isPhpValid) { $class = 'good'; $messages[] = "You have PHP version " . $this->escape($this->phpVersion) . "."; } else { $class = 'bad'; if (!$this->isPhpVersionValid) { $messages[] = "You have PHP version ". $this->escape($this->phpVersion) . ". Version ". $this->escape($this->minPhpVersion) . " or greater is" . " required. Please upgrade your installation of PHP and try again."; } if ($this->isMagicQuotesOn) { $messages[] = "Magic quotes are enabled and must be disabled. Please check your" . " magic_quotes_gpc and magic_quotes_runtime settings and" . " ensure that they are both disabled."; } } echo $this->partial( 'index/status.phtml', array( 'label' => 'PHP', 'class' => $class, 'messages' => $messages ) ); $messages = array(); if ($this->isRewriteWorking) { $class = 'good'; $messages[] = "Request rewriting appears to be working correctly."; } else { $class = 'bad'; $messages[] = "Request rewriting does not appear to be working correctly." . " Please verify your web server's request rewriting configuration and try again." . " For Apache, ensure the mod_rewrite module is enabled."; } echo $this->partial( 'index/status.phtml', array( 'label' => 'Clean URLs', 'class' => $class, 'messages' => $messages ) ); $messages = array(); if ($this->isP4Valid) { $class = 'good'; $messages[] = "You have version " . $this->escape($this->p4Version) . " of the " . $this->escape($this->p4ClientType) . "."; } else { $class = 'bad'; if (!$this->isP4Installed) { $messages[] = "No Perforce client could be found." . " Please ensure that version " . $this->escape($this->minP4Version) . " (or greater) of either the Perforce PHP extension (P4PHP) is installed, or" . " the P4 command-line client is installed in a path that is executable by" . " the web server (" . getenv('PATH') . ")."; } else { $messages[] = "You have version " . $this->escape($this->p4Version) . " of the " . $this->escape($this->p4ClientType) . "." . " Version " . $this->escape($this->minP4Version) . " or greater is required." . " Please upgrade your Perforce client and try again."; } } echo $this->partial( 'index/status.phtml', array( 'label' => 'Perforce Client', 'class' => $class, 'messages' => $messages ) ); $messages = array(); if ($this->isDataPathValid) { $class = 'good'; $messages[] = "Your data directory (" . $this->escape($this->dataPath) . ") exists" . " and is writable by the web server" . $this->escape($this->webServerDetails) . "."; } else { $class = 'bad'; if (!$this->isDataPathPresent) { $messages[] = "Your data directory (" . $this->escape($this->dataPath) . ") could not be found." . " Please create a data directory and ensure that it is" . " writable by the web server" . $this->escape($this->webServerDetails) . "."; } else { $messages[] = "Your data directory (" . $this->escape($this->dataPath) . ") is not writable." . " Please make the data directory and its contents writable by the" . " web server" . $this->escape($this->webServerDetails) ."."; } } echo $this->partial( 'index/status.phtml', array( 'label' => 'Data Directory', 'class' => $class, 'messages' => $messages ) ); if (!$this->isP4PHPInstalled) { $class = 'warn'; echo $this->partial( 'index/status.phtml', array( 'label' => 'P4PHP Extension', 'class' => 'warn', 'messages' => array( 'The P4PHP extension does not appear to be installed. Installing P4PHP' . ' can provide a significant performance boost, and is recommended for' . ' production Chronicle sites.', 'Please see the INSTALL.txt file in your Chronicle directory for' . ' information about installing P4PHP.' ) ) ); } if ($this->isWinCacheInstalled) { echo $this->partial( 'index/status.phtml', array( 'label' => 'Opcode Cache', 'class' => 'good', 'messages' => array('The WinCache extension is installed.') ) ); } else if ($this->isApcInstalled) { echo $this->partial( 'index/status.phtml', array( 'label' => 'Opcode Cache', 'class' => 'good', 'messages' => array('The APC extension is installed.') ) ); } else if ($this->isWebServerIis) { echo $this->partial( 'index/status.phtml', array( 'label' => 'Opcode Cache', 'class' => 'warn', 'messages' => array( 'The WinCache extension does not appear to be installed. Installing WinCache' . ' can provide a significant performance boost, and is recommended for' . ' production Chronicle sites.', 'To install WinCache, please follow the instructions here:', '' . '' ) ) ); } else { echo $this->partial( 'index/status.phtml', array( 'label' => 'Opcode Cache', 'class' => 'warn', 'messages' => array( 'The APC extension does not appear to be installed. Installing APC' . ' can provide a significant performance boost, and is recommended for' . ' production Chronicle sites.', 'You can typically install APC by running the command-line command:', 'pecl install APC' ) ) ); } $messages = array(); if (count($this->imageExtensionsEnabled)) { $class = 'good'; $messages[] = "The following PHP extensions for image manipulation were detected: " . implode(', ', $this->imageExtensionsEnabled) . '.' . (count($this->imageExtensionsEnabled) > 1 ? ' The ' . $this->defaultImageDriver->getRequiredExtension() . ' extension will be used by default.' : '' ); } else { $class = 'warn'; $messages[] = "No PHP extensions for image manipulation were detected. For" . " best results and performance, it is recommended that one of the" . " following PHP extensions be installed and enabled: " . implode(', ', $this->imageExtensions) . '.'; } // add a warning message if some of the common image types are not supported if (count($this->imageExtensionsEnabled) && count($this->missingCommonImageTypes)) { $class = 'warn'; array_unshift( $messages, "The following common web image formats are not supported: " . implode(', ', $this->missingCommonImageTypes) . "." . "
Please install support for these common formats." ); } echo $this->partial( 'index/status.phtml', array( 'label' => 'Image Manipulation', 'class' => $class, 'messages' => $messages ) ); ?>