title = "Tableau (Default)" version = 1.0 description = A tablet-first, magazine-style theme. tags = responsive tablet magazine doctype = HTML5 icon = icon.png [maintainer] name = Perforce Software email = "support@perforce.com" url = http://www.perforce.com [stylesheets] all.href[] = styles/styles.css all.href[] = styles/transitions.css all.href[] = styles/responsive.css all.href[] = 'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,700|Open+Sans+Condensed:300,700|Bree+Serif' [content] glacier.contentType = image glacier.title = Glacier glacier.file = images/content/glacier-lg.jpg glacier.date = 2012-09-26 glacier.description = "A glacier entering the Pacific Ocean in Alaska." glacier.creator = Petr Havlik shrine.contentType = image shrine.title = Banteay Srei shrine.file = images/content/banteay-srei-lg.jpg shrine.date = 2012-09-26 shrine.description = "A 10th century Cambodian temple dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva." shrine.creator = Naomi Kuwabara creek.contentType = image creek.title = Ashburn Creek creek.file = images/content/cowichan-lake-lg.jpg creek.date = 2012-09-26 creek.description = "A creek feeding into Cowichan Lake on Vancouver Island, Canada." creek.creator = Ewan Edwards monastery.contentType = image monastery.title = Ganden Sumtseling Monastery monastery.file = images/content/ganden-sumtseling-lg.jpg monastery.date = 2012-09-26 monastery.description = "A Tibetan Buddhist monastery, built in 1679." monastery.creator = Ray Su rockies.contentType = image rockies.title = Rocky Mountains rockies.file = images/content/rockies-lg.jpg rockies.date = 2012-09-26 rockies.description = "The British Columbia Rockies seen at sunset." rockies.creator = DJ Mountney sunset.contentType = image sunset.title = "California's Glowing Beaches" sunset.file = /images/content/huntington-beach-lg.jpg sunset.date = 2012-09-26 sunset.description = "Sunset on Huntington Beach, California." sunset.creator = Ewan Edwards goldstream.contentType = image goldstream.title = Serene Rainforest Habitats with Easy Access goldstream.file = /images/content/goldstream-lg.jpg goldstream.date = 2012-09-26 goldstream.description = "The Goldstream estuary, near Victoria, Canada." goldstream.creator = Ewan Edwards gallery.url.path = gallery gallery.contentType = gallery gallery.workflowState = published gallery.title = Scenic Gallery gallery.images[] = creek gallery.images[] = glacier gallery.images[] = rockies gallery.images[] = shrine gallery.images[] = monastery gallery.images[] = sunset gallery.images[] = goldstream welcome.url.path = welcome welcome.contentType = basic-page welcome.workflowState = published welcome.title = Welcome to Chronicle welcome.image = creek welcome.body = "

Welcome to the 2012.3 release of Perforce Chronicle. This release features the result of our tablet-first initiative, a new theme called Tableau that uses magazine-like styling combined with gesture-based navigation and responsive layouts to resemble native apps for mobile devices.

Chronicle supports a built-in staging and deployment workflow to quickly get the right content, to the right place, at the right time. Your web team will no longer have to rely on error-prone web publishing tools and time-consuming staging and deployment processes. Using Perforce's Enterprise Version Management technology as its foundation, only a click is required to create new staging and development environments with Perforce Chronicle. With this built-in workflow, taking new content live has never been so simple regardless of the number of users or amount and type of content you are managing.

Chronicle gives you the creativity you want and the control you need. It combines an easy-to-use WYSIWYG editor with enterprise-class version management. You can create your own themes and content types, and can extend the product by creating modules and widgets. Chronicle is highly customizable, and we have taken great care to ensure that web developers will be able to do amazing things with it.

If you would like to know more about how to manage Chronicle, login, then explore the Administrator's Guide under the Help link. Here you can find more information on things like managing users, creating and managing new content types, or managing roles and permissions.

Customization and extension of a CMS is a key component for advanced use. Documentation on how to create and work with themes as well as extending the product through custom modules is available in the Developer's Guide under the help link.

Learn more about the Tableau theme features including changes to the toolbar, editing, and social integration in the Getting Started chapter of the documentation. This documentation also includes information about the Image Rotator widget used on the Tableau theme's cover page.

" sample-page.url.path = sample-page sample-page.contentType = basic-page sample-page.workflowState = published sample-page.title = Sample Page sample-page.image = shrine sample-page.body = "This is a sample page. A realistic page would have a lot more content! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." sample-page-2.url.path = sample-page-2 sample-page-2.contentType = basic-page sample-page-2.workflowState = published sample-page-2.title = Sample Page #2 sample-page-2.image = glacier sample-page-2.body = "

This is a sample page. A realistic page would have a lot more content!

