Version 1.12a1


o Matt Albrecht has created a branch of the code, and starts his
  numbering based on the original.

o Fixed some bugs with Tk/Tcl versions >= 8.4.

o There are still bugs with refreshing with the P4 file view open.  It
  trims one too many characters.

o Added support for defining the location of the P4 command.  This is so
  p4 does not need to be in the PATH (which is rare), and so Cygwin users
  can use the software correctly (the Tk/Tcl Cygwin version requires the
  '.exe' at the end of the P4 command).

o There is still a bug where the program expects the P4 commands to be
  set in the environment, when they might be in the P4CONFIG file.

Version 1.12


o  Released v1.12

o  Added support for auto-resolve!

Version 1.11j


o  Fixed bug if mouse clicked without first moving after a drag/drop.

o  Reworked Depot and Pending pane refreshing. Manually refreshing one now
   always refreshes the other.


o  Drag and drop moving files between Pending Changelists is now faster
   since it no longer calls "p4 opened".


o  Enabled integrate "Sync target files first" option.

o  Updated Depot pane popup menu item "Sync to Revision, Label, Changelist
   or Date" to Perforce 2001.1 appearance.

o  Added Pending Changelist pane popup menu items "Switch to this User" and
   "Switch to this Client".

o  Added Pending Changelist pane popup menu items "Reopen for Edit".

o  Catch attempts to submit a changelist with no files selected.

o  Catch changelist submits that require files to be resolved. Give proper
   message and refresh the Pending Changelist pane.

Version 1.11g


o  Added "Sync to Changelist..." to the Submitted Changelists pop-up menu.

o  Rewrote Pending Changelist pop-up dialog "Change FIle Type" to handle
   new formats.

o  Fixed error:

        can't read "p4changes(nnnnn)": no such element in array
            while executing
        "set n2 "Change $c2 - $u@$c \{$p4changes($c2)...\}""

Version 1.11f


o  Added support for integration!

   In the Depot Pane:    Integrate->Using Filespec...
                         Integrate->Using Branchspec...
   In the Branches list: Integrate using xxx...

Version 1.11e


o  Catch error when the number of users exceeds the license.

o  Default the startup Depot View to be the Client View of the Depot.


o  Pending Changelist pane now indicates unresolved files with "!".

Version 1.11d


o  When determining the hostname for p4, add env(HOST) to the
   possible sources. The order of preference is:

   First check env(P4HOST), then env(HOSTNAME), then env(HOST),
   then Tcl's internal [info hostname]. On HP-UX, tcl returns
   a fully qualified hostname, so split off the first node if
   it contains "." separators.

Version 1.11c


o  The Pending Changelist pane now always refreshes after creating
   or editing a pending changelist.


o  Fixed serious bug when refreshing the Depot pane:
        Tree: item "session.hpp #1/1 <text>" already exists in parent
   This could happen if this filename is a substring of another file
   in the same directory (such as "xsession.hpp").


o  Don't offer "Properties..." in Pending Changelists popup menu if
   a file is open for add or branch.

Version 1.10


o  Bugfix in Create/Update Client using XXX as template:
   can't read "p4(itemSpec)": no such element in array


o  Added a Describe button to the file Properties dialog.


o  Added ShowDiffs button to submitted changelist Describe dialog.

o  Added Prev/Next buttons to the changelist Describe window when the
   the describe originates from the Revision History dialog.

Version 1.09


o  Added Prev/Next buttons to "Describe..." window.

o  For Client View, don't show depots that aren't in the client view.

o  Change pop-up menus to match version 2000.1.

o  Unimplemented menu items are disabled and enclosed in parentheses.
   Items disabled without parentheses are disabled due to current
   state of popup context.

o  Showing deleted depot files now supported.

o  Changed sugested installation directory from /usr/local/lib/tkp4
   to /usr/local/share/tkp4.


o  Proper edit dialog for editting Branch, Label, CLient, User and Job.

o  TkP4 now grabs all input events while p4 commands are running. Before, 
   you could cause more than one command to be run at once, which caused

o  Removed superuser "-f" flag from all commands except for editting 
   submitted changelists (same as p4win does).

o  Reverting Unchanged Files no longer gives a warning dialog about losing
   edits to the files about to be reverted. Duh.

o  More error checking in the Rename feature.

o  Sync'ing properly removes any deleted files from the Depot pane display.

o  Now automatically refreshes the Depot tree if a sync operation causes a 
   "have" revision to be greater than the last known "head" revision.


