# Test Data File. # # Each test is a one-line entry of the form: # # ||[CBDLOG:]| # # Where: # is the Perforce command to execute. Must start with 'p4 ', which will be # substituted at runtime with 'p4 -p -u -c ', where the # port/user/client values are dependint test configuration data in # test_cbd.*.cfg files. # # Alternately, the can start with 'p4:user:client ', to execute # commands as a user or in a workspace defined in the test entry. The user # is typically 'bruno' or some other user from the Perforce Sample Depot data set. # The value cannot be overriden. # # is the expected exit code, which must be a positive integer or the # special value of 'U' meaning Undefined -- any exit code is accepted. # # is a string of text expected in the output of running the command. # Alternately, if prefixed with 'CBDLOG:', the cbd.log file is checked instead # for the expected tring. # # Comments are short comments for the human reviewer of the test, describing what is expected # in the output, what is being tested, etc. # Sample: Run 'p4 -s info -s' command. Expect a zero exit code with "Server address" # in the output. #p4 -s info -s|0|Server address|p4 info command. # Sample: Run 'p4 -s infox -s' (which does not exist). Expect a 1 exit code with "Unknown command" # in the output. #p4 -s infox -s|1|error: Unknown command.|Broken p4 info command. # These next two entries are sample bogus test entries. These will abort the # test_cbd.sh test run unless '-f' is used, in which case they'll just be # ignored. #p4 -s info -s|BogusExitCode|blah|Sample bad test data entry. #p4x -s info -s|U|Blah|Sample bad test data entry. # This is a real test: p4 sbi|1|clientVersion|Showing broker input values. p4 keys|0|cbd_stream_jam_rel2.1_path0|Showing key values. p4 sync|0|//pb/1.5.1-p/...@8906|Expect rewrite with all import paths using keys. p4 print -q //jam/rel2.1/jam.cbdsst@12106|0|//gwt-streams/release1.5/...@12047|Showing contents of jam.cbdsst@12106 p4 sync @12106|0|//gwt-streams/release1.5/...@12047|Expect rewrite with all import paths using file, *.cbdsst file rev 1. p4 print -q //jam/rel2.1/jam.cbdsst@12107|0|//gwt-streams/release1.5/...@12048|Showing contents of jam.cbdsst@12107 p4 sync @12107|0|//gwt-streams/release1.5/...@12048|Expect rewrite with all import paths using file, *.cbdsst file rev 2. p4 print -q //jam/rel2.1/jam.cbdsst@12108|0|//gwt-streams/release1.5/...@12050|Showing contents of jam.cbdsst@12108 p4 sync @12108|0|//gwt-streams/release1.5/...@12050|Expect rewrite with all import paths using file, *.cbdsst file rev 3. p4 sync //...|0|//gwt-streams/release1.5/...@12050|Expect rewrite with all import paths using keys. p4 sync //jam/...|0|//gwt-streams/release1.5/...@12050|Expect rewrite with all import paths using keys. p4 sync -f //jam/rel2.1/src/Build.com#head|0|CBDLOG:Rewrite: arg: //jam/rel2.1/src/Build.com#head|Force sync of an individual file. p4 sync //jam/...@12106|0|//gwt-streams/release1.5/...@12047|Expect rewrite with all import paths using file, *.cbdsst file rev 1. p4 sync //pb/...@12106|0|//pb/1.5.1-p/src/option.h#2|Expect rewrite of import paths using file specified revision, ignoring keys. p4 sync //jam/rel2.1/...|0|//pb/1.5.1-p/...@8906|Expect rewrite with all import paths using keys. p4 sync //jam/rel2.1/...@12106|0|//gwt-streams/release1.5/...@12047|Expect rewrite with all import paths using file, *.cbdsst file rev 1. p4 sync //jam/rel2.1/src/...|0|CBDLOG:Seeking CBD rule for pathArg|Illustrate a narrow sync. CBD rule applies, but just the one for this path. p4 sync //jam/rel2.1/src/...@12106|0|CBDLOG:Ignoring CBD rules in favor of explicit revision specifier for path|User-provided revision specifer overrides CBD value. p4 sync -n -k //jam/rel2.1/src/...@12106|0|CBDLOG:Read args -n,-k,//jam/rel2.1/src/...@12106|Confirming that flags are passed along, and don't otherwise affect processing. p4 flush //jam/rel2.1/src/...@12106|0|CBDLOG:Ignoring CBD rules in favor of explicit revision specifier for path|Flush should be handled same as sync. p4:earl:bruno_ws flush //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/Build.com|0|CBDLOG:Ignoring classic workspace bruno_ws|Test pass-thru of sync in a classic workspace. # This example with 'U' and an empty value for the expected string would be # for informational purposes only, since the test would never fail. #p4 sync -n -k //jam/rel2.1/src/...@12106|U||3+Levels, No rewrite expected. Pass thru verbatim.