<%@page contentType="text/html"%> <%-- // $Id: //guest/paul_dymecki/mondrian/webapp/index.jsp#1 $ // This software is subject to the terms of the Common Public License // Agreement, available at the following URL: // http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl.html. // (C) Copyright 2001-2002 Kana Software, Inc. and others. // All Rights Reserved. // You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software. // // jhyde, 6 August, 2001 --%> <% String[] queries = new String[] { // #0 "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on columns\r\n" + " from Sales", // mdx sample #1 "select\r\n" + " {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on columns,\r\n" + " order(except([Promotion Media].[Media Type].members,{[Promotion Media].[Media Type].[No Media]}),[Measures].[Unit Sales],DESC) on rows\r\n" + "from Sales", // mdx sample #2 "select\r\n" + " { [Measures].[Units Shipped], [Measures].[Units Ordered] } on columns,\r\n" + " NON EMPTY [Store].[Store Name].members on rows\r\n" + "from Warehouse", // mdx sample #3 "with member [Measures].[Store Sales Last Period] as '([Measures].[Store Sales], Time.PrevMember)'\r\n" + "select\r\n" + " {[Measures].[Store Sales Last Period]} on columns,\r\n" + " {TopCount([Product].[Product Department].members,5, [Measures].[Store Sales Last Period])} on rows\r\n" + "from Sales\r\n" + "where ([Time].[1998])", // mdx sample #4 "with member [Measures].[Total Store Sales] as 'Sum(YTD(),[Measures].[Store Sales])'\r\n" + "select\r\n" + " {[Measures].[Total Store Sales]} on columns,\r\n" + " {TopCount([Product].[Product Department].members,5, [Measures].[Total Store Sales])} on rows\r\n" + "from Sales\r\n" + "where ([Time].[1997].[Q2].[4])", // mdx sample #5 "with member [Measures].[Store Profit Rate] as '([Measures].[Store Sales]-[Measures].[Store Cost])/[Measures].[Store Cost]', format = '#.00%'\r\n" + "select\r\n" + " {[Measures].[Store Cost],[Measures].[Store Sales],[Measures].[Store Profit Rate]} on columns,\r\n" + " Order([Product].[Product Department].members, [Measures].[Store Profit Rate], BDESC) on rows\r\n" + "from Sales\r\n" + "where ([Time].[1997])", // mdx sample #6 "with\r\n" + " member [Product].[All Products].[Drink].[Percent of Alcoholic Drinks] as '[Product].[All Products].[Drink].[Alcoholic Beverages]/[Product].[All Products].[Drink]', format = '#.00%'\r\n" + "select\r\n" + " { [Product].[All Products].[Drink].[Percent of Alcoholic Drinks] } on columns,\r\n" + " order([Customers].[All Customers].[USA].[WA].Children, [Product].[All Products].[Drink].[Percent of Alcoholic Drinks],BDESC ) on rows\r\n" + "from Sales\r\n" + "where ( [Measures].[Unit Sales] )", // mdx sample #7 "with member [Measures].[Accumulated Sales] as 'Sum(YTD(),[Measures].[Store Sales])'\r\n" + "select\r\n" + " {[Measures].[Store Sales],[Measures].[Accumulated Sales]} on columns,\r\n" + " {Descendants([Time].[1997],[Time].[Month])} on rows\r\n" + "from Sales", // #8 "select\r\n" + " {[Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Ever]} on columns,\r\n" + " [Gender].members on rows\r\n" + "from Sales", // #9 "with\r\n" + " member [Product].[Non dairy] as '[Product].[All Products] - [Product].[Food].[Dairy]'\r\n" + " member [Measures].[Dairy ever] as 'sum([Time].members, ([Measures].[Unit Sales],[Product].[Food].[Dairy]))'\r\n" + " set [Customers who never bought dairy] as 'filter([Customers].members, [Measures].[Dairy ever] = 0)'\r\n" + "select\r\n" + " {[Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Dairy ever]} on columns,\r\n" + " [Customers who never bought dairy] on rows\r\n" + "from Sales\r\n", // #10 "select {[Has bought dairy].members} on columns,\r\n" + " {[Customers].