# short commands co=edit ci=submit st=status # new commands shelved=changes -s shelved -u $(P4USER) -c $(P4CLIENT) pending=changes -s pending -u $(P4USER) -c $(P4CLIENT) desc=describe -s purge=clean -I blame=annotate -u lc=-F "%change%" -ztag changes -m1 -s submitted ... > $(chg)&& describe -s $(chg) copyup= -F "%baseParent%" -ztag stream -o > $(parent) && -F "%Name%" -ztag stream -o > $(current) && switch $(parent) && merge --from $(current) && resolve -as && submit -d "Pulling crud to main" && switch $(current) nuke-shelf $(change)=shelve -dc $(change) && revert -c $(change) //... && change -d $(change) nc $(desc) = --field Description$(EQ)$(desc) change -o > $(form) && change -i < $(form) newChange $(desc) = change -o > $(chg) && p4subst "$(LT)enter.*$(GT)" $(desc) < $(chg) > $(chg2) && change -i < $(chg2) # one shot move! mv $(from) $(to) = edit $(from) && move $(from) $(to) # one shot reconcile and submit a la git commit -am su $(description)=rec && submit -d $(description) # cp takes a snapshot of WIP and puts it into the active shelf auto_shelved = -ztag -F %change% changes -s shelved -u $(P4USER) -c $(P4CLIENT) ... cp = auto_shelved > $(chg) && rec -c $(chg) && shelve -c $(chg) -r # what shelves are on my shared server? Single arg and no arg versions. remote-shelves $(remote) = -F %Address% -ztag remote -o $(remote) > $(port) && -p $(port) -u $(P4USER) changes -s shelved -u $(P4USER) remote-shelves = remote-shelves origin