o  Clear fields of Changelist edit dialog before using. It was carrying
   over date fields from previous uses.

o  Various fixes to "Add to Source Control..." feature.

o  Fixed Depot and Pending tree refresh when directories no longer exist.


o  Revision History dialog:
   - Change "Browse" button to "View Selected Revision" to match p4win.
   - Don't allow "Diff Revs" on deleted revisions.

o  Tiny bit of cleanup in the fstatRead code.

o  Fix double-click on files in Depot pane so it doesn't break pop-up menu.

o  Fix busy cursor in Depot pane.


o  In Depot pane, the "Add to Source Control..." pop-up menu item was
   being offered when it should not have been available.

o  In right pane (branches, clients, etc), offer "New..." item
   in pop-up menus always (even when there are no items in listbox).

o  Remove lengthy and unneeded widget name from Tree array elements.
   Should translate to less memory and better performance, but no
   performance tests were done.

Version 1.08


o  MUCH better performance for the Pending Changelist pane when 
   thousands of files are open.

   HINT:  When the "Pending Changelists (other clients)" section
          of the Pending Changelist contains many open files, leave
          the folder closed. "p4 opened -a" is run only when this
          folder is open.

o  Fixed Pending Changelist drag-n-drop outline when window is not
   positioned at the top.

Version 1.07


o  The log pane now updates smoothly, one line at a time, instead of
   in lumps due to buffering in the p4 client.


o  Guard against using bad user names such as nouser, nobody and root.

o  More work done on the ability to cancel p4 commands that are running 
   for a long time (syncs, etc). (still incomplete)


o  New option that p4win doesn't have: If your client workspace doesn't have
   the head revision (file icon is marked with "!"), the popup menu offers
   "Diff vs Head Revision".

o  Fixed bug in 16MAR2000 updates.

o  Added p4 command error checking, plus the ability to cancel p4 commands
   that are running for a long time (syncs, etc). (incomplete)

o  Don't try to Add Files to Depot that have "@" characters in the file name
   (p4 add will fail).


o  Added general Depot directory and Pending Changelist revert functions
   where you get to choose which files to revert. This is somewhat in lieu
   of the current lack of multiple selection support in the Depot and
   Pending pane tree widget.

Version 1.06


o  Added a rename file wizard.

o  You can now move files between changelists with drag-and-drop.

o  Double-clicking in the listboxes (Clients, Branches, etc) now does
   the "Describe" action from the button-3 popup menu.
o  Refresh of the Depot pane occurs automatically, when necessary, 
   when the Pending pane is refreshed. The reverse is not true (yet).

o  Refresh of the Depot pane is faster (one call for all dirs; one
   for all files).

Version 1.05


o  Added command line parameters:

   usage: tkp4 -p P4PORT -c P4CLIENT -u P4USER -P P4PASSWD -H P4HOST

   Precedence of setup values starting with the highest:

   - command line args: -p P4PORT -c P4CLIENT -u P4USER -P P4PASSWD -H P4HOST
   - environment variables: $P4PORT $P4CLIENT $P4USER $P4PASSWD $P4HOST
              also checked:  user=$USER or $USERNAME
   - internal defaults:      host=Tcl command [info hostname]

   TkP4 maintains a list of servers that you can define and edit. If no 
   startup P4PORT is found as above, then the server dialog is presented
   for choosing a server. If only one server is configured, it will just
   connect to it. If the server config includes a client name, it is used
   unless a P4CLIENT is found found above.

o  The tkp4 wrapper script now passes command line args to tkp4.tcl.

o  The server config now stores an initial startup client with each host,
   and prompts upon exit if you want to save the user/client if you have
   switched them from the saved values.

o  Activated the main Help menu with the UsingTkP4, Changelog, 
   P4WinDifferences and About.

o  Raise open but buried windows upon opening.
   (eg help and revision history windows)

o  Allow main TkP4 window to be expanded to the full size of the screen.

o  Don't allow client-depot diff and Revision History for files in the
   Pending pane that are new (open for add or branch). Also don't allow
   diff for files NOT opened for edit.

o  Fixed help windows to be active even when their parent dialog
   is modal.

o  Prompt for confirmation when aborting various edit dialogs if changes
   were made to editable fields.

o  Activated the Label pane option to sync the client to any label.

o  Added the "+" symbol to branch files in the Pending pane and made sure
   they aren't shown in the Depot pane.