[USA]} on rows\r\n" + "from Sales\r\n" + "where ([Measures].[Unit Sales])", // #11 "WITH\r\n" + " MEMBER [Measures].[StoreType] AS \r\n" + " '[Store].CurrentMember.Properties(\"Store Type\")',\r\n" + " SOLVE_ORDER = 2\r\n" + " MEMBER [Measures].[ProfitPct] AS \r\n" + " 'Val((Measures.[Store Sales] - Measures.[Store Cost]) / Measures.[Store Sales])',\r\n" + " SOLVE_ORDER = 1, FORMAT_STRING = 'Percent'\r\n" + "SELECT\r\n" + " { [Store].[Store Name].Members} ON COLUMNS,\r\n" + " { [Measures].[Store Sales], [Measures].[Store Cost], [Measures].[StoreType],\r\n" + " [Measures].[ProfitPct] } ON ROWS\r\n" + "FROM Sales", // #12 "WITH\r\n" + " MEMBER [Product].[Beer and Wine].[BigSeller] AS\r\n" + " 'IIf([Product].[Beer and Wine] > 100, \"Yes\",\"No\")'\r\n" + "SELECT\r\n" + " {[Product].[BigSeller]} ON COLUMNS,\r\n" + " {Store.[Store Name].Members} ON ROWS\r\n" + "FROM Sales", // #13 "WITH\r\n" + " MEMBER [Measures].[ProfitPct] AS \r\n" + " 'Val((Measures.[Store Sales] - Measures.[Store Cost]) / Measures.[Store Sales])',\r\n" + " SOLVE_ORDER = 1, FORMAT_STRING = 'Percent'\r\n" + " MEMBER [Measures].[ProfitValue] AS \r\n" + " '[Measures].[Store Sales] * [Measures].[ProfitPct]',\r\n" + " SOLVE_ORDER = 2, FORMAT_STRING = 'Currency'\r\n" + "SELECT\r\n" + " { [Store].[Store Name].Members} ON COLUMNS,\r\n" + " { [Measures].[Store Sales], [Measures].[Store Cost], [Measures].[ProfitValue],\r\n" + " [Measures].[ProfitPct] } ON ROWS\r\n" + "FROM Sales", // #14: cyclical calculated members "WITH\r\n" + " MEMBER [Product].[X] AS '[Product].[Y]'\r\n" + " MEMBER [Product].[Y] '[Product].[X]'\r\n" + "SELECT\r\n" + " {[Product].[X]} ON COLUMNS,\r\n" + " {Store.[Store Name].Members} ON ROWS\r\n" + "FROM Sales", // #15 "WITH MEMBER MEASURES.ProfitPercent AS\r\n" + " '([Measures].[Store Sales]-[Measures].[Store Cost])/([Measures].[Store Cost])',\r\n" + " FORMAT_STRING = '#.00%', SOLVE_ORDER = 1\r\n" + " MEMBER [Time].[First Half 97] AS '[Time].[1997].[Q1] + [Time].[1997].[Q2]'\r\n" + " MEMBER [Time].[Second Half 97] AS '[Time].[1997].[Q3] + [Time].[1997].[Q4]'\r\n" + " SELECT {[Time].[First Half 97],\r\n" + " [Time].[Second Half 97],\r\n" + " [Time].[1997].CHILDREN} ON COLUMNS,\r\n" + " {[Store].[Store Country].[USA].CHILDREN} ON ROWS\r\n" + " FROM [Sales]\r\n" + " WHERE (MEASURES.ProfitPercent)", // #16 (= mdx sample #7, but uses virtual cube) "with member [Measures].[Accumulated Sales] as 'Sum(YTD(),[Measures].[Store Sales])'\r\n" + "select\r\n" + " {[Measures].[Store Sales],[Measures].[Accumulated Sales]} on columns,\r\n" + " {Descendants([Time].[1997],[Time].[Month])} on rows\r\n" + "from [Warehouse and Sales]", // #17 Virtual cube. Note that Unit Sales is independent of Warehouse. "select CrossJoin(\r\n"+ " {[Warehouse].DefaultMember, [Warehouse].[USA].children},\r\n" + " {[Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Units Shipped]}) on columns,\r\n" + " [Time].children on rows\r\n" + "from [Warehouse and Sales]", // #18 bug: should allow dimension to be used as shorthand for member "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on columns,\r\n" + " {[Store], [Store].children} on rows\r\n" + "from [Sales]", // #19 bug: should allow 'members(n)' (and do it efficiently) "select {[Measures].[Unit Sales]} on columns,\r\n" + " {[Customers].members(0)} on rows\r\n" + "from [Sales]", }; %> JSP Page
<% if (request.getAttribute("result") != null) { %> <% } %>
Results: <% out.println(request.getAttribute("result")); %>