A Visual Studio .NET 2003 add-in to replace the default Perforce VSNet plug-in. Opening a solution with multiple projects and many files takes up to 1:30s in my computer. With this add-in you can uninstall the Perforce plug-in and the solution opens in 2-3 seconds instead. INSTALLATION First Time * Uninstall the Perforce plug-in. * Run the P4VSNetAddIn? installer Upgrade * Just install new add-in. No need to uninstall the old one. Uninstall * Uninstall previous version of the add-in * Run devenv.exe /setup Optional * Set the environment variable P4DIFF to your favorite diff program. * If you use multiple client workspaces: The add-in uses the command-line way of determining which client workspace you're using. Learn how to use P4CONFIG FEATURES P4VSNetAddIn? just adds three new commands to Visual Studio. * P4 edit: Opens a file for edit in Perforce * P4 diff: Diffs the contents of a file against the head in Perforce * P4 revert: Reverts your changes and goes back to the Perforce version you had before. The output of those commands will be displayed in your Output Window. One of the most common errors is to try to edit a file that is not under a client workspace, so you'll see the error message there right away. You can map those commands to whatever keys or buttons you want. Go to Tools | Options | Keyboard to assign keyboard mappings and look for P4. By default, P4 edit is mapped to Ctrl + Shift + Enter. The Perforce add-in also will add a file to Perforce changelist whenever it's added to the Visual Studio project, and it will open it for delete whenever you remove it from the Visual Studio project. These changes will go in your default changelist, so if that's not what you wanted, you can always revert out of it through the Perforce client. Originally developed for Sammy Studios (http://www.sammystudios.com). Released as free software with their permision. Email any changes, comments, or suggestions to Noel Llopis (nllopis@sammystudios.com)