require 'spec_helper_system' describe 'apache::vhost define' do let(:distro_commands) { YAML.load( + '/../fixtures/system/distro_commands.yaml')) } let(:os) { node.facts['osfamily'] } let(:vhost_dir) { case node.facts['osfamily'] when 'Debian' '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled' when 'RedHat' '/etc/httpd/conf.d' end } context "default vhost without ssl" do it 'should create a default vhost config' do puppet_apply(%{ class { 'apache': } }) { |r| [0,2].should include r.exit_code} end it 'should have a default config file' do shell("/bin/cat #{vhost_dir}/15-default.conf") do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /^$/ r.exit_code.should == 0 end end it 'should not have a default ssl config file' do shell("/bin/cat #{vhost_dir}/15-default-ssl.conf") do |r| r.exit_code.should == 1 end end end context 'default vhost with ssl' do it 'should create default vhost configs' do puppet_apply(%{ class { 'apache': default_ssl_vhost => true, } }) { |r| [0,2].should include r.exit_code} end it 'should have a default config file' do shell("/bin/cat #{vhost_dir}/15-default.conf") do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /^$/ r.exit_code.should == 0 end end it 'should have a default ssl config file' do shell("/bin/cat #{vhost_dir}/15-default-ssl.conf") do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /^$/ r.stdout.should =~ /SSLEngine on/ r.exit_code.should == 0 end end end context 'new vhost on port 80' do it 'should configure an apache vhost' do puppet_apply(%{ class { 'apache': } apache::vhost { '': port => '80', docroot => '/var/www/first', } }) { |r| [0,2].should include r.exit_code} shell("/bin/cat #{vhost_dir}/") do |r| r.stdout.should =~ /^$/ r.stdout.should =~ /ServerName first\.example\.com$/ r.exit_code.should == 0 end end end context 'new vhost on port 80' do it 'should configure two apache vhosts' do puppet_apply(%{ class { 'apache': } apache::vhost { '': port => '80', docroot => '/var/www/first', } host { '': ip => '', } file { '/var/www/first/index.html': ensure => file, content => "Hello from first\\n", } apache::vhost { '': port => '80', docroot => '/var/www/second', } host { '': ip => '', } file { '/var/www/second/index.html': ensure => file, content => "Hello from second\\n", } }) { |r| [0,2].should include r.exit_code} if distro_commands.has_key?(os) shell(distro_commands[os]["service_check"]["command"]) do |r| r.exit_code.should == 0 end end end it 'should answer to' do shell("/usr/bin/curl") do |r| r.stdout.should == "Hello from first\n" r.exit_code.should == 0 end end it 'should answer to' do shell("/usr/bin/curl") do |r| r.stdout.should == "Hello from second\n" r.exit_code.should == 0 end end end context 'virtual_docroot hosting separate sites' do it 'should configure a vhost with VirtualDocumentRoot' do puppet_apply(%{ class { 'apache': } apache::vhost { '': vhost_name => '*', serveraliases => '*', port => '80', docroot => '/var/www/virt', virtual_docroot => '/var/www/virt/%1', } host { '': ip => '', } host { '': ip => '', } host { '': ip => '', } file { [ '/var/www/virt/a', '/var/www/virt/b', ]: ensure => directory, } file { '/var/www/virt/a/index.html': ensure => file, content => "Hello from a.virt\\n", } file { '/var/www/virt/b/index.html': ensure => file, content => "Hello from b.virt\\n", } }) { |r| [0,2].should include r.exit_code} if distro_commands.has_key?(os) shell(distro_commands[os]["service_check"]["command"]) do |r| r.exit_code.should == 0 end end end it 'should answer to' do shell("/usr/bin/curl") do |r| r.stdout.should == "Hello from a.virt\n" r.exit_code.should == 0 end end it 'should answer to' do shell("/usr/bin/curl") do |r| r.stdout.should == "Hello from b.virt\n" r.exit_code.should == 0 end end end end