Wayfarers kale chips polaroid vegan blog fanny pack, lo-fi twee cosby sweater chambray four loko mustache sriracha cred umami. Fanny pack food truck whatever bushwick twee, polaroid blog direct trade. Brooklyn retro twee, keytar salvia tumblr Austin high life selvage yr fingerstache echo park pickled gentrify gastropub. PBR vinyl pickled, echo park mumblecore mustache pour-over swag readymade wolf mlkshk chambray. Freegan ethical chambray pitchfork, blog readymade chillwave lo-fi cred kale chips odd future. Before they sold out sustainable viral locavore. Jean shorts mixtape ennui craft beer, Austin occupy food truck brooklyn wes anderson you probably haven't heard of them cliche scenester.

Viral odd future readymade salvia, gastropub trust fund williamsburg beard 3 wolf moon keytar. Pickled letterpress beard thundercats, narwhal brunch fanny pack vice readymade freegan dreamcatcher keffiyeh kogi leggings. Pitchfork terry richardson jean shorts, before they sold out VHS cray iphone pour-over fixie fanny pack. Bespoke wolf polaroid food truck authentic. Fixie high life bespoke williamsburg, kogi wes anderson locavore marfa before they sold out blog. Seitan brooklyn tumblr, VHS put a bird on it beard shoreditch cliche lomo next level. PBR organic wolf sustainable, skateboard polaroid lomo.

Sriracha scenester brunch, before they sold out stumptown direct trade fixie swag skateboard yr kogi next level banh mi lomo echo park. Jean shorts flexitarian mixtape keytar chambray PBR, marfa pop-up stumptown bespoke food truck pickled. Biodiesel odd future four loko selvage, tattooed messenger bag next level. Cray gluten-free etsy lo-fi. Sriracha kale chips cardigan cray brunch, tumblr sustainable. +1 skateboard godard before they sold out ethnic. Single-origin coffee art party williamsburg organic PBR, brunch fanny pack VHS ennui craft beer sartorial pop-up.

Narwhal lomo selvage, before they sold out vegan put a bird on it lo-fi skateboard craft beer typewriter organic direct trade wayfarers chambray chillwave. Mcsweeney's stumptown fixie lomo. Vegan typewriter seitan vice raw denim banh mi, chillwave wayfarers pork belly. Synth fanny pack vinyl selvage sustainable. Pop-up etsy hella squid farm-to-table next level. Mcsweeney's farm-to-table ethical, jean shorts pork belly readymade gluten-free twee viral. Portland sustainable umami aesthetic.

