Initially, TkP4 is just a clone of p4win.exe for UNIX (it might also run on NT someday). There are some added extras, such as one-step macros (or guided wizards) for such multi-step activities as renaming files. More will be added. ======= Startup ======= usage: tkp4 -p P4PORT -c P4CLIENT -u P4USER -P P4PASSWD -H P4HOST Precedence of setup values starting with the highest: - command line args: -p P4PORT -c P4CLIENT -u P4USER -P P4PASSWD -H P4HOST - environment variables: $P4PORT $P4CLIENT $P4USER $P4PASSWD $P4HOST also checked: user=$USER or $USERNAME host=$HOSTNAME - internal defaults: host=Tcl command [info hostname] TkP4 maintains a list of servers that you can define and edit. If no startup P4PORT is found as above, then the server dialog is presented for choosing a server. If only one server is configured, it will just connect to it. If the server config includes a client name, it is used unless a P4CLIENT is found found above. ========== Using TkP4 ========== Since TkP4 is mostly identical to p4win, there is no tkp4 documentation other than this file. Watch the main menu Help/Changes item for updates. The Help/P4WinDifferences item is useful if you are familiar with using P4Win. Throughout TkP4, the popup menus on the right mouse button are context sensitive. Clicking on directories or Changelists gives different options than does clicking on files. Clicking on files gives different options depending on whether they're checked out, locked, you have the latest revision, etc. TkP4 Wizards ------------ o File Rename You can rename individual files, choose files from a directory, or rename all files in a directory. This is done from the Rename option of the popup menu in the Depot pane. The usual restrictions exist: - you cannot rename files that are currently open. - you cannot rename files to target names that exist, even if the target name has been deleted. Here are features and functions that are not so obvious: -------------------------------------------------------- o If a p4 command (such as a sunc) runs longer than a few seconds a "Please Wait" dialog is presented that has a "Cancel Command" button. o Toolbar buttons for changing the Depot Pane view. The first three buttons in the toolbar change the view between the Entire Depot, Client, and Workspace. The Workspace view is like an Explorer view that shows the local directory starting from the top of the workspace "root" directory. Adding files to Perforce is done from the Workspace view. o Adding files to your Client. The only way to add files to your client from within TkP4 is through the Workspace View. Right-click on a directory or file and a dialog is presented with all files not already managed by Perforce. o Menu option "View/Changelists-Submitted-Filtered". This filters or restricts the Changelist View to contain only those changelists that include the file or directory that is selected (highlighted in blue) in the Depot Pane view. o Multi-column listboxes. You can sort columns increasing and decreasing by clicking the column headings. Click and drag the column heading separator bars to resize columns. o In the Revision History window: - you can sync the client to any revision of the file. - you can diff any two revisions by highlighting them (click one, then CTRL-click the other) then click the "Diff Revs" button. o Reverting Files. There are Depot directory and Pending Changelist revert functions on the pop-up menus where you get to choose which files to revert. This is somewhat in lieu of the current lack of multiple selection support in the Depot and Pending pane tree widget.