntax. Examples:

Edit the "FoodMartTest" target in build.xml.


cd ${project.location}
build FoodMartTest

6. Run the web app

  1. First install Tomcat, as above.
  2. Make sure the web.xml file in ${project.location}/webapp/WEB-INF is correct for your environment. In particular, check the paths in the init parameters to MDXQueryServlet.
  3. build deploy-webapp.
  4. Start up tomcat.
  5. Hit http://localhost:8080/mondrian.

x. Debug tomcat using IntelliJ

  1. add ${tomcat.home}/webapps/mondrian.war to intellij's classpath
  2. edit ${tomcat.home}/bin/catalina.bat as follows:

    if not "%SECURITY_POLICY_FILE%" == "" goto doSecurityJpda
    %_EXECJAVA% %JAVA_OPTS% %CATALINA_OPTS% -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=%JPDA_ADDRESS%,server=y,suspend=n %DEBUG_OPTS% -Djava.endorsed.dirs="%JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS%" -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" -Dcatalina.base="%CATALINA_BASE%" -Dcatalina.home="%CATALINA_HOME%""%CATALINA_TMPDIR%" %MAINCLASS% %CMD_LINE_ARGS% %ACTION%
    goto end


  3. cd e:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3\bin
  4. catalina jpda run
  5. attach intellij's debugger to port 5000

7. Miscellaneous

7.1. Coding guidelines

End $Id: //guest/julian_hyde/mondrian/doc/install.html#6 $