" [regions] cover.logo.title = Cover Logo cover.logo.type = widget/image cover.logo.class = cover-logo cover.logo.config.imageSource = remote cover.logo.config.imageUrl = {{theme:baseUrl}}/images/logo.png cover.background.title = Cover Background cover.background.type = widget/image-rotator cover.background.class = cover-background cover.background.config.images.0.id = glacier cover.background.config.images.0.caption = The Majestic Beauty of Tidewater Glaciers cover.background.config.images.1.id = creek cover.background.config.images.1.caption = Serene Rainforest Habitats with Easy Access cover.background.config.images.2.id = shrine cover.background.config.images.2.caption = The Jewel of Khmer Art cover.background.config.images.3.id = monastery cover.background.config.images.3.caption = "Buddhism Above 10,000 Feet" cover.background.config.images.4.id = rockies cover.background.config.images.4.caption = Spectacular Back-country Hiking cover-sidebar.action.title = Cover Action cover-sidebar.action.type = widget/text cover-sidebar.action.class = cover-action cover-sidebar.action.showTitle = false cover-sidebar.action.config.text = ' Read ' cover-sidebar.menu.title = Cover Links cover-sidebar.menu.type = menu/widget cover-sidebar.menu.class = cover-links cover-sidebar.menu.showTitle = false cover-sidebar.menu.config.menu = cover cover-sidebar.menu.config.maxDepth = 0 grid-header.logo.title = Grid Logo grid-header.logo.type = widget/image grid-header.logo.config.imageSource = remote grid-header.logo.config.imageUrl = {{theme:baseUrl}}/images/logo.png grid.welcome.title = Welcome to Perforce Chronicle grid.welcome.showTitle = true grid.welcome.order = -1 grid.welcome.type = widget/image grid.welcome.config.imageSource = remote grid.welcome.config.imageUrl = {{theme:baseUrl}}/images/content/goldstream-sm.jpg grid.welcome.config.link = /welcome grid.welcome.config.imageAlt = "The Goldstream estuary, near Victoria, Canada. Photo by Ewan Edwards." grid.shrine.title = The Jewel of Khmer Art grid.shrine.showTitle = true grid.shrine.type = widget/image grid.shrine.config.imageSource = remote grid.shrine.config.imageUrl = {{theme:baseUrl}}/images/content/banteay-srei-sm.jpg grid.shrine.config.link = /sample-page grid.shrine.config.imageAlt = "Banteay Srei is a 10th century Cambodian temple dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. Photo by Naomi Kuwabara." grid.monastery.title = "Buddhism Above 10,000 Feet" grid.monastery.showTitle = true grid.monastery.type = widget/image grid.monastery.config.imageSource = remote grid.monastery.config.imageUrl = {{theme:baseUrl}}/images/content/ganden-sumtseling-sm.jpg grid.monastery.config.link = /sample-page grid.monastery.config.imageAlt = "A Tibetan Buddhist monastery, built in 1679. Photo by Ray Su." grid.rockies.title = Spectacular Back-country Hiking grid.rockies.showTitle = true grid.rockies.type = widget/image grid.rockies.config.imageSource = remote grid.rockies.config.imageUrl = {{theme:baseUrl}}/images/content/rockies-sm.jpg grid.rockies.config.link = /sample-page-2 grid.rockies.config.imageAlt = "The British Columbia Rockies seen at sunset. Photo by DJ Mountney." grid.sunset.title = "California's Glowing Beaches" grid.sunset.showTitle = true grid.sunset.type = widget/image grid.sunset.config.imageSource = remote grid.sunset.config.imageUrl = {{theme:baseUrl}}/images/content/huntington-beach-sm.jpg grid.sunset.config.link = /sample-page grid.sunset.config.imageAlt = "Sunset on Huntington Beach, California. Photo by Ewan Edwards." grid.creek.title = Serene Rainforest Habitats with Easy Access grid.creek.showTitle = true grid.creek.type = widget/image grid.creek.config.imageSource = remote grid.creek.config.imageUrl = {{theme:baseUrl}}/images/content/cowichan-lake-sm.jpg grid.creek.config.link = /sample-page grid.creek.config.imageAlt = "A creek feeding into Cowichan Lake on Vancouver Island, Canada. Photo by Ewan Edwards." grid.glacier.title = The Majestic Beauty of Tidewater Glaciers grid.glacier.showTitle = true grid.glacier.type = widget/image grid.glacier.config.imageSource = remote grid.glacier.config.imageUrl = {{theme:baseUrl}}/images/content/glacier-sm.jpg grid.glacier.config.link = /sample-page-2 grid.glacier.config.imageAlt = "A glacier entering the Pacific Ocean in Alaska. Photo by Petr Havlik" grid.tofino.title = "B.C.'s Wild, Wet Coast" grid.tofino.showTitle = true grid.tofino.type = widget/image grid.tofino.config.imageSource = remote grid.tofino.config.imageUrl = {{theme:baseUrl}}/images/content/tofino-spray-sm.jpg grid.tofino.config.link = /sample-page grid.tofino.config.imageAlt = "Waves crash into coastline near Tofino, Canada. Photo by Ewan Edwards" grid.vancouver.title = Beautiful Urban Spaces grid.vancouver.showTitle = true grid.vancouver.type = widget/image grid.vancouver.config.imageSource = remote grid.vancouver.config.imageUrl = {{theme:baseUrl}}/images/content/vancouver-harbour-sm.jpg grid.vancouver.config.link = /sample-page-2 grid.vancouver.config.imageAlt = "Sailboats docked in Coal Harbour, overlooking downtown Vancouver. Photo by Petr Havlik" grid.victoria.title = Celebration Highlights grid.victoria.showTitle = true grid.victoria.type = widget/image grid.victoria.config.imageSource = remote grid.victoria.config.imageUrl = {{theme:baseUrl}}/images/content/victoria-day-fireworks-sm.jpg grid.victoria.config.link = /sample-page-2 grid.victoria.config.imageAlt = "Fireworks in Victoria for Canada Day celebrations. Photo by Ewan Edwards" [meta] name.viewport = 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no' [dojo] base.namespace = p4cms.mobile.base base.path = scripts/mobile/base full.namespace = p4cms.mobile full.path = scripts/mobile full.acl.site = access-toolbar [menus] cover.label = Cover cover.showInContentForm = true cover.welcome.label = Welcome cover.welcome.type = content cover.welcome.contentId = welcome cover.gallery.label = Scenic Gallery cover.gallery.type = content cover.gallery.contentId = gallery cover.shrine.label = Banteay Srei cover.shrine.type = content cover.shrine.contentId = sample-page cover.glacier.label = Tidewater Glaciers cover.glacier.type = content cover.glacier.contentId = sample-page-2 cover.login.handler = user.login-logout cover.login.order = 100