#CookieJar Simple robust cookie library ##Exports ###CookieAccessInfo(domain,path,secure,script) class to determine matching qualities of a cookie #####Properties * String domain - domain to match * String path - path to match * Boolean secure - access is secure (ssl generally) * Boolean script - access is from a script ###Cookie(cookiestr_or_cookie, request_domain, request_path) turns input into a Cookie (singleton if given a Cookie) the `request_domain` argument is used to default the domain if it is not explicit in the cookie string the `request_path` argument is used to set the path if it is not explicit in a cookie String. explicit domains/paths will cascade, implied domains/paths must *exactly* match (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie#Domain_and_Pat) #####Properties * String name - name of the cookie * String value - string associated with the cookie * String domain - domain to match (on a cookie a '.' at the start means a wildcard matching anything ending in the rest) * Boolean explicit_domain - if the domain was explicitly set via the cookie string * String path - base path to match (matches any path starting with this '/' is root) * Boolean explicit_path - if the path was explicitly set via the cookie string * Boolean noscript - if it should be kept from scripts * Boolean secure - should it only be transmitted over secure means * Number expiration_date - number of millis since 1970 at which this should be removed #####Methods * String toString() - the __set-cookie:__ string for this cookie * String toValueString() - the __cookie:__ string for this cookie * Cookie parse(cookiestr, request_domain, request_path) - parses the string onto this cookie or a new one if called directly * Boolean matches(access_info) - returns true if the access_info allows retrieval of this cookie * Boolean collidesWith(cookie) - returns true if the cookies cannot exist in the same space (domain and path match) ###CookieJar() class to hold numerous cookies from multiple domains correctly #####Methods * Cookie setCookie(cookie, request_domain, request_path) - add a cookie to the jar * Cookie[] setCookies(cookiestr_or_list, request_domain, request_path) - add a large number of cookies to the jar * Cookie getCookie(cookie_name,access_info) - get a cookie with the name and access_info matching * Cookie[] getCookies(access_info) - grab all cookies matching this access_info