markup A string of formatting markup in text that is to be represented literally
tag A component of XML (or SGML) markup attribute An attribute attvalue An attribute value element An element emptytag An empty element tag endtag An end tag genentity A general entity localname The local name part of a qualified name namespace A namespace numcharref A numeric character reference paramentity A parameter entity pi A processing instruction prefix The prefix part of a qualified name comment An SGML comment starttag A start tag xmlpi An XML processing instruction Identifies the nature of the tag content Identifies the namespace of the tag content
symbol A name that is replaced by a value before processing Identifies the class of symbol limit The value is a limit of some kind
token A unit of information
literal Inline text that is some literal value
code An inline code fragment Identifies the (computer) language of the code fragment
constant A programming or system constant Identifies the class of constant limit The value is a limit of some kind