# This is an example of renaming branches during the import.  The
# second field is the name of the branch tag in CVS.
# The format is:
#       branch_name CVS_branch_tag
# or
#       //depot/root CVS_branch_tag
# The first example just renames the branch tag and the CVS branch
# is optional.  The second version places all files for that CVS
# branch into that depot directory.  Currently only cvs2p4 uses the
# latter example.  You should have your p4-modules file well behaved
# for general use.
main    HEAD
1.0     rel1_0_head
1.0p1   rel1_0_patches
2.0     rel2_0_head
rel/4.0 rel4_0_head
//depot/java/1.0 java1_0_head