# A Perforce Spec Specification. # # Updating this form can be dangerous! # To update the job spec, see 'p4 help jobspec' for proper directions. # To update the stream spec, see 'p4 help streamspec' for proper directions. # Otherwise, see 'p4 help spec'. Fields: 101 Job word 32 required 102 Status select 10 required 103 User word 32 required 104 Date date 20 always 105 Description text 0 required 106 SDLC word 0 optional 107 Relase text 0 optional Values: Status open/suspended/closed Presets: Status open User $user Date $now Description $blank Comments: # A Perforce Job Specification. # # Job: The job name. 'new' generates a sequenced job number. # Status: Either 'open', 'closed', or 'suspended'. Can be changed. # User: The user who created the job. Can be changed. # Date: The date this specification was last modified. # Description: Comments about the job. Required. # SDLC: The SDLC project number # Release: The release date 